Liberal sissies ban Valentines day at Elementary school

and other "dominant holidays" because they aren't inclusive enough for the limp wristed liberal brigade.

St. Paul school kisses Valentine's Day, other 'dominant holidays,' goodbye

Is the actual reason St. Paul school doing this, perhaps because Islam forbids celebrating Valentine's Day? Is it another example of Leftist's supporting Islam and Islamic "values"?

View attachment 61873

View attachment 61874

Here's one Islamic, speaking about Valentine's Day and why Muslims forbid it's celebrating, he's gets fully into Valentine's Day around the 2 minute section of video:

From their own websites:

Ruling on celebrating Valentine’s Day -

Why Do We Muslims Not Celebrate Valentines Day

Valentines Day: Can We Celebrate it? - Al Quran Classes


Yeah in the 7th Century Satanic Cult, Valentine's Day is evil, but rape is okay and treating women like horsecrap, that's okay also.
Liberals are too afraid to tell anyone who is NOT of European decent, that a celebration like Valentines Day or Halloween, etc, are an American tradition and that they like all Americans are welcome to join the celebration if they like.
Instead, they will suspend these traditions in utter fear that they may offend the person.
White liberals are the biggest pussies on the face of the earth. It's no wonder attacks like that occurred for instance in Cologne Germany happen.
The outsiders of other races know that much of the time the white hosts will roll over to their demands.
and other "dominant holidays" because they aren't inclusive enough for the limp wristed liberal brigade.

St. Paul school kisses Valentine's Day, other 'dominant holidays,' goodbye

Is the actual reason St. Paul school doing this, perhaps because Islam forbids celebrating Valentine's Day? Is it another example of Leftist's supporting Islam and Islamic "values"?

View attachment 61873

View attachment 61874

Here's one Islamic, speaking about Valentine's Day and why Muslims forbid it's celebrating, he's gets fully into Valentine's Day around the 2 minute section of video:

From their own websites:

Ruling on celebrating Valentine’s Day -

Why Do We Muslims Not Celebrate Valentines Day

Valentines Day: Can We Celebrate it? - Al Quran Classes

Liberals are too afraid to tell anyone who is NOT of European decent, that a celebration like Valentines Day or Halloween, etc, are an American tradition and that they like all Americans are welcome to join the celebration if they like.
Instead, they will suspend these traditions in utter fear that they may offend the person.
White liberals are the biggest pussies on the face of the earth. It's no wonder attacks like that occurred for instance in Cologne Germany happen.
The outsiders of other races know that much of the time the white hosts will roll over to their demands.

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up.

Which by the way is why he ran away. That's what he does when his bullshit strawman is called out. And he's good at running away, 'cause he gets a lot of practice.

In effect, the only entity that can link to the OP's source for his title theme..... is his proctologist. And we can do without that shit.
How do the conservatives here handle being constantly in a state of faux-outrage?

I'm just curious. I'm sure a lot of others are as well. It can't be good for a person, being in a constant state of hysterical meltdown.
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Liberals crap their pants even thinking they might offend someone.

And you all still don't think the liberal agenda is to b sure to brainwash the young?
The only reason for free college is to complete the propaganda and brainwashing. Remove our history, remove our heritage, make anything American criminal. I thought these people came to America to become Americans. Not because they wanted to take over America.

If you don't believe in something, then you don't believe in anything at all. How is it that we can view first,hand the destruction of our country and culture and we standby mute and helpless afraid to act.

I wonder if any of the elementary students were polled about what they wanted?

Liberals crap their pants even thinking they might offend someone.
No, liberals crap their pants if they think you might offend someone.

Has zero to do with "Liberals".

Liberals crap their pants even thinking they might offend someone.

And you all still don't think the liberal agenda is to b sure to brainwash the young?
The only reason for free college is to complete the propaganda and brainwashing. Remove our history, remove our heritage, make anything American criminal. I thought these people came to America to become Americans. Not because they wanted to take over America.

If you don't believe in something, then you don't believe in anything at all. How is it that we can view first,hand the destruction of our country and culture and we standby mute and helpless afraid to act.

