liberalism is nothing but emotion. NO logic

Would you say liberalism is based on emotion more than anything else? I honestly dont see much logic in the ideology.

Look at that poor guy. He needs welfare
they might have came in the country illegally, but making them go back is mean
john has more money than sarah, so we should take half oh johns money and give it to sarah. After all its "fair"
Scared to offend slackers... Why does the losing team need a trophy? they didnt win! I understand they are just kids but damn people you are setting a precedent!!!!!
It seems to only be different for the right. We are just racists, nazis, bigots etc. But guys... thats not "nice"
All they are about are feelings.
In the liberal world, everybody must be made to feel like a winner, and a person's bad situation, even though directly caused their own actions, are not their fault.
They live in a utopia...translated from it's greek origin: a fantasy land/nonexistant paradise.
And worse, they keep trying to CREATE a utopia by forcing retarded ideals onto the public.
Man's very NATURE clashes with the idea of a utopia. It simply cannot happen. :cuckoo:

There is no logic in what you post. Does that make you a liberal?

I was actually going to thank that post untill I realized who made it.
Emotion. haha
Abortion rights.

Same sex marriage.

Both highly emotional issues.

Agreed. Thats why I agreed with g5000 that it is both. I am talking about the general ideology. Like the examples I cites. The biggies right now. Gay marriage dont really mean shit to me either way
Actually my mind is pretty open. I like you BS judgement about me though :thup:
I like how you say failed ideology. I needed a laugh
Obviously both have failed. Look at us :)
Open your eyes dipshit
now, you are saying the examples I gave are not based on emotion?

I call it a failed ideology because economically, it has resulted in the greatest disparately of concentration of wealth since the 19th century essentially killing the middle class. Favoring the wealthy because you think they're job providers might make sense, if the wealthy did indeed create jobs. But economics have changed. It used to be the wealthy got that way by producing something, thus requiring a labor force and voilà creating jobs. Today, getting rich doesn't mean you've made a better mousetrap, it means you've made a killing in the markets.

Socially, Conservatism offers nothing NOTHING but hate, suspicion, fear and repression. Think about it. Every advance in human rights was opposed by Conservatives. Every expansion of liberty and freedom was resisted by Conservatives. Unless you want to re-write history and tell us that Strom Thurman, George Wallace, Phyllis Schlafly, Bull Connor and Lester Maddox were, in fact Birkenstock wearing tree hugging Kumbya singing Liberals.

And the examples you set forth are based in emotion. Your emotion. You failed to cite legitimate Liberal ideas. Rather you cloaked them in the stilted rhetoric of the closed minded.
I have to call bullshit on this. Civil rights was opposed by the liberals until they realized how many votes they could get out of it. LBJ put it crudely when he said, "I'll have these ******* voting Democratic for the next hunderd (sic) years!"

Liberals are into taking away civil rights...from such things as gun ownership and carry, freedom to choose health insurer, freedom to buy a 20 oz soda, etc.

Liberals conjure up "problems" for the American public and present their controlling solutions as legal requirements.

Liberals are control freaks.

Liberals totally IGNORE the fact that criminals DO NOT PAY ATTENTION to their stupid laws...such as: you can't own one of those, you can't have a big clip of ammo, etc.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Would you say liberalism is based on emotion more than anything else? I honestly dont see much logic in the ideology.

Look at that poor guy. He needs welfare
they might have came in the country illegally, but making them go back is mean
john has more money than sarah, so we should take half oh johns money and give it to sarah. After all its "fair"
Scared to offend slackers... Why does the losing team need a trophy? they didnt win! I understand they are just kids but damn people you are setting a precedent!!!!!
It seems to only be different for the right. We are just racists, nazis, bigots etc. But guys... thats not "nice"
All they are about are feelings.
In the liberal world, everybody must be made to feel like a winner, and a person's bad situation, even though directly caused their own actions, are not their fault.
They live in a utopia...translated from it's greek origin: a fantasy land/nonexistant paradise.
And worse, they keep trying to CREATE a utopia by forcing retarded ideals onto the public.
Man's very NATURE clashes with the idea of a utopia. It simply cannot happen. :cuckoo:

There is no logic in what you post. Does that make you a liberal?

I was actually going to thank that post untill I realized who made it.
Emotion. haha

You can claim conservatives have logic, but you people are played. The thing you don't realize is there isn't anything like the conservative think tanks pulling the strings on liberals. Life teaches them and they make up their own minds. What you consider the conservative agenda is to use the Republican Party to serve the elites and the rest will morph to whatever their base wants, because the elites don't care about those issues.
Dems dont have elites? :dunno:
Are you saying their lack ambition and intelligence?
The OP is correct, in general liberalism is based on emotion rather than logic. Liberals feel sorry for those who have less than others and they are angry at those who have more.

In their illogical world everyone would work hard at what he/she does best and the fruits of the collective labor would be shared equally with all citizens.

The problem with that is that it is in violation of basic human nature. The human drive for security and comfort, the human drive to make a better place for ones loved ones than the other guy's. the human drive to have the best food, clothes, housing, cars etc--------in other words, the human drive to succeed and be free from the dictates of others. Its the reason this country was founded--------FREEDOM. and real freeedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

Liberalism always fails because it denies these basic human traits.
The emotion of fear seems to run the cons.

Keep us safe pass the Patrtiot Act!
Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes!
They are gonna take our guns away!@
Obama is the antichrist!
Obama is making America communist/socialist!

At least libs use more emotions like compassion instead of fear and hatred.
The OP is correct, in general liberalism is based on emotion rather than logic. Liberals feel sorry for those who have less than others and they are angry at those who have more.

In their illogical world everyone would work hard at what he/she does best and the fruits of the collective labor would be shared equally with all citizens.

