Liberal returns adopted child

Can you highlight the word liberal in the story??
Woah there, if its a slow day with no results coming up for the daily tranny and gay sex news search poor novasteve has to work with whatever material he can find to grind his ax.

It is inspirational, with no tools at his disposal novasteve is posting his hate on pure perseverance and heart at this point... a true warrior!
Can you highlight the word liberal in the story??
Woah there, if its a slow day with no results coming up for the daily tranny and gay sex news search poor novasteve has to work with whatever material he can to grind his ax.

It is inspirational, with no tools at his disposal novasteve is posting his hate on pure perseverance and heart at this point... a true warrior!

Guaranteed a place at the left hand of God for such perseverance.
Anyone who describes a family as diverse and feeling self righteous about it is a limp wristed liberal
I saw that on yahoo news. Idiot should have known better than to adopt a child of another species. Negro's aren't full evolved race yet..probably never will be. Also she said she was afraid she would have to spank it! LMAO....seriously?
A lot of people return adopted kids. It's why they started the 'safe haven' zone campaign like at local firehouses. Can drop a kid off there as a kind of no-fault relinquishing of parental rights. Whereas if you just abandon them somewhere that'd be a criminal charge.
A lot of people return adopted kids. It's why they started the 'safe haven' zone campaign like at local firehouses. Can drop a kid off there as a kind of no-fault relinquishing of parental rights. Whereas if you just abandon them somewhere that'd be a criminal charge.

Don't they have laws that protect mothers from prosecution if they drop off newborns at a safe house type place?
Do you really doubt this person is a liberal? The idiot even compared a tantrum throwing child to 'domestic violence' only liberals are that fucking stupid.
A lot of people return adopted kids. It's why they started the 'safe haven' zone campaign like at local firehouses. Can drop a kid off there as a kind of no-fault relinquishing of parental rights. Whereas if you just abandon them somewhere that'd be a criminal charge.

Don't they have laws that protect mothers from prosecution if they drop off newborns at a safe house type place?

Ya, newborn or older kids doesn't matter at safe haven locales. Afaik anyway, might vary a bit state to state.
Do you really doubt this person is a liberal?
This is a weird question novasteve, because you're asking it from your own personal context where things like gay and liberal must be obsessed over, most can't relate to that frame of reference. In other words, 99% of people don't view everything they see in the world in terms of whether it can be associated with evil liberals, or whether it includes gay sex references. We don't care if someone is liberal or conservative.

You are somewhat unique, and I'm quite sure it is a wretched angry existence.
If she were wearing a NASCAR tank top, holding a gun and quoting form the Bible, she would immediately be labeled a conservative. Turnabout is fair play.
She talked Bout diversity being important

She then felt guilty about even thinking about spanking the child
She talked Bout diversity being important

She then felt guilty about even thinking about spanking the child
I saw that on yahoo news. Idiot should have known better than to adopt a child of another species. Negro's aren't full evolved race yet..probably never will be. Also she said she was afraid she would have to spank it! LMAO....seriously?

wtfs? :eek:
I saw that on yahoo news. Idiot should have known better than to adopt a child of another species. Negro's aren't full evolved race yet..probably never will be. Also she said she was afraid she would have to spank it! LMAO....seriously?

You're really stupid.

I mean, really really stupid.

And, quite mentally ill.

You and trannysteve have a lot in common - including every post containing lies.
If she were wearing a NASCAR tank top, holding a gun and quoting form the Bible, she would immediately be labeled a conservative. Turnabout is fair play.

If you're trying to be as mentally deficient as steve and orion, you're definitely getting there.

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