Liberal sissies ban Valentines day at Elementary school

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up.

Which by the way is why he ran away. That's what he does when his bullshit strawman is called out. And he's good at running away, 'cause he gets a lot of practice.

In effect, the only entity that can link to the OP's source for his title theme..... is his proctologist. And we can do without that shit.
The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam. It's called a logical assumption, since there is no other, logical reason.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up. Only leftist would shit on traditional American holidays, another, logical, assumption based on past actions.

That's why you don't understand or care.

Nnnnnnnnope. That's called assuming facts not in evidence. You can't just plug in your own content because it would be like, so kewl if it was in there.

You've got strawmen, red herrings --- this is a logical fallacy train wreck right here.

And by the way, learn how we form plurals in English. The plural of "leftist" would be "leftists". It isn't like "deer".
nobody cares what spilleng nizas have to say.

"Niza" huh? Is that Ludy Garland's daughter?

the rest is just ignorance to make yourself feel better.

leftist run schools, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

Argumentum ad populum -- the old "everybody knows" fallacy. With no link to the populum. You just declared "I say X, and everybody knows it". Which is absolute ocelot shit.
You have to wonder why they whine about schools being all "leftist run"...Why? Is it because RWrs aren't smart enough to become teachers? Is that what Two Thumbs thinks? And if not, why does he believe that RWrs aren't teachers?

Another one of the Borg is trying the same thing simultaneously with "cities". It's some kind of scoreboard over at Partisan Hack Stadium where they all try to score what they think is "points".
How do the conservatives here handle being constantly in a state of faux-outrage?

I'm just curious. I'm sure a lot of others are as well. It can't be good for a person, being in a constant state of hysterical meltdown.

There's nothing "faux" about how we feel to see our American traditions one by one torn down.
Valentines Day is an American tradition? :lmao:
yea, we celebrated every year, while you were in school, just like every other kid.

So...when in American history did Americans come up with Valentines Day? Was it the same Americans who came up with the Christmas Tree? And the Easter Egg? And the Jack O'Lantern?

So b/c your school took time off for these days, but didn't have them in books....

I really should read a dictionary, calling that a stewpud come back, just lacks the umph for how bad it really is.
Well, I hope to add to the push back. I emailed a letter to the school, Bruce Vento elementary in St. Paul.

Told them what I thought of taking away an hour of fun for the children after months of work. What jerks we have being responsible for the education of our children. Isn't any time for enjoyment allowed. So much for well rounded youth.

What is his email?...Post the link here and we all can slam him..

Found one for the principal. The other one doesn't work.

[email protected]

I don't think that good idea somehow.
Liberals are too afraid to tell anyone who is NOT of European decent, that a celebration like Valentines Day or Halloween, etc, are an American tradition and that they like all Americans are welcome to join the celebration if they like.
Instead, they will suspend these traditions in utter fear that they may offend the person.
White liberals are the biggest pussies on the face of the earth. It's no wonder attacks like that occurred for instance in Cologne Germany happen.
The outsiders of other races know that much of the time the white hosts will roll over to their demands.

Which is why we need to fight this stuff, these are OUR traditions, they've been OUR traditions for Centuries. So what do the Leftists ultimately want to replace them with?


View attachment 61887

This, glasses optional:

View attachment 61890

This mass wedding of 7 year-old to 10 year-old girls to adult males - we call this PAEDOPHILIA:

View attachment 61891

This Bacha Bazi tradition, again paedophilia, this one involving young boys they dress as girls, get them to perform some exotic dance, then dirty paedophiles buy said young boy and proceed to anally rape him....THIS is of course LEGAL and is an Ancient Tradition in the "Religion of Love and Peace":

View attachment 61892

Young boy been bought by this filthy savage freak:

View attachment 61893

Here's the story of the Bacha Bazi from Ancient times until now:

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This apparently is what Leftists want. They want to convert OUR Western Civilisation and OUR Traditions with the above.
Because not handing out V-day cards in school leads to this crap.
How do the conservatives here handle being constantly in a state of faux-outrage?

I'm just curious. I'm sure a lot of others are as well. It can't be good for a person, being in a constant state of hysterical meltdown.

There's nothing "faux" about how we feel to see our American traditions one by one torn down.
Valentines Day is an American tradition? :lmao:
yea, we celebrated every year, while you were in school, just like every other kid.

So...when in American history did Americans come up with Valentines Day? Was it the same Americans who came up with the Christmas Tree? And the Easter Egg? And the Jack O'Lantern?

So b/c your school took time off for these days, but didn't have them in books....

