Liberal Students won't Apply Wealth Redistribution Theory to their Own Grades


This is a PERFECT example of the of liberals laughable hypocrisy. Listening to them trying to spin their way out of their own obvious hypocrisy is a hoot!

If anything, taxes for the lower and middle class and maybe even the upper middle class should even probably be cut further. But I think that people at the high end - people like myself - should be paying a lot more in taxes. We have it better than we've ever had it.

- Warren Buffett

Read more: Warren Buffett Quotes - BrainyQuote
Does this make Warren Buffett, a poster boy for American capitalism, guilty of "laughable hypocracy" - according to "teapartysamurai?"


So, there are no rich liberals????????

Of course these rich people want those higher taxes. They put their money into shelters, and it keeps OTHER PEOPLE from getting just as rich and competing with people like Buffet!

I already posted, "Do as I say not as I do" twice.

This is an old game that was done quite a bit in Europe. The "old money' didn't like "new money" coming in and spoiling their exclusive club. Answer? Higher taxes. It prevents "up and comers" from "up and coming."

While the "old money" makes their deals to avoid paying the same taxes.

Of course you are going to have Rich Liberals spouting that crap. But, like Noam Chomsky, do they PAY those taxes????

It's how the Oligarchy protects itself. ;)
really stupid thread

tps never disappoints


Um, yeah, like Reagan used Teleprompters just like Obama? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You never disappoint to just claim something's stupid without a shred of evidence as to why.

when i point out that dog shit stinks, i don't go into a long explanation of the olfactory system.

your insistence that reagan never used a teleprompter is only slightly more humorous than the idea that you're a conservative.
Another fail.

That is not an example of college students donating grade points.

Oh yeah it is.

Because some students based on race were getting higher grades than others, they were being blocked from even getting ADMISSION to college to make things more "fair' for other students.

It is EXACTLY what you are talking about. It's all about "fairness" with liberals.


Again, that is not students willingly donating grade points. Fail.

No it's not!

They are being FORCED to donate their possible grade.

Since grades are controlled and so are earnings (as modbert conceded) then there is no other possible analogy.

Thank you for making my argument. I knew you finally would!

They don't want to share their grades with other students because they say they earned their grades. How greedy!

[ame=""]YouTube - Petition to Redistribute GPA Scores[/ame]

Many students believe that it is moral to confiscate money from hard-working Americans and entrepreneurs and give it to those who didn't earn it, yet don't support the same philosophy when it is applied to their GPA scores.

This is a PERFECT example of the laughably hypocrisy of liberals. Listening to them trying to spin their way out of their own obvious hypocrisy is a hoot!


Classic "What's Mine is Mine and What's Yours is Mine" Philosophy (Syndrome). It's kind of Matriarchal, huh. ;)

It's a pefect example. Which is why the liberals are coming out of the woodwork.

They can't stand that their class envy Marxism is being exposed. ;)
Oh yeah it is.

Because some students based on race were getting higher grades than others, they were being blocked from even getting ADMISSION to college to make things more "fair' for other students.

It is EXACTLY what you are talking about. It's all about "fairness" with liberals.


Again, that is not students willingly donating grade points. Fail.

No it's not!

They are being FORCED to donate their possible grade.

Since grades are controlled and so are earnings (as modbert conceded) then there is no other possible analogy.

Thank you for making my argument. I knew you finally would!


I don't care if they are being forced to "donate" their first born child .... it does not apply the point I made. Keep swinging.
Since grades are controlled and so are earnings (as modbert conceded) then there is no other possible analogy.

I never said earnings are controlled. But hey, whatever gets you through the night.

[ame=]YouTube - John Lennon ~ Whatever Gets You Through The Night[/ame]
My points have been laid out and your analogy has been proven false. You can hoot an holler all day long but whatcha gonna do :dunno:

Like I said. You can tell when a liberal has lost, then they abandon even talking about the op, just insist they have won (well, just because) and now just try to get the last word.


You mistake choosing not to have the same argument over and over with you as "losing."

No sorry, if you don't want to make the same argument's over and over, why are you still here?

Because, LIKE I SAID, AND IS MOST OBVIOUS, your argument has lost, you know it, and all you have left is getting the last word.

So wait, Affirmative Action was supposedly students donating their GPAs? :lol:

Yes! Just not by choice!

When do liberals ever give you a choice on anything besides killing babies?

The fact was certain people FOR THE CRIME OF BEING ASIAN were blocked from college admissions because (on average) they got better grades than other races.

So, their possible grades were given to someone else.

Like I said. You can tell when a liberal has lost, then they abandon even talking about the op, just insist they have won (well, just because) and now just try to get the last word.