I wonder if any of the elementary students were polled about what they wanted?

Liberals crap their pants even thinking they might offend someone.
No, liberals crap their pants if they think you might offend someone.

Has zero to do with "Liberals". That's the OP's made-up crap strawman. And it runs about as well as that car in his avatar.

Okay, is this old Valentine's Card cute or is it offensive? I think it's cute.

View attachment 61870

Liberals will be highly offended by that.

ain't it great ?!!:biggrin:
Liberals crap their pants even thinking they might offend someone.

And you all still don't think the liberal agenda is to b sure to brainwash the young?
The only reason for free college is to complete the propaganda and brainwashing. Remove our history, remove our heritage, make anything American criminal. I thought these people came to America to become Americans. Not because they wanted to take over America.

If you don't believe in something, then you don't believe in anything at all. How is it that we can view first,hand the destruction of our country and culture and we standby mute and helpless afraid to act.

I wonder if any of the elementary students were polled about what they wanted?

Liberals crap their pants even thinking they might offend someone.
No, liberals crap their pants if they think you might offend someone.

Has zero to do with "Liberals".

Ipse dixit fallacy. No answer.

You lose.
How to the conservatives here handle being constantly in a state of faux-outrage?

I'm just curious. I'm sure a lot of others are as well. It can't be good for a person, being in a constant state of hysterical meltdown.

I'm thinkin' it's like some kinda endorphin addiction.
The letter listed the holidays that the East Side school will no longer celebrate as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Masini said the decision was made in consultation with his staff"

What the hell is the matter with these people? Someone make it stop

They just don't know what how great Valentine's Day is, I think we should send these Leftist Sissys some Valentine's Card's, how about this one for instance? :smoke:

View attachment 61865

Awww. Sweet piggies.
and other "dominant holidays" because they aren't inclusive enough for the limp wristed liberal brigade.

St. Paul school kisses Valentine's Day, other 'dominant holidays,' goodbye

Is the actual reason St. Paul school doing this, perhaps because Islam forbids celebrating Valentine's Day? Is it another example of Leftist's supporting Islam and Islamic "values"?

View attachment 61873

View attachment 61874

Here's one Islamic, speaking about Valentine's Day and why Muslims forbid it's celebrating, he's gets fully into Valentine's Day around the 2 minute section of video:

From their own websites:

Ruling on celebrating Valentine’s Day -

Why Do We Muslims Not Celebrate Valentines Day

Valentines Day: Can We Celebrate it? - Al Quran Classes

Liberals are too afraid to tell anyone who is NOT of European decent, that a celebration like Valentines Day or Halloween, etc, are an American tradition and that they like all Americans are welcome to join the celebration if they like.
Instead, they will suspend these traditions in utter fear that they may offend the person.
White liberals are the biggest pussies on the face of the earth. It's no wonder attacks like that occurred for instance in Cologne Germany happen.
The outsiders of other races know that much of the time the white hosts will roll over to their demands.

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up.

Which by the way is why he ran away. That's what he does when his bullshit strawman is called out. And he's good at running away, 'cause he gets a lot of practice.

In effect, the only entity that can link to the OP's source for his title theme..... is his proctologist. And we can do without that shit.

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam. It's called a logical assumption, since there is no other, logical reason.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up. Only leftist would shit on traditional American holidays, another, logical, assumption based on past actions.

That's why you don't understand or care.
You think reading about this is bad? Try living it. I got a new principal 4 years ago and it's been hell. She's such a PC dickbag that I can't come up with the words to describe her.
Poor you.

Thanks. It could be worse, at least I've been there long enough that I can't be fired unless I f up really bad so I can get away with disregarding a lot of her PC horsecrap.
and other "dominant holidays" because they aren't inclusive enough for the limp wristed liberal brigade.

St. Paul school kisses Valentine's Day, other 'dominant holidays,' goodbye

Is the actual reason St. Paul school doing this, perhaps because Islam forbids celebrating Valentine's Day? Is it another example of Leftist's supporting Islam and Islamic "values"?