I really should read a dictionary, calling that a stewpud come back, just lacks the umph for how bad it really is.
English next time, please.
How to the conservatives here handle being constantly in a state of faux-outrage?

I'm just curious. I'm sure a lot of others are as well. It can't be good for a person, being in a constant state of hysterical meltdown.

I'm thinkin' it's like some kinda endorphin addiction.

Maybe the caffeine addiction, Caffeine OD :tongue:

Ah, that's Longknife. :coffee:

We're gonna spike his coffee beans with popcorn. Oughta be fun.
Just more proof Islam is incompatible with Civilization.
Can you explain how this Valentines Day cry fest by RWrs is connected in any way with Islam?

If you watch the video and read the links, Islam forbids St. Valentine's Day.

Irrelevant. There's the same amount of mention of Islam in the article as there is about "Liberals", i.e zero.

Okay, so you starting trouble? :popcorn::tank:
Is the actual reason St. Paul school doing this, perhaps because Islam forbids celebrating Valentine's Day? Is it another example of Leftist's supporting Islam and Islamic "values"?

View attachment 61873

View attachment 61874

Here's one Islamic, speaking about Valentine's Day and why Muslims forbid it's celebrating, he's gets fully into Valentine's Day around the 2 minute section of video:

From their own websites:

Ruling on celebrating Valentine’s Day -

Why Do We Muslims Not Celebrate Valentines Day

Valentines Day: Can We Celebrate it? - Al Quran Classes

Liberals are too afraid to tell anyone who is NOT of European decent, that a celebration like Valentines Day or Halloween, etc, are an American tradition and that they like all Americans are welcome to join the celebration if they like.
Instead, they will suspend these traditions in utter fear that they may offend the person.
White liberals are the biggest pussies on the face of the earth. It's no wonder attacks like that occurred for instance in Cologne Germany happen.
The outsiders of other races know that much of the time the white hosts will roll over to their demands.

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up.

Which by the way is why he ran away. That's what he does when his bullshit strawman is called out. And he's good at running away, 'cause he gets a lot of practice.

In effect, the only entity that can link to the OP's source for his title theme..... is his proctologist. And we can do without that shit.

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam. It's called a logical assumption, since there is no other, logical reason.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up. Only leftist would shit on traditional American holidays, another, logical, assumption based on past actions.

That's why you don't understand or care.

Nnnnnnnnope. That's called assuming facts not in evidence. You can't just plug in your own content because it would be like, so kewl if it was in there.

You've got strawmen, red herrings --- this is a logical fallacy train wreck right here.

And by the way, learn how we form plurals in English. The plural of "leftist" would be "leftists". It isn't like "deer".

nobody cares what spilleng nizas have to say.

"Niza" huh? Is that Ludy Garland's daughter?

the rest is just ignorance to make yourself feel better.

leftist run schools, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

Argumentum ad populum -- the old "everybody knows" fallacy. With no link to the populum. You just declared "I say X, and everybody knows it". Which is absolute ocelot shit.

reality means nothing to leftist.

If you actually need links, goddamn, living that ignorant of the world is shocking to me
The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up.

Which by the way is why he ran away. That's what he does when his bullshit strawman is called out. And he's good at running away, 'cause he gets a lot of practice.

In effect, the only entity that can link to the OP's source for his title theme..... is his proctologist. And we can do without that shit.
The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam. It's called a logical assumption, since there is no other, logical reason.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up. Only leftist would shit on traditional American holidays, another, logical, assumption based on past actions.

That's why you don't understand or care.

Nnnnnnnnope. That's called assuming facts not in evidence. You can't just plug in your own content because it would be like, so kewl if it was in there.

You've got strawmen, red herrings --- this is a logical fallacy train wreck right here.

And by the way, learn how we form plurals in English. The plural of "leftist" would be "leftists". It isn't like "deer".
nobody cares what spilleng nizas have to say.

"Niza" huh? Is that Ludy Garland's daughter?

the rest is just ignorance to make yourself feel better.

leftist run schools, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

Argumentum ad populum -- the old "everybody knows" fallacy. With no link to the populum. You just declared "I say X, and everybody knows it". Which is absolute ocelot shit.
reality means nothing to leftist.

If you actually need links, goddamn, living that ignorant of the world is shocking to me

What's "links"? Are we back to English plurals again in mid-sentence?

Ah, the Illiterati. No one knows where they come from or why they don't go back....
Silly. Valentine's Day was always super fun at our school. We would decorate our own bags and put candies/valentines in them. It was always a great day. Boo!

