Liberalism has made such acts within our society normal.

Liberalism has made such acts within our society normal. They have taken away our moral core and right @ wrong within our society.

You bastards turn out heartless monsters from our schools thinking it's cool to kill and destroy innocent human life. YOU DON"T teach how wonderful life is as you kill millions of babies a year without a tear. This shit wasn't done before you bastards destroyed our moral core as a nation...So wasn't dads leaving their women with the child with a tenth as much. What the fuck have you monsters done to my country?

May god forgive you for what you have done??? This monster that you made in liberal government schools seen nothing wrong with slaughtering little children. What you have done throughout your history going back to Stalins USSR, MAO's China to all these fucking killers killing innocent people all go back to one thing. You're not teaching our people to care about life and why it's WRONG.

I just read his mother took him out of the public school system and homeschooled him because she didn't agree with the school's idea of how to deal with him. Which was probably to get him some help.

You people, Matthew, are shit. Seriously shit.
Liberalism has made such acts within our society normal. They have taken away our moral core and right @ wrong within our society.

You bastards turn out heartless monsters from our schools thinking it's cool to kill and destroy innocent human life. YOU DON"T teach how wonderful life is as you kill millions of babies a year without a tear. This shit wasn't done before you bastards destroyed our moral core as a nation...So wasn't dads leaving their women with the child with a tenth as much. What the fuck have you monsters done to my country?

May god forgive you for what you have done??? This monster that you made in liberal government schools seen nothing wrong with slaughtering little children. What you have done throughout your history going back to Stalins USSR, MAO's China to all these fucking killers killing innocent people all go back to one thing. You're not teaching our people to care about life and why it's WRONG.

It's human shit like you dragging this country into the abyss of ignorance and darkness.

You want to see a monster. Look in the mirror.

You liberals are masters at deflection from your own sick fucking selves. You merged our culture with ghetto culture that turns away from morality and respect for life.

Go fuck yourself!
Mathew, you seem to be obsessed with fucking yourself. Are you sexually starved?? Maybe fucking yourself is your only option.
And your opinion pieces are so profound. What would we do without your opinion?? but it is just opinion, and you know how much I value your opinion.
Matthew really is one sick fuck.

He's like the Westborough Baptist Church of USMB.

No, asshole.

I'm explaining what you're doing to our society. I hope this 20 year old punk rots in hell for the evil deed he did.

Believe me as you take right and wrong away from our children more of this shit is coming.
Wow, Mathew, who would have thought more con dogma would come out of your puny little mind. Mathew is a con tool idiot, which is the hight of duplicity.
You will keep breeding killers as long as you keep pushing your government shit. ASSHOLE.
It's human shit like you dragging this country into the abyss of ignorance and darkness.

You want to see a monster. Look in the mirror.

You liberals are masters at deflection from your own sick fucking selves. You merged our culture with ghetto culture that turns away from morality and respect for life.

Go fuck yourself!
Mathew, you seem to be obsessed with fucking yourself. Are you sexually starved?? Maybe fucking yourself is your only option.
And your opinion pieces are so profound. What would we do without your opinion?? but it is just opinion, and you know how much I value your opinion.

You talking about your faggot ass self? No, you bastards have destroyed our educational system and turned it into a prison for shit.

Enjoy your shit hole.
We have always had crazies. What we have not had before is a nation awash in weopons. Weopons designed only for killing other people. And that is the result of the glorification of the gun culture by 'Conservatives' and the NRA.

Spoken like a true dumbass.
First off, when is it the school's job to teach morality? Schools are to learn academic subjects, not to teach you right from wrong. Things like that are life-learned experiences and from following good examples of others. If your parents were moral people, and you follow their example, then you'll be moral as well.

Teachers are supposed to be role models, people to look up to. They're not supposed to tell you how to live your life.

Think of it this way: If you grew up surrounded by violence and murder - say there was a shooting on your block every day - would you not learn that violence is a way of life? It's easy to say that you wouldn't, but there's a reason that, for example, gang violence begets more gang violence. In that case, its a direct result of growing up around constant violence.

Are there exceptions to the rule? Of course! There are always exceptions.

This person, the one who shot those kids, was fucked in the head. It's not a liberal, or conservative, religious or non-religious thing. He was messed up, and people suffered for it. Things like this happen all the time, and they've happened throughout history. I seriously doubt H.H. Holmes was a liberal, but I'm pretty sure there was something wrong with him. Just like Jack the Ripper, or Elizabeth Bathory, or the Green River Killer.

Blaming this on liberals is like liberals blaming it on conservatives. They're both wrong and it gets you nowhere.

Mathew's thrust is pertinent: children today are not nearly as respectful as yesteryear! We have men fucking each other in the ass, and adopting children - calling themselves married? Kids are taught that we are all equal - horse shit! They are taught to be anti capitalist - what a big fucking mistake that is!
Wait till they figure out that their future is bleek, that they owe a bunch of money when born, because of the goddamn entitlements. You asshole liberals think your entitled to everyones shit - even the unborn! Yes, you are responsible for the decadence that is sweeping the nation - from which much evil will spring; you reap what you sow!

Hey, if you don't like it, the door's over there. I'm sorry you think that because two people are in love that its wrong.
I have loved several men in my life - I never wanted to fuck any of them you perversion lover - homosexuals have no shame. Remember sodom, and Gomorrah? The more this country turns away from God, the more it turns towards evil. You liberals will be the end of us all.

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