Liberal Reporters Bringing Up"The Obama Job Boom",Leading Up To The Trump Economy. We're Not Stupid.

...and the FACT remains....


"You didn't Build THIS..."


You Built THIS:

Nearly $7 Trillion in Debt In the 1st 4 Years...

1st Credit Rating Downgrade In US History...

1st President to Increase Food Stamp Spending By More Than 100% in Less Than Four Years

First President Since 1872 to See the U.S. Economy Sink From 1st to 2nd Largest in the World (Financial Times)

1st President to Negotiate a Deal to Transfer $150 Billion to the World's Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism

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The net number of jobs created while Obama was president is 10,479,000.

Just for comparison sake, the net number of jobs created while Bush II was president was 2,115,000.

For those not good with math, that means that during the 8 years of 2009-2016 4.95 times as many jobs were created as were in the 8 years of 2001-2008

Do I need to explain what "net" means? I am not sure Barney ever got to that.
Actually Bush's "net" jobs total was a negative number because you forgot to factor in Bush's doubling of the number of unemployed from 6 million to 12 million. Obama reduced the Republican's 12 million unemployed to 7.6 million.

I am going by the numbers that I posted from the BLS. I am not here to make political commentary, just present the facts.
The doubling of the unemployed from 6 million to 12 million IS from the BLS.

The numbers I gave were a direct calculation of the numbers published by the BLS. If you have an issue with my math please feel free to show me where I went wrong.
The numbers are the numbers, they are the same numbers that you Trump zealots trot out when talking about what Trump has done.

And yes, the total jobs created is the calculation of jobs gained minus jobs lost, you can tell this is the case by the fact that the chart I gave has negative number on it.

If you are in Missouri as your name indicates, then things are not "much" better than they were two years ago, that is just false.
That’s the interesting thing isn’t it. Your numbers say it isn’t better yet it is. Things are moving, remodels happening, businesses upgrading. Where the opposite was happening under obie. They kept saying the numbers show everything was great. But it wasn’t. It was dead around here.

Maybe the government is doing the numbers wrong. Or they have an agenda we’re supposed to believe over actually living it.

Or maybe you should not base what is happening nationwide on what is happening in your little town.

Just a thought
Why wouldn’t I do that? I’m supposed to vote for and support policies that help someone somewhere but not me? That would be stupid.

I am not telling you how to vote, I am pointing out the lack of logic in dismissing national economic numbers based upon the little town you live in.
Of course. Because those of out here in flyover were too dumb to see the booming obie economy so must be too dumb to see the Trump recession now. Must be all those bibles and guns clouding our vision.
the loons seem to only use the unemployment facts of Bush's final year when the rats had control of the house, and making sure that banks gave loans to anyone that was breathing,,,with depositer's moneys !!!!!
That’s the interesting thing isn’t it. Your numbers say it isn’t better yet it is. Things are moving, remodels happening, businesses upgrading. Where the opposite was happening under obie. They kept saying the numbers show everything was great. But it wasn’t. It was dead around here.

Maybe the government is doing the numbers wrong. Or they have an agenda we’re supposed to believe over actually living it.

Or maybe you should not base what is happening nationwide on what is happening in your little town.

Just a thought
Why wouldn’t I do that? I’m supposed to vote for and support policies that help someone somewhere but not me? That would be stupid.

I am not telling you how to vote, I am pointing out the lack of logic in dismissing national economic numbers based upon the little town you live in.
Of course. Because those of out here in flyover were too dumb to see the booming obie economy so must be too dumb to see the Trump recession now. Must be all those bibles and guns clouding our vision.
the loons seem to only use the unemployment facts of Bush's final year when the rats had control of the house, and making sure that banks gave loans to anyone that was breathing,,,with depositer's moneys !!!!!

I gave you the total job numbers for the 8 years of both presidents.
:CryingCow: Does the left actually believe we had any kind of job boom from 2009 to the fall of 2016? :haha:
They are still laughing at this claim on any Fox News Program.
Yah right,,,we were gaining 250,000 jobs a month since January 2009. Obama was creating 3 to 5 Million jobs a year! :lalala:
Fact: There was no job growth under Obama. How can there be any job growth while the national debt was growing at least One Trillion a Year !!!! ???
LOL No, you are not stupid. You are just super stupid lying sons of bitches. No job boom? We went from 10% unemployment to under 5% in the terms of President Obama. More than tripled the Dow. And the treasonous fat senile old orange clown and you assholes seek to state that was your work. Do you think the rest of the American people are as dumb as you are?
Bush's final year when the rats had control of the house, and making sure that banks gave loans to anyone that was breathing,,,with depositer's moneys !!!!!
Actually that was Bush's Dec 2003 ADDI that gave loans to unqualified borrowers, which was the final year of Bush's FIRST TERM when the GOP swamp controlled both houses and the presidency.
Oh yah.right after Obama took office.all our phones were ringling off the hook offering 250 million Americans jobs!
LOL Right after President Obama took office, the nation was nearly in the Second Great Republican Depression. President Obama did the necessary things to put the nation back on the path to prosperity. You assholes did everything that you could to try to make that Recession into a Depression.
Oh yah.right after Obama took office.all our phones were ringling off the hook offering 250 million Americans jobs!
LOL Right after President Obama took office, the nation was nearly in the Second Great Republican Depression. President Obama did the necessary things to put the nation back on the path to prosperity. You assholes did everything that you could to try to make that Recession into a Depression.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
Oh yah.right after Obama took office.all our phones were ringling off the hook offering 250 million Americans jobs!
LOL Right after President Obama took office, the nation was nearly in the Second Great Republican Depression. President Obama did the necessary things to put the nation back on the path to prosperity. You assholes did everything that you could to try to make that Recession into a Depression.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
Dems 2018:

