Liberal Students won't Apply Wealth Redistribution Theory to their Own Grades

False equivalency is false.

In order to simulate the disparity between the haves and the have-nots the top students would have to have a GPA of like 5000.00


Excuse me, but if the students DID have that high of a GPA WOULD THEY STILL HAVE EARNED IT????????????

Then what's the difference??? It's still a matter of did they EARN it, and if they did EARN it, why should they have to share it with others?

Nice try, no cigar!



Liberals are complaining about the massive disparity of income distribution in this country.

Your use of a system that has everyone on equal footing when they enter, has a cap on top achievers, and doesn't even have a remote equivalent in the disparity between the haves and have-nots as an analogy for this doesn't fit. At all. In fact, it makes you look really dumb. For real.

I look forward to your typical silly spin and smilies.
The concept of "shared sacrifice" takes on a whole new meaning you are the one doing the "sacrificing"! :lol:

That's the problem with liberals.

You ever see how much THEY give in charity vs the rest of the country.

Their idea of helping the poor is giving OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY to help. Never their own.

A great example of this is "Do as I say not as I do."

[ame=] Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy (9780767919029): Peter Schweizer: Books[/ame]#_

It's a great record of how the same liberals who often preach wealth distribution to help the poor, put their OWN MONEY into shelters to avoid paying the same taxes they lecture that OTHERS should pay.

They don't want to share their grades with other students because they say they earned their grades. How greedy!

[ame=]YouTube - Petition to Redistribute GPA Scores[/ame]

Many students believe that it is moral to confiscate money from hard-working Americans and entrepreneurs and give it to those who didn't earn it, yet don't support the same philosophy when it is applied to their GPA scores.

This is a PERFECT example of the laughably hypocrisy of liberals. Listening to them trying to spin their way out of their own obvious hypocrisy is a hoot!



Why do people who don't go to school or put down education even care?

Lemme guess.... 8 years of basket weaving and poli-sci?


You're a semi-literate troll.
I wonder if TeePeeSpammer thinks she is fooling anybody in this thread?

Yes, you "exposed" the scam of this thread.

After all those students didn't earn their grades. They were given them because of an advantage the lower grade students didn't have. Of course they should share their grades.

Generosity is for everyone else. Liberals are so full of shit.

Like I mentioned before, this book is a GREAT EXAMPLE of that very fact.

[ame=] Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy (9780767919029): Peter Schweizer: Books[/ame]#_

You would not believe what a HYPOCRITE Noam Chomsky is. He talks about wealth distribution for everyone else, but you should see where he puts HIS money!

And I'm sure the irony of using a system that sets a cap on the most points you can earn in this example is totally lost on the TeePeeSpammers of the world.

That little factoid seemed to have gone in one ear and out the other with her. Same with everything else though.

Factoid or a desperate attempt at deflection???

And the defelction tells FAR MORE ABOUT YOU TWO than it does about the analogy.

Because there is a cap on the grade point system it's different?


Does everyone get that subtle little undertow from these liberals?????

It's different because the "wealthy" don't have the government or someone else stopping them from earning more than what liberals think they should earn, so they deserve redistribution.

Students do that that "proper control" over their grades so "it's different."


Liberals don't have that control over the "wealthy" so they deserved to be punished.

You two just struck at the heart of what motivates class envy liberals.

And I'm sure the irony of using a system that sets a cap on the most points you can earn in this example is totally lost on the TeePeeSpammers of the world.

That little factoid seemed to have gone in one ear and out the other with her. Same with everything else though.

Let's not forget that everyone enters college with the same GPA as well.....



It's all about control aka "fairness."

There is "control" over the students in college.

There is no control over earners in the marketplace.

THUS there must be this "righteous" punishment over the earners to make it all fair.

Man, this op has done better than I hoped.

Thank you two for EXPOSING EXACTLY how liberals think.

It's all about the power, the control, and the feeling liberals get from PUNISHING those who earn "too much."

TPS seems to have missed the point that not only is there a cap on GPA score (while there isn't on wealth) there's also the fact that everyone enters college with the same GPA. This is not the case with life.

The false equivalence with comparing income disparity with GPA is amusing if only for a moment until I realize you're not being facetious.
They don't want to share their grades with other students because they say they earned their grades. How greedy!

[ame=""]YouTube - Petition to Redistribute GPA Scores[/ame]

Many students believe that it is moral to confiscate money from hard-working Americans and entrepreneurs and give it to those who didn't earn it, yet don't support the same philosophy when it is applied to their GPA scores.

This is a PERFECT example of the laughably hypocrisy of liberals. Listening to them trying to spin their way out of their own obvious hypocrisy is a hoot!



Why do people who don't go to school or put down education even care?

