liberalism is nothing but emotion. NO logic

The emotion of fear seems to run the cons.

Keep us safe pass the Patrtiot Act!
Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes!
They are gonna take our guns away!@
Obama is the antichrist!
Obama is making America communist/socialist!

At least libs use more emotions like compassion instead of fear and hatred.

obama extended the patriot act

mushroom clouds are more likely because of his weakness

gun confiscation is coming unless we fight it

I don't think so

Yes, he is. Obamacare is a huge step towards socialism.
The OP is correct, in general liberalism is based on emotion rather than logic. Liberals feel sorry for those who have less than others and they are angry at those who have more.

In their illogical world everyone would work hard at what he/she does best and the fruits of the collective labor would be shared equally with all citizens.

The problem with that is that it is in violation of basic human nature. The human drive for security and comfort, the human drive to make a better place for ones loved ones than the other guy's. the human drive to have the best food, clothes, housing, cars etc--------in other words, the human drive to succeed and be free from the dictates of others. Its the reason this country was founded--------FREEDOM. and real freeedom includes both the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail.

Liberalism always fails because it denies these basic human traits.

Yeah, that argument has never been made as an appeal to emotion...

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence. That is why it has placed man upon this earth, along with the other beings, and has paved the way for him, has freed him to make his own decisions, to lead his own struggle for survival."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)

I don't know if your quote is actually from Hitler, but if it is, he was correct. He was wrong about just about everything else, but if he said that he was correct.

we think we have become too civilized to live by the laws of survival of the fittest, but no matter how much we deny it, that is how this world works---in nature and in humanity.

And compare that madness to the reasoned sentiment of the liberal:

"legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to James Madison, (Oct. 28, 1785)
The emotion of fear seems to run the cons.

Keep us safe pass the Patrtiot Act!
Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes!
They are gonna take our guns away!@
Obama is the antichrist!
Obama is making America communist/socialist!

At least libs use more emotions like compassion instead of fear and hatred.

obama extended the patriot act

mushroom clouds are more likely because of his weakness

gun confiscation is coming unless we fight it

I don't think so

Yes, he is. Obamacare is a huge step towards socialism.

You call gun confiscation logic and not emotion?
Where is the logic in not having a clue?

thats a question only you can answer, because you are one of the few posters who has no clue about any topic.

Do you deny that you feeeeeeeeell sorrrrrrrrrrry for people making minumum wage? Do you deny that you want to take money from successful people and give it to unsuccessful people?

I use logic and look at the data. I know the minimum wage now is around 70% of what it was when I was getting it as a kid. I know that only a small percentage of the people making minimum wages are kids. I know the economy would be better if those people had more money to spend in the small businesses of their neighborhoods and that money would generate more money.

Believe it or not having compassion on others is also logical, but that is way above your head.

compassion is a good thing, all persons should practice compassion and help those who cannot help themselves---------what you are advocating is government mandated compassion----i.e. thought control. "you will be compassionate because I say you must"

seriously, don't you see the difference?
The emotion of fear seems to run the cons.

Keep us safe pass the Patrtiot Act!
Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes!
They are gonna take our guns away!@
Obama is the antichrist!
Obama is making America communist/socialist!

At least libs use more emotions like compassion instead of fear and hatred.

obama extended the patriot act

mushroom clouds are more likely because of his weakness

gun confiscation is coming unless we fight it

I don't think so

Yes, he is. Obamacare is a huge step towards socialism.

You call gun confiscation logic and not emotion?

some liberal dems are already using the word "confiscation". I am not reacting emotionally to that threat, I am reacting logically. How about you?
Where is the logic in not having a clue?

thats a question only you can answer, because you are one of the few posters who has no clue about any topic.

Do you deny that you feeeeeeeeell sorrrrrrrrrrry for people making minumum wage? Do you deny that you want to take money from successful people and give it to unsuccessful people?

I use logic and look at the data. I know the minimum wage now is around 70% of what it was when I was getting it as a kid. I know that only a small percentage of the people making minimum wages are kids. I know the economy would be better if those people had more money to spend in the small businesses of their neighborhoods and that money would generate more money.

Believe it or not having compassion on others is also logical, but that is way above your head.