View attachment 61873

View attachment 61874

Here's one Islamic, speaking about Valentine's Day and why Muslims forbid it's celebrating, he's gets fully into Valentine's Day around the 2 minute section of video:

From their own websites:

Ruling on celebrating Valentine’s Day -

Why Do We Muslims Not Celebrate Valentines Day

Valentines Day: Can We Celebrate it? - Al Quran Classes

Liberals are too afraid to tell anyone who is NOT of European decent, that a celebration like Valentines Day or Halloween, etc, are an American tradition and that they like all Americans are welcome to join the celebration if they like.
Instead, they will suspend these traditions in utter fear that they may offend the person.
White liberals are the biggest pussies on the face of the earth. It's no wonder attacks like that occurred for instance in Cologne Germany happen.
The outsiders of other races know that much of the time the white hosts will roll over to their demands.

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up.

Which by the way is why he ran away. That's what he does when his bullshit strawman is called out. And he's good at running away, 'cause he gets a lot of practice.

In effect, the only entity that can link to the OP's source for his title theme..... is his proctologist. And we can do without that shit.

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam. It's called a logical assumption, since there is no other, logical reason.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up. Only leftist would shit on traditional American holidays, another, logical, assumption based on past actions.

That's why you don't understand or care.

Nnnnnnnnope. That's called assuming facts not in evidence. You can't just plug in your own content because it would be like, so kewl if it was in there.

You've got strawmen, red herrings --- this is a logical fallacy train wreck right here.

And by the way, learn how we form plurals in English. The plural of "leftist" would be "leftists". It isn't like "deer".
How do the conservatives here handle being constantly in a state of faux-outrage?

I'm just curious. I'm sure a lot of others are as well. It can't be good for a person, being in a constant state of hysterical meltdown.

There's nothing "faux" about how we feel to see our American traditions one by one torn down.
You think reading about this is bad? Try living it. I got a new principal 4 years ago and it's been hell. She's such a PC dickbag that I can't come up with the words to describe her.

Whenever a conservative says "They're PC!" now, you can translate it as "They won't let me act like a total douche!".
and other "dominant holidays" because they aren't inclusive enough for the limp wristed liberal brigade.

St. Paul school kisses Valentine's Day, other 'dominant holidays,' goodbye

Is the actual reason St. Paul school doing this, perhaps because Islam forbids celebrating Valentine's Day? Is it another example of Leftist's supporting Islam and Islamic "values"?

View attachment 61873

View attachment 61874

Here's one Islamic, speaking about Valentine's Day and why Muslims forbid it's celebrating, he's gets fully into Valentine's Day around the 2 minute section of video:

From their own websites:

Ruling on celebrating Valentine’s Day -

Why Do We Muslims Not Celebrate Valentines Day

Valentines Day: Can We Celebrate it? - Al Quran Classes

Liberals are too afraid to tell anyone who is NOT of European decent, that a celebration like Valentines Day or Halloween, etc, are an American tradition and that they like all Americans are welcome to join the celebration if they like.
Instead, they will suspend these traditions in utter fear that they may offend the person.
White liberals are the biggest pussies on the face of the earth. It's no wonder attacks like that occurred for instance in Cologne Germany happen.
The outsiders of other races know that much of the time the white hosts will roll over to their demands.

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up.

Which by the way is why he ran away. That's what he does when his bullshit strawman is called out. And he's good at running away, 'cause he gets a lot of practice.

In effect, the only entity that can link to the OP's source for his title theme..... is his proctologist. And we can do without that shit.

The source article makes no mention of Muslims or Islam. It's called a logical assumption, since there is no other, logical reason.
For that matter it makes no mention of "leftists", "Liberals", "Democrats", "Republicans", "left", "right" or any kind of politics whatsoever. Not as a person, not as a policy or philosophy --- nothing. The OP just made it up. Only leftist would shit on traditional American holidays, another, logical, assumption based on past actions.

That's why you don't understand or care.

Two thumbs..............................UP !

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