Liberal Reporters Bringing Up"The Obama Job Boom",Leading Up To The Trump Economy. We're Not Stupid.

For eight years we were told jobs weren never coming back and that was the new normal we had to live with. Trump comes in and changes the dynamic and somehow Obies economy did that. So which one is true? They both can’t be.

Jobs creation slowed significantly in the first year of the Trump admin, the slowest year since 2010.

Is that the change in dynamic you are referring to?
Did it really? Or are these the best cherry picked numbers they could get? And where were jobs lost countering where they were added? Things are much better where I am. May not be true for the blue states but that’s not my problem.

The numbers are the numbers, they are the same numbers that you Trump zealots trot out when talking about what Trump has done.

And yes, the total jobs created is the calculation of jobs gained minus jobs lost, you can tell this is the case by the fact that the chart I gave has negative number on it.

If you are in Missouri as your name indicates, then things are not "much" better than they were two years ago, that is just false.
That’s the interesting thing isn’t it. Your numbers say it isn’t better yet it is. Things are moving, remodels happening, businesses upgrading. Where the opposite was happening under obie. They kept saying the numbers show everything was great. But it wasn’t. It was dead around here.

Maybe the government is doing the numbers wrong. Or they have an agenda we’re supposed to believe over actually living it.
For eight years we were told jobs weren never coming back and that was the new normal we had to live with. Trump comes in and changes the dynamic and somehow Obies economy did that. So which one is true? They both can’t be.
How can tanking the DOW and purposely crashing the economy be considered job growth?
What? When did that happen?
We all remember 2009. We were going down the toilet while Obama went on vacations

Do you understand the concept of time?
How can weekly unemployment claims ranging from 250k to 300k be considered job growth?
Liberal commentators have been lying over how great the economy was for the full 8 years of Obama,,,yah right! the middle class and poor were screwed so bad for those 8 years with an average 30% unemployment. and who was President when we were going down the toilet in 2009 and beyond? it wasnt Bush or Reagan?
For eight years we were told jobs weren never coming back and that was the new normal we had to live with. Trump comes in and changes the dynamic and somehow Obies economy did that. So which one is true? They both can’t be.
How can tanking the DOW and purposely crashing the economy be considered job growth?
What? When did that happen?
We all remember 2009. We were going down the toilet while Obama went on vacations
Ah ok.
For eight years we were told jobs weren never coming back and that was the new normal we had to live with. Trump comes in and changes the dynamic and somehow Obies economy did that. So which one is true? They both can’t be.

Jobs creation slowed significantly in the first year of the Trump admin, the slowest year since 2010.

Is that the change in dynamic you are referring to?
what's it been the last quarter or two? seems with the tax changes jobs are coming back in record numbers.
Oh yah.right after Obama took office.all our phones were ringling off the hook offering 250 million Americans jobs!

I think even you can figure out when things turned around:

For eight years we were told jobs weren never coming back and that was the new normal we had to live with. Trump comes in and changes the dynamic and somehow Obies economy did that. So which one is true? They both can’t be.

Jobs creation slowed significantly in the first year of the Trump admin, the slowest year since 2010.

Is that the change in dynamic you are referring to?
what's it been the last quarter or two? seems with the tax changes jobs are coming back in record numbers.

Does not look that impressive...the tax changes will not bring back jobs, since we are basically at full employment. They might lead to higher wages, but that is yet to be seen.

For eight years we were told jobs weren never coming back and that was the new normal we had to live with. Trump comes in and changes the dynamic and somehow Obies economy did that. So which one is true? They both can’t be.

Jobs creation slowed significantly in the first year of the Trump admin, the slowest year since 2010.

Is that the change in dynamic you are referring to?
Did it really? Or are these the best cherry picked numbers they could get? And where were jobs lost countering where they were added? Things are much better where I am. May not be true for the blue states but that’s not my problem.

The numbers are the numbers, they are the same numbers that you Trump zealots trot out when talking about what Trump has done.

And yes, the total jobs created is the calculation of jobs gained minus jobs lost, you can tell this is the case by the fact that the chart I gave has negative number on it.

If you are in Missouri as your name indicates, then things are not "much" better than they were two years ago, that is just false.
That’s the interesting thing isn’t it. Your numbers say it isn’t better yet it is. Things are moving, remodels happening, businesses upgrading. Where the opposite was happening under obie. They kept saying the numbers show everything was great. But it wasn’t. It was dead around here.

Maybe the government is doing the numbers wrong. Or they have an agenda we’re supposed to believe over actually living it.

Or maybe you should not base what is happening nationwide on what is happening in your little town.

Just a thought
and why do liberals only use the last two months of Bush as an example of his economy? its as if 2004/2005/2006 never happened.
For eight years we were told jobs weren never coming back and that was the new normal we had to live with. Trump comes in and changes the dynamic and somehow Obies economy did that. So which one is true? They both can’t be.
I'm watching Barney & Company now.I never heard so much good economic news like this during the Obama Recession

that seems an appropriate show for you...

This thread is just another RWNJ, they seem to do this:
All bad news is a Democrats fault
All Good News is a Trump win

If you got no good news just invent it, people like Rexx are easy fooled...
and how many times has the DOW crashed significantly since Trump became President in 2016?

The same number of times that it crashed signitically after Obama became President in 2009.

By the way, Trump did not become President in 2016.

But we are overdue and there will be a major correction before the end of 2019. you can take that to the bank
This thread is just another RWNJ, they seem to do this:
All bad news is a Democrats fault
All Good News is a Trump win

If you got no good news just invent it, people like Rexx are easy fooled...

you have to give rexx a bit of slack, he gets his news from Barney.

I love the irony of this particular OP with the apparent intellectual capacity of a five-year-old posting "we're not stupid".
:CryingCow: Does the left actually believe we had any kind of job boom from 2009 to the fall of 2016? :haha:
They are still laughing at this claim on any Fox News Program.
Yah right,,,we were gaining 250,000 jobs a month since January 2009. Obama was creating 3 to 5 Million jobs a year! :lalala:
Fact: There was no job growth under Obama. How can there be any job growth while the national debt was growing at least One Trillion a Year !!!! ???

Which part is confusing to you?

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