Before you can use logic, you have to have some real facts. The first error you made was asserting that money generates more money. That is completely false. The only thing that creates more money (with the exception of the Fed and their printing presses) is the process of adding value to a product or service. The rest is just distribution of the wealth created.

For example: If I have a vehicle that is worth $2,000, and I sell that vehicle for $2,200, I am not creating wealth, I am stealing wealth from the buyer. If I sell that vehicle for $1800, the buyer is stealing wealth from me. To be an honest trader, I can only sell that vehicle for what it is worth.

However, if I put in some labor and a few parts, I can add value to that $2,000 vehicle and sell it for a higher price. I have created wealth for myself by adding value through my labor and skills.
Yeah, that argument has never been made as an appeal to emotion...

"He who wants to live asserts himself. He who cannot assert himself does not deserve to live. He will perish. This is an iron, yet also a just principle. The earth is not there for cowardly peoples, not for weak ones, not for lazy ones. The earth is there for him who takes it and who industriously labors upon it and thereby fashions his life. That is the will of Providence. That is why it has placed man upon this earth, along with the other beings, and has paved the way for him, has freed him to make his own decisions, to lead his own struggle for survival."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Sportpalast Berlin (May 3, 1940)

I don't know if your quote is actually from Hitler, but if it is, he was correct. He was wrong about just about everything else, but if he said that he was correct.

we think we have become too civilized to live by the laws of survival of the fittest, but no matter how much we deny it, that is how this world works---in nature and in humanity.

And compare that madness to the reasoned sentiment of the liberal:

"legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise."
-- Thomas Jefferson; from letter to James Madison, (Oct. 28, 1785)

got some news for you----Jefferson was not a liberal and his quote above is perfectly compatable with the quote you posted from Hitler. The founders were the original conservatives-----small government, individual freedom and responsibility, states rights.

you are very mixed up if you think any of the founders were liberals by today's definition
thats a question only you can answer, because you are one of the few posters who has no clue about any topic.

Do you deny that you feeeeeeeeell sorrrrrrrrrrry for people making minumum wage? Do you deny that you want to take money from successful people and give it to unsuccessful people?

I use logic and look at the data. I know the minimum wage now is around 70% of what it was when I was getting it as a kid. I know that only a small percentage of the people making minimum wages are kids. I know the economy would be better if those people had more money to spend in the small businesses of their neighborhoods and that money would generate more money.

Believe it or not having compassion on others is also logical, but that is way above your head.

Before you can use logic, you have to have some real facts. The first error you made was asserting that money generates more money. That is completely false. The only thing that creates more money (with the exception of the Fed and their printing presses) is the process of adding value to a product or service. The rest is just distribution of the wealth created.

For example: If I have a vehicle that is worth $2,000, and I sell that vehicle for $2,200, I am not creating wealth, I am stealing wealth from the buyer. If I sell that vehicle for $1800, the buyer is stealing wealth from me. To be an honest trader, I can only sell that vehicle for what it is worth.

However, if I put in some labor and a few parts, I can add value to that $2,000 vehicle and sell it for a higher price. I have created wealth for myself by adding value through my labor and skills.

great analogy, but it will be lost on our libtardian friends. they just refuse to get it.
I partially agree with the first quotation
The rest is just partisan psycho babble Bullshit.
The other one I might have agreed with (abortion)but you turned into a hack rant as usual

It's all 100% facts. The right wingers are nutcases. Here's a few more.

"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"

"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!

"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"

You are a goddamn kook.
Fact? You are one to talk about facts. Your hackness reminds me of TM and Lud
"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!
^ that was re-signed by obama :eek:
"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"
^ What started all this? Fuckin emotion! You starting to get it yet? No didnt figure you did.
"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"
^ Didnt they find yellow cake uranium? That could have been debunked IDK If I am wrong would love proof. Anyways, you are being a retarded hypocrite because they scared the shit out of the dems that voted for it as well!

You are a damn nutcase. The entire far right is based on emotion, fear and paranoia.
It's all 100% facts. The right wingers are nutcases. Here's a few more.

"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"

"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!

"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"

You are a goddamn kook.
Fact? You are one to talk about facts. Your hackness reminds me of TM and Lud
"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!
^ that was re-signed by obama :eek:
"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"
^ What started all this? Fuckin emotion! You starting to get it yet? No didnt figure you did.
"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"
^ Didnt they find yellow cake uranium? That could have been debunked IDK If I am wrong would love proof. Anyways, you are being a retarded hypocrite because they scared the shit out of the dems that voted for it as well!