Please crash stock market.
Tax cuts aren't your money and will ruin America.
You're much worse off without government healthcare.
Oh yah.right after Obama took office.all our phones were ringling off the hook offering 250 million Americans jobs!
LOL Right after President Obama took office, the nation was nearly in the Second Great Republican Depression. President Obama did the necessary things to put the nation back on the path to prosperity. You assholes did everything that you could to try to make that Recession into a Depression.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
Dems 2018:

Please crash stock market.
Tax cuts aren't your money and will ruin America.
You're much worse off without government healthcare.

Amazing how like you party zealots are, regardless of which party is....two side of the same coin

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Oh yah.right after Obama took office.all our phones were ringling off the hook offering 250 million Americans jobs!
LOL Right after President Obama took office, the nation was nearly in the Second Great Republican Depression. President Obama did the necessary things to put the nation back on the path to prosperity. You assholes did everything that you could to try to make that Recession into a Depression.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
Dems 2018:

Please crash stock market.
Tax cuts aren't your money and will ruin America.
You're much worse off without government healthcare.
I followed the stock market right thru the 8 year Obama Recession.not once was there any positive indicators of a booming economy to come.we were at a snails pace till Trump beat Hillary in a Reagan Landslide
Oh yah.right after Obama took office.all our phones were ringling off the hook offering 250 million Americans jobs!
LOL Right after President Obama took office, the nation was nearly in the Second Great Republican Depression. President Obama did the necessary things to put the nation back on the path to prosperity. You assholes did everything that you could to try to make that Recession into a Depression.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
Dems 2018:

Please crash stock market.
Tax cuts aren't your money and will ruin America.
You're much worse off without government healthcare.
I followed the stock market right thru the 8 year Obama Recession.not once was there any positive indicators of a booming economy to come.we were at a snails pace till Trump beat Hillary in a Reagan Landslide

300% gain in less than 6 years. That is not a snails pace, but it is a sustainable pace.

Right now it is just a race to the next correction

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till Trump beat Hillary in a Reagan Landslide

Is there anything you post that is not 100% false? If I was a Trump zealot I would be pissed that you are making the rest of them look bad, but I guess you are a true representative of their level of knowledge.

For the record, Reagan won with 97% and 90% of the EC votes, Trump did not even get 57%. Trump's margin of victory in the EC was one of the smallest in the history of the country.
The Great Obama brought 13 million new jobs

Fat Donnie has 172 million Americans not working
:CryingCow: Does the left actually believe we had any kind of job boom from 2009 to the fall of 2016? :haha:
They are still laughing at this claim on any Fox News Program.
Yah right,,,we were gaining 250,000 jobs a month since January 2009. Obama was creating 3 to 5 Million jobs a year! :lalala:
Fact: There was no job growth under Obama. How can there be any job growth while the national debt was growing at least One Trillion a Year !!!! ???

You pick and choose which facts you believe.

Like… she's not really your sister.
For eight years we were told jobs weren never coming back and that was the new normal we had to live with. Trump comes in and changes the dynamic and somehow Obies economy did that. So which one is true? They both can’t be.

Jobs creation slowed significantly in the first year of the Trump admin, the slowest year since 2010.

Is that the change in dynamic you are referring to?
Did it really? Or are these the best cherry picked numbers they could get? And where were jobs lost countering where they were added? Things are much better where I am. May not be true for the blue states but that’s not my problem.

The numbers are the numbers, they are the same numbers that you Trump zealots trot out when talking about what Trump has done.

And yes, the total jobs created is the calculation of jobs gained minus jobs lost, you can tell this is the case by the fact that the chart I gave has negative number on it.

If you are in Missouri as your name indicates, then things are not "much" better than they were two years ago, that is just false.
That’s the interesting thing isn’t it. Your numbers say it isn’t better yet it is. Things are moving, remodels happening, businesses upgrading. Where the opposite was happening under obie. They kept saying the numbers show everything was great. But it wasn’t. It was dead around here.

Maybe the government is doing the numbers wrong. Or they have an agenda we’re supposed to believe over actually living it.
how come Liberals never gloat over the 9 to 10 or so million people who filed for unemployment in 2009?

Cause that was a result of the Bush administration...
I still think the Trump boom started under Reagan.....then both Bushes!!!!!

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