Why do liberals come up with such desperate deflections, when they know they aren't going to work?

TPS seems to have missed the point that not only is there a cap on GPA score (while there isn't on wealth) there's also the fact that everyone enters college with the same GPA. This is not the case with life.

The false equivalence with comparing income disparity with GPA is amusing if only for a moment until I realize you're not being facetious.

But is sounds so brilliant!

(to morons)
It's all about control aka "fairness."

There is "control" over the students in college.

There is no control over earners in the marketplace.

THUS there must be this "righteous" punishment over the earners to make it all fair.

I wonder if you realize what a terrible mistake you've made by creating this thread and trying your best to dig your way out through unfunny attempts at humor and misrepresenting what people say. Because if you are, it isn't working.

The marketplace does have some controls on it, it's called regulation. The 2008 Global Recession/Depression and the Commodities Bubble are two good examples of what happens when you allow Wall Street to not have to follow said regulation.

But hey, nothing says free market like having to pay $4-5 a gallon for gasoline because Wall Street manipulated the commodities market. The invisible hand choking the life out of the middle class.

Of course, before you try to misrepresent what I say further, I'm no socialist. A good quote I like to use describes my feeling on the subject, "I come to critique Capitalism, not bury it."
Considering it's the Blue states who are funding Red states, considering our institutions of higher education and our research centers are nearly all in Blue states and considering only a measly 6% of scientists are Republican, it's obvious who is supporting whom. If there is any "redistribution" it's from liberals to conservatives. It's always been that way.
False equivalency is false.

In order to simulate the disparity between the haves and the have-nots the top students would have to have a GPA of like 5000.00


Excuse me, but if the students DID have that high of a GPA WOULD THEY STILL HAVE EARNED IT????????????

Then what's the difference??? It's still a matter of did they EARN it, and if they did EARN it, why should they have to share it with others?

Nice try, no cigar!



Liberals are complaining about the massive disparity of income distribution in this country.

Your use of a system that has everyone on equal footing when they enter, has a cap on top achievers, and doesn't even have a remote equivalent in the disparity between the haves and have-nots as an analogy for this doesn't fit. At all. In fact, it makes you look really dumb. For real.

I look forward to your typical silly spin and smilies.




Do you hear what he is saying???????????

What that all boils down to is CONTROL.

There is no CONTROL over the market place to keep earners "IN THEIR PLACE!"

How DARE someone make more than someone else! Why there has to be a PUNISHMENT put in place to stop that!

And notice the "distribution" bit?

As IF the money really belongs to the government and it is just "distributed" to you??? You don't really earn it, you just get a "distribution."

Why thank you Obama for "distributing" to my family!

You hit a nerve with liberals and they will reveal exactly who they are which is MARXISTS!

They want CONTROL OF THAT MONEY. And they will demagogue and make villians out of anyone who dares has money NOT in their control.

Thank you Article 15. You make the argument for me!

This is one of the major liberal beliefs I can't get behind - spreading the wealth around. I'm old-fashion and strongly believe you bust your ass for what you want. I don't want a free handout. And I sure as hell don't want my hard-earned pay being distributed to someone who isn't motivated enough to make their own money.

I think the fact that the liberal students don't want their grades redistributed is very ironic and hypocritical considering their philosophy.
You what would be funny?

A video asking conservative students to donate some of their GPA.
Maybe the kids with better grades should pay a higher tuition

Excuse me, but if the students DID have that high of a GPA WOULD THEY STILL HAVE EARNED IT????????????

Then what's the difference??? It's still a matter of did they EARN it, and if they did EARN it, why should they have to share it with others?

Nice try, no cigar!



Liberals are complaining about the massive disparity of income distribution in this country.

Your use of a system that has everyone on equal footing when they enter, has a cap on top achievers, and doesn't even have a remote equivalent in the disparity between the haves and have-nots as an analogy for this doesn't fit. At all. In fact, it makes you look really dumb. For real.

I look forward to your typical silly spin and smilies.




Do you hear what he is saying???????????

What that all boils down to is CONTROL.

There is no CONTROL over the market place to keep earners "IN THEIR PLACE!"

How DARE someone make more than someone else! Why there has to be a PUNISHMENT put in place to stop that!

And notice the "distribution" bit?

As IF the money really belongs to the government and it is just "distributed" to you??? You don't really earn it, you just get a "distribution."

Why thank you Obama for "distributing" to my family!

You hit a nerve with liberals and they will reveal exactly who they are which is MARXISTS!

They want CONTROL OF THAT MONEY. And they will demagogue and make villians out of anyone who dares has money NOT in their control.

Thank you Article 15. You make the argument for me!


It's not my fault you stepped in it by pushing an epically flawed analogy.

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