The problem with that is that it is in violation of basic human nature. The human drive for security and comfort, the human drive to make a better place for ones loved ones than the other guy's. the human drive to have the best food, clothes, housing, cars etc--------in other words, the human drive to succeed and be free from the dictates of others. Its the reason this country was founded--------FREEDOM. and real freeedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

Liberalism always fails because it denies these basic human traits.

Where is the logic in not having a clue?
The OP is correct, in general liberalism is based on emotion rather than logic. Liberals feel sorry for those who have less than others and they are angry at those who have more.

In their illogical world everyone would work hard at what he/she does best and the fruits of the collective labor would be shared equally with all citizens.

The problem with that is that it is in violation of basic human nature. The human drive for security and comfort, the human drive to make a better place for ones loved ones than the other guy's. the human drive to have the best food, clothes, housing, cars etc--------in other words, the human drive to succeed and be free from the dictates of others. Its the reason this country was founded--------FREEDOM. and real freeedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

Liberalism always fails because it denies these basic human traits.

BOOM goes the dynamite :clap2:
The OP is correct, in general liberalism is based on emotion rather than logic. Liberals feel sorry for those who have less than others and they are angry at those who have more.

In their illogical world everyone would work hard at what he/she does best and the fruits of the collective labor would be shared equally with all citizens.

The problem with that is that it is in violation of basic human nature. The human drive for security and comfort, the human drive to make a better place for ones loved ones than the other guy's. the human drive to have the best food, clothes, housing, cars etc--------in other words, the human drive to succeed and be free from the dictates of others. Its the reason this country was founded--------FREEDOM. and real freeedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

Liberalism always fails because it denies these basic human traits.

Yeah, that argument has never been made as an appeal to emotion...

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence. That is why it has placed man upon this earth, along with the other beings, and has paved the way for him, has freed him to make his own decisions, to lead his own struggle for survival."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)
The OP is correct, in general liberalism is based on emotion rather than logic. Liberals feel sorry for those who have less than others and they are angry at those who have more.

In their illogical world everyone would work hard at what he/she does best and the fruits of the collective labor would be shared equally with all citizens.

The problem with that is that it is in violation of basic human nature. The human drive for security and comfort, the human drive to make a better place for ones loved ones than the other guy's. the human drive to have the best food, clothes, housing, cars etc--------in other words, the human drive to succeed and be free from the dictates of others. Its the reason this country was founded--------FREEDOM. and real freeedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

Liberalism always fails because it denies these basic human traits.

Where is the logic in not having a clue?

thats a question only you can answer, because you are one of the few posters who has no clue about any topic.

Do you deny that you feeeeeeeeell sorrrrrrrrrrry for people making minumum wage? Do you deny that you want to take money from successful people and give it to unsuccessful people?
The emotion of fear seems to run the cons.

Keep us safe pass the Patrtiot Act!
Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes!
They are gonna take our guns away!@
Obama is the antichrist!
Obama is making America communist/socialist!

At least libs use more emotions like compassion instead of fear and hatred.

obama signed the patriot act too...
they are going to take our guns away. Well why do we think that? Because liberal emotion took over after Sandy Hook.
He is on the way. Really cant deny that, if you look at history
and the 2 I didnt comment on, well that sound slike some far righty babble right there
The OP is correct, in general liberalism is based on emotion rather than logic. Liberals feel sorry for those who have less than others and they are angry at those who have more.

In their illogical world everyone would work hard at what he/she does best and the fruits of the collective labor would be shared equally with all citizens.

The problem with that is that it is in violation of basic human nature. The human drive for security and comfort, the human drive to make a better place for ones loved ones than the other guy's. the human drive to have the best food, clothes, housing, cars etc--------in other words, the human drive to succeed and be free from the dictates of others. Its the reason this country was founded--------FREEDOM. and real freeedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

Liberalism always fails because it denies these basic human traits.

Yeah, that argument has never been made as an appeal to emotion...

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence. That is why it has placed man upon this earth, along with the other beings, and has paved the way for him, has freed him to make his own decisions, to lead his own struggle for survival."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)

I don't know if your quote is actually from Hitler, but if it is, he was correct. He was wrong about just about everything else, but if he said that he was correct.

we think we have become too civilized to live by the laws of survival of the fittest, but no matter how much we deny it, that is how this world works---in nature and in humanity.
The OP is correct, in general liberalism is based on emotion rather than logic. Liberals feel sorry for those who have less than others and they are angry at those who have more.

In their illogical world everyone would work hard at what he/she does best and the fruits of the collective labor would be shared equally with all citizens.

The problem with that is that it is in violation of basic human nature. The human drive for security and comfort, the human drive to make a better place for ones loved ones than the other guy's. the human drive to have the best food, clothes, housing, cars etc--------in other words, the human drive to succeed and be free from the dictates of others. Its the reason this country was founded--------FREEDOM. and real freeedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

Liberalism always fails because it denies these basic human traits.

Where is the logic in not having a clue?

thats a question only you can answer, because you are one of the few posters who has no clue about any topic.

Do you deny that you feeeeeeeeell sorrrrrrrrrrry for people making minumum wage? Do you deny that you want to take money from successful people and give it to unsuccessful people?

I use logic and look at the data. I know the minimum wage now is around 70% of what it was when I was getting it as a kid. I know that only a small percentage of the people making minimum wages are kids. I know the economy would be better if those people had more money to spend in the small businesses of their neighborhoods and that money would generate more money.

Believe it or not having compassion on others is also logical, but that is way above your head.
All partisans are creatures of emotion.


To be sure, there is not and has never been any math or logic supporting the positions of today's white trash nutball, so it is that much more hilarious that nutballs dump in their pants until it runs into their shoes then blame it on people with no comparable shitstains down their legs.

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