You mistake choosing not to have the same argument over and over with you as "losing."

No sorry, if you don't want to make the same argument's over and over, why are you still here?

Because, LIKE I SAID, AND IS MOST OBVIOUS, your argument has lost, you know it, and all you have left is getting the last word.


Right now I am still here to see if you can finally address my point about conservatives donating grade points in an honest manner.

As far as your "you lost" " last word" inanity .. that's just you projecting. As usual.
My teen is forcing me off the 'puter for now.

Oh well it IS Easter Weekend. Family calls!

Back lata!

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This is a PERFECT example of the of liberals laughable hypocrisy. Listening to them trying to spin their way out of their own obvious hypocrisy is a hoot!

If anything, taxes for the lower and middle class and maybe even the upper middle class should even probably be cut further. But I think that people at the high end - people like myself - should be paying a lot more in taxes. We have it better than we've ever had it.

- Warren Buffett

Read more: Warren Buffett Quotes - BrainyQuote
Does this make Warren Buffett, a poster boy for American capitalism, guilty of "laughable hypocracy" - according to "teapartysamurai?"


So, there are no rich liberals????????

Of course these rich people want those higher taxes. They put their money into shelters, and it keeps OTHER PEOPLE from getting just as rich and competing with people like Buffet!

I already posted, "Do as I say not as I do" twice.

This is an old game that was done quite a bit in Europe. The "old money' didn't like "new money" coming in and spoiling their exclusive club. Answer? Higher taxes. It prevents "up and comers" from "up and coming."

While the "old money" makes their deals to avoid paying the same taxes.

Of course you are going to have Rich Liberals spouting that crap. But, like Noam Chomsky, do they PAY those taxes????
Warren Buffett gives away his fortune

FORTUNE EXCLUSIVE: The world's second richest man - who's now worth $44 billion - tells editor-at-large Carol Loomis he will start giving away 85% of his wealth in July - most of it to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundatiion
- By Carol J. Loomis, FORTUNE editor-at-large
June 25 2006
- liberals laughable hypocrisy

- Listening to them trying to spin their way out of their own obvious hypocrisy is a hoot!

- :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol

- When do liberals ever give you a choice on anything besides killing babies?

- You never disappoint to just claim something's stupid without a shred of evidence as to why.

- They (liberals) can't stand that their class envy Marxism is being exposed.

- It's about all about class envy and control of people. That is what liberals are about, CONTROL.

- They sure can't refute. So, they will just neg rep and run away! Cowardly and Hilarious!

After making all those "brash" statements, it must be simewhat disconcerting for "teapartysamurai" to find himself put on the defensive when trying to explain why the 2 wealthiest men in America, if not the world, have decided to apply their own "Wealth Distribution Theory," to their considerable fortunes - and not his?

Their words and actions obviously don't conform with teapartysamurai's "Rich Liberals spouting that crap" theories!

Footnote: Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are first generation billionaires - they are not "old money!"
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What if we had a school where it is easier for the rich kids to get As than for poor students?

The rich kids only have to show up to get their A while the poor kids have to work round the clock and are allowed to get no higher than a C

That is closer to our economic system than your "share the wealth" system. We have an uneven playing field where the rules make it easier for the rich to accumulate and protect wealth

That bares a closer resemblance to the policies liberals favor. According to affirmative action, it doesn't matter how good a grade a white kid gets, the black and Hispanic kids will get the slot in the college of his choice.

Nothing prevents poor kids from getting good grades except their parents who don't push them to excel in school.
LOL.....that video so pwns the k00ks. So the question becomes.........for those who dont see the correlation, is it an IQ thing or a thought processing disorder thing?? ( for the educationally challenged on here, that means intelligence vs. psychosis )
Acts 4:31-35 (The Believers Share Their Possessions)

31 After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.

33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all

34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales

35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.
- they were all filled with the Holy Spirit

- All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own,

- but, they shared everything they had.

- they shared everything they had.

- God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them.

- For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet,

- and it was distributed to anyone who had need.

One would think that adopting a system of "redistributing the wealth" by the early Christian Believers, while under the influence of the Holy Spirit, can't be all bad - although "bipat9643" and "teapartysamurai" might take exception and attempt to cite their own "HIGHER AUTHORITY!"

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You mistake choosing not to have the same argument over and over with you as "losing."

No sorry, if you don't want to make the same argument's over and over, why are you still here?

Because, LIKE I SAID, AND IS MOST OBVIOUS, your argument has lost, you know it, and all you have left is getting the last word.


Right now I am still here to see if you can finally address my point about conservatives donating grade points in an honest manner.

As far as your "you lost" " last word" inanity .. that's just you projecting. As usual.

Curious and Ironic...



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