No kidding!

I believe some of these Educators were the kid that got no card nor had a date to prom that was not their sister, mother or cousin!

( Yes I am going there )

Also Valentines Day is not a white only holiday, and I would get plenty of cards from African America, Hispanic and Asian girls, so I do not get the notion white only holiday!
Just more proof Islam is incompatible with Civilization.
Can you explain how this Valentines Day cry fest by RWrs is connected in any way with Islam?

If you watch the video and read the links, Islam forbids St. Valentine's Day.

Irrelevant. There's the same amount of mention of Islam in the article as there is about "Liberals", i.e zero.

Okay, so you starting trouble? :popcorn::tank:

Nope. Continuing it. :D
How do the conservatives here handle being constantly in a state of faux-outrage?

I'm just curious. I'm sure a lot of others are as well. It can't be good for a person, being in a constant state of hysterical meltdown.

There's nothing "faux" about how we feel to see our American traditions one by one torn down.
Valentines Day is an American tradition? :lmao:
yea, we celebrated every year, while you were in school, just like every other kid.

So...when in American history did Americans come up with Valentines Day? Was it the same Americans who came up with the Christmas Tree? And the Easter Egg? And the Jack O'Lantern?


Hey Christmas is German and Christmas Trees German invention.
You think reading about this is bad? Try living it. I got a new principal 4 years ago and it's been hell. She's such a PC dickbag that I can't come up with the words to describe her.
Poor you.

Thanks. It could be worse, at least I've been there long enough that I can't be fired unless I f up really bad so I can get away with disregarding a lot of her PC horsecrap.
That's good. Often it's the smug, self satisfied, superior look they have on their faces as they spout their absurdities that gets me.
Let's make this simple. Why is it that every religion, culture, belief on earth is more valid than our Christian ones? And much like we tell our Yankee brothers and sisters, why do you screw up your own backyard and then come down here and tell us how we are doing everything wrong? If you want to be an American first and whatever second, I welcome you. If your plan is to be a whatever first and an American second, stay home.

And claims by posters that this anti Americanism is rare, unsubstantiated, and a fantasy of RW kooks is the height of naïveté. They definitely hav not been on any college campuses lately. But then denying the obvious is a hallmark of alinskys acolytes.
The letter listed the holidays that the East Side school will no longer celebrate as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Masini said the decision was made in consultation with his staff"

What the hell is the matter with these people? Someone make it stop

They just don't know what how great Valentine's Day is, I think we should send these Leftist Sissys some Valentine's Card's, how about this one for instance? :smoke:

View attachment 61865

Awww. Sweet piggies.

"Awww. Sweet piggies."

Yes, I like the pigs, pigs are our friends, especially the baby pigs :smile:

How do the conservatives here handle being constantly in a state of faux-outrage?

I'm just curious. I'm sure a lot of others are as well. It can't be good for a person, being in a constant state of hysterical meltdown.

There's nothing "faux" about how we feel to see our American traditions one by one torn down.
Valentines Day is an American tradition? :lmao:
yea, we celebrated every year, while you were in school, just like every other kid.

So...when in American history did Americans come up with Valentines Day? Was it the same Americans who came up with the Christmas Tree? And the Easter Egg? And the Jack O'Lantern?


Hey Christmas is German and Christmas Trees German invention.
No kidding. think?
Let's make this simple. Why is it that every religion, culture, belief on earth is more valid than our Christian ones? And much like we tell our Yankee brothers and sisters, why do you screw up your own backyard and then come down here and tell us how we are doing everything wrong? If you want to be an American first and whatever second, I welcome you. If your plan is to be a whatever first and an American second, stay home.

And claims by posters that this anti Americanism is rare, unsubstantiated, and a fantasy of RW kooks is the height of naïveté. They definitely hav not been on any college campuses lately. But then denying the obvious is a hallmark of alinskys acolytes.
Lovely rant you've got there.
Let's make this simple. Why is it that every religion, culture, belief on earth is more valid than our Christian ones? And much like we tell our Yankee brothers and sisters, why do you screw up your own backyard and then come down here and tell us how we are doing everything wrong? If you want to be an American first and whatever second, I welcome you. If your plan is to be a whatever first and an American second, stay home.

And claims by posters that this anti Americanism is rare, unsubstantiated, and a fantasy of RW kooks is the height of naïveté. They definitely hav not been on any college campuses lately. But then denying the obvious is a hallmark of alinskys acolytes.
Lovely rant you've got there.

I like his diaresis. That was impressive. After that though it was all downhill.

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