Liberal policy continues to create failure worldwide

Republicans are in awe over at how well authoritarian regimes like Putin and Kim Jong-un and others of that ilk, how good they work.
Boom! Another progressive openly admitting that they think authoritarianism “works”.
Liberals as a general rule do not like communist countries like China.
Bwahahahahaha! You are unquestionably one of the dumbest people on USMB. Do a search on this board, dumb ass. You will see idiot liberals saying “but...but....but...China does it” over and over and over.
Show me.
Here's another prime example, sparky. The New York Times raving about China. Claiming the American Dream exists in China.

The American Dream Is Alive. In China.
They are deliberate failures. The more people they can shove into the serf class the more people the globalists control.

The obliteration of the world wide middle class is the goal.

The new FEUDAL system is the goal.
Liberals as a general rule do not like communist countries like China.
Bwahahahahaha! You are unquestionably one of the dumbest people on USMB. Do a search on this board, dumb ass. You will see idiot liberals saying “but...but....but...China does it” over and over and over.
Show me.
Here's another prime example, sparky. The New York Times raving about China. Claiming the American Dream exists in China.

The American Dream Is Alive. In China.
Remember this wonderful article from the ny times?

Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!
Opinion | Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!

Liberals as a general rule do not like communist countries like China.
Bwahahahahaha! You are unquestionably one of the dumbest people on USMB. Do a search on this board, dumb ass. You will see idiot liberals saying “but...but....but...China does it” over and over and over.
Show me.
Here's another prime example, sparky. The New York Times raving about China. Claiming the American Dream exists in China.

The American Dream Is Alive. In China.
Paywall, but I can guess what it's about from the title. China is turning capitalist as far as business environment goes, and since they are fairly new at it there are many niches to be filled and many opportunities for folks to be upwardly mobile.
Paywall, but I can guess what it's about from the title. China is turning capitalist as far as business environment goes, and since they are fairly new at it there are many niches to be filled and many opportunities for folks to be upwardly mobile.
And here we have another left-wing lunatic worshipping China, making weak and idiotic arguments to defend the indefensible, and denying reality.

China is a pure communist state. There is nothing even remotely “capitalist” about it. The state controls the internet. The state controls the news. The state has instituted severe censorship. And the state executes dissidents.
Paywall, but I can guess what it's about from the title. China is turning capitalist as far as business environment goes, and since they are fairly new at it there are many niches to be filled and many opportunities for folks to be upwardly mobile.
And here we have another left-wing lunatic worshipping China, making weak and idiotic arguments to defend the indefensible, and denying reality.

China is a pure communist state. There is nothing even remotely “capitalist” about it. The state controls the internet. The state controls the news. The state has instituted severe censorship. And the state executes dissidents.
Why do you lie? Do you think you can get away with it just because you let tRump do it? China is not a pure communist state at this point. Seriously kid, get outta the rwnj blogosphere every once in a while so you can stay in touch with reality.
China is a pure communist state. There is nothing even remotely “capitalist” about it. The state controls the internet. The state controls the news. The state has instituted severe censorship. And the state executes dissidents.
Why do you lie? China is not a pure communist state at this point.
Try not to choke as you swallow this, sweetie...
Censorship in the People's Republic of China (PRC) is implemented or mandated by the PRC's ruling party, the Communist Party of China (CPC). The government censors content for mainly political reasons, but also to maintain its control over the populace.
Your ignorance is astounding and is surpassed only by your arrogance. There is nothing worse than the ignorant spouting off about subject matter they know nothing about.

Censorship in China - Wikipedia
China is a pure communist state. There is nothing even remotely “capitalist” about it. The state controls the internet. The state controls the news. The state has instituted severe censorship. And the state executes dissidents.
Why do you lie? China is not a pure communist state at this point.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
China is a pure communist state. There is nothing even remotely “capitalist” about it. The state controls the internet. The state controls the news. The state has instituted severe censorship. And the state executes dissidents.
Why do you lie? China is not a pure communist state at this point.
Try not to choke as you swallow this, sweetie...
Censorship in the People's Republic of China (PRC) is implemented or mandated by the PRC's ruling party, the Communist Party of China (CPC). The government censors content for mainly political reasons, but also to maintain its control over the populace.
So I guess the real question is - why do you lie? You do it every post. Every single post. You’ve yet to post something that doesn’t include at least some lie. Why is that? Are you trolling? Are you looking for attention? Are you a sociopath/pathological liar?

Censorship in China - Wikipedia
Socialism never ends well. Ever.
When small family farms were taken over by the government and repackaged in giant government administered cooperatives in China and the Soviet Union, less food was produced, not more, and both countries suffered mass starvation.

Just like Venezuela. Just like Cuba. Just like Ethiopia. Just like every ghetto the Dumbocrats have created in the U.S.

The Empty Promises of Socialism
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like idiotic left-wing policy.
The protesters, upset with increasing taxes and the high cost of living, rioted Saturday in one of the city’s most popular tourist areas
Come on idiot left-wing minions break out all of the excuses now! Tell us how it’s the “lack” of socialism that is causing the collapse. Or tell us how it is the “corruption” of the government and not the socialism. Give us all of your usual avoid-reality-at-all-costs bullshit.

Chaos in Paris as rioters torch cars, smash windows; French President Macron plans emergency meeting
The liberal obsession , masking any and all reality in the partisan universe of engineered delusion and hate
This is how left-wing ideology always ends. With the complete and total oppression of the people.
Six years ago, the Venezuelan National Assembly, led by former President Hugo Chavez, enacted a law to disarm all citizens. Thousands of guns were seized by force, and now many citizens look back and regret that they gave up their ability to fight an oppressive regime, according to Fox News.
If only the left weren’t so against education, they would actually study (real) history and learn from it.

Venezuela took citizens' guns by force—now the people are regretful and helpless against oppression

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