Liberal roll call

I agree and I support Biden. Got some examples of what hate Biden supports?

Hatred of all conservatives, all Trump supporters, all legal gun owners, all Christians, all pro-life people, all school choice advocates, all unvaccinated people, all Republicans, all homeschoolers, all legal immigrants, and all Hispanics.

You also hate everyone in those groups, hence your support for the little hate cult.
Hardly, those were a list of my values, the ones upon which I base my actions. You want vague, rosy notions talk to TNHarley about his recent post.
Which were vague, rosy notions of something good, noble and just: the advent of which you expect will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Don't work like that is all.
One of the most basic tenets of liberalism has to do with protecting the individual against the powerful.

Not one Democrat I have seen on has defended the rights of small business owners to be able to run theirs business during covod while the powerul megacorps were all allowed to do. This represents the very antithesis of liberalism.

Good grief, the Democrats were even proud that they created a group of undermenschen - the "non-essential"
If you read more carefully you'd see I don't blame Trump for where the bus is heading, only that he is not hitting the brake. Politicians generally reflect the people (e.g., Biden) but some are charismatic enough (e.g., Trump) to actually LEAD the people.
You should care where the bus was heading. You just shouldn't react emotionally to it. Which just happens to be my biggest complaint with modern liberalism.

P.S. Where's that quote that painted you with broad brushed strokes. I'm beginning to believe you couldn't find it either.
covid, healthcare, smoking, the free market, privacy, BAKE THE CAKE!
Do you want more? I have hundreds.
covid - no idea what this mean, Dems never voted for it
healthcare - seems like being able to afford care is key to my liberty
smoking - I don't know if there are Federal law here but second-hand smoke is foul
free market - this requires strict government oversight to keep it free
privacy - not sure what Dems have done in this regard
covid - no idea what this mean, Dems never voted for it
the govt shut shit down over it. Mostly dems.
healthcare - seems like being able to afford care is key to my liberty
not at the expense of others
smoking - I don't know if there are Federal law here but second-hand smoke is foul
vape flavorings, menthol cigs
free market - this requires strict government oversight to keep it free
umm no. That is literally the opposite of a free market. Again, please let me send you a dictionary
privacy - not sure what Dems have done in this regard
the govt has destroyed our privacy. it isnt just dems.
"Taxing" people unless they buy health insurance from a third party.
Healthcare in this country is a complex issue so focusing on a small part of it and ignoring the whole is dishonest. In this country anyone can go to an emergency room even if they can't pay. Someone pays so it is a hidden tax. Which do you prefer?
the govt shut shit down over it. Mostly dems.
Protecting people based on the best available info seems like a reasonable thing to do. Hindsight may prove it was good idea or not.

not at the expense of others
So we should make emergency room visits cash only? We should also let the children of dead beat parents suffer. Got it.

vape flavorings, menthol cigs
You have a point here.

umm no. That is literally the opposite of a free market. Again, please let me send you a dictionary
Has there ever been a time and place where a free market remained free over time? Please let me send you a history book.

the govt has destroyed our privacy. it isnt just dems.
The gov't has done a poor job of ensuring companies respect our privacy.

Healthcare in this country is a complex issue so focusing on a small part of it and ignoring the whole is dishonest. In this country anyone can go to an emergency room even if they can't pay. Someone pays so it is a hidden tax. Which do you prefer?
First of all the level of deceit and incompetence was off the chart. It's not a tax. Wait. It has to be a tax. Ok. It's a tax. But it's such a bad idea no one enforces the tax. It didn't do anything except to set the precedent that the federal government can tax you if you don't buy things.

Secondly, this conversation isn't about the merits of national healthcare single payer systems (which it wasn't) it's about liberty. Being taxed for not purchasing a product sure seems like a violation of liberty to me. What do you think?
First of all the level of deceit and incompetence was off the chart. It's not a tax. Wait. It has to be a tax. Ok. It's a tax. But it's such a bad idea no one enforces the tax. It didn't do anything except to set the precedent that the federal government can tax you if you don't buy things.

Secondly, this conversation isn't about the merits of national healthcare single payer systems (which it wasn't) it's about liberty. Being taxed for not purchasing a product sure seems like a violation of liberty to me. What do you think?
To give you the 'liberty' you seem to crave we would need to provide medical care, emergency or otherwise, only to those rich enough to afford them. We'd have to refuse care to the children of parents who can't afford insurance. You may be willing to accept that but I'm not.

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