liberalism is nothing but emotion. NO logic

some people believe that homosexuality is a violation of God's laws. Do they have a right to those beliefs? Are your beliefs somehow superior? Do we have freedom or not? Does the first amendment apply or not?

I am not stating my opinions, just asking why you think yours should take precedence over those of others.
An interpretation of God's law is all together fitting and proper for an individual, but not necessarily for a nation. If we wanted God's laws written into civil code, we would not have provided the first amendment. Writing God's law (or mankind's interpretation of them) into civil code is precisely what the Taliban wants to do.

My beliefs are not superior to anyone else's. But my beliefs error on the side of freedom and tolerance, not the narrow side of exclusion, fear, prejudice, dogma and hate.

what does "endowed by their creator" mean to you?
It means a creator, not dogmatic beliefs in a particular God.
An interpretation of God's law is all together fitting and proper for an individual, but not necessarily for a nation. If we wanted God's laws written into civil code, we would not have provided the first amendment. Writing God's law (or mankind's interpretation of them) into civil code is precisely what the Taliban wants to do.

My beliefs are not superior to anyone else's. But my beliefs error on the side of freedom and tolerance, not the narrow side of exclusion, fear, prejudice, dogma and hate.

what does "endowed by their creator" mean to you?
It means a creator, not dogmatic beliefs in a particular God.

If we go by Jefferson's personal beliefs it was a God that created all about us, then after the creating, God left. That was Jefferson's, and some other founders, basic religion, Deism.
If creator was the beliefs from the Age of Enlightenment, it was Nature's God. Nature was God.
If the creator was a Christion Creator, it was God.
If the creator was a Muslim it was Allah.
And so on. It seems God was flexible.

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