You are a damn nutcase. The entire far right is based on emotion, fear and paranoia.

and your last post is --------- emotion, fear, and paranoia free??? LOL not even close. you like all liberals, are an angry child, you probably got picked last for dodgeball during recess and you have been trying to get even ever since. pathetic little whiner
It's all 100% facts. The right wingers are nutcases. Here's a few more.

"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"

"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!

"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"

You are a goddamn kook.
Fact? You are one to talk about facts. Your hackness reminds me of TM and Lud
"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!
^ that was re-signed by obama :eek:
"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"
^ What started all this? Fuckin emotion! You starting to get it yet? No didnt figure you did.
"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"
^ Didnt they find yellow cake uranium? That could have been debunked IDK If I am wrong would love proof. Anyways, you are being a retarded hypocrite because they scared the shit out of the dems that voted for it as well!

You are a damn nutcase. The entire far right is based on emotion, fear and paranoia.

Notice there is no rebuttal, just name calling lol
You are a goddamn kook.
Fact? You are one to talk about facts. Your hackness reminds me of TM and Lud
"I don't care about the constitution, pass the patriot act W! It's ok to take my freedoms as I'm scared!
^ that was re-signed by obama :eek:
"I'm rushing out to the gun stores to buy everything I can! Obummer iz gunna sign an executive order to send in SWAT and the national guard to take them all! I'm so scared!"
^ What started all this? Fuckin emotion! You starting to get it yet? No didnt figure you did.
"Oh we have to go to war with iraq! They have WMD's and are going to kill us all! I'm so scared!"
^ Didnt they find yellow cake uranium? That could have been debunked IDK If I am wrong would love proof. Anyways, you are being a retarded hypocrite because they scared the shit out of the dems that voted for it as well!

You are a damn nutcase. The entire far right is based on emotion, fear and paranoia.

and your last post is --------- emotion, fear, and paranoia free??? LOL not even close. you like all liberals, are an angry child, you probably got picked last for dodgeball during recess and you have been trying to get even ever since. pathetic little whiner

Excellent work showing off two more right wing emotions, hate and ignorance.

Just look at most every post on this site from the right wingers, all they do is bitch and bitch about how everything is "da libs" fault, blaming them for their miserable existences and failures in life.
Would you say liberalism is based on emotion more than anything else? I honestly dont see much logic in the ideology.

Look at that poor guy. He needs welfare
they might have came in the country illegally, but making them go back is mean
john has more money than sarah, so we should take half oh johns money and give it to sarah. After all its "fair"
Scared to offend slackers... Why does the losing team need a trophy? they didnt win! I understand they are just kids but damn people you are setting a precedent!!!!!
It seems to only be different for the right. We are just racists, nazis, bigots etc. But guys... thats not "nice"
All they are about are feelings.
In the liberal world, everybody must be made to feel like a winner, and a person's bad situation, even though directly caused their own actions, are not their fault.
They live in a utopia...translated from it's greek origin: a fantasy land/nonexistant paradise.
And worse, they keep trying to CREATE a utopia by forcing retarded ideals onto the public.
Man's very NATURE clashes with the idea of a utopia. It simply cannot happen. :cuckoo:

Liberals have never been about anything but feelings. That's why there is no right and wrong or good and evil. Making these kinds of judgments will hurt someone's feelings. If you have ever read any of the utopian philosophies you know that they were all about happiness and enforced equality. What they all concluded is that the end of utopianism is a tyrant.

Read the Republic. Plato's students were charged with the philosophical exercise of coming up with the perfect Republic. As differences arose the Guardian , or ruler, passed more and more laws until they ended up with perfect tyranny.

Our Founders never intended to create a utopia. They were learned men and knew that equality meant an equal opportunity to use their abilities and talents to succeed or fail. They read the utopian philosophies, unlike people of today, and knew that creation of utopia really ends with tyranny.
If even once Conservatives were on the right side of history, if even once a Conservative proffered an opinion that was based in fact rather than anecdote, if even once a Conservative reasoned out the conclusion of his ideology, you might have a point.

As it is, you cannot persuade without precedent. You cannot convince without winning results.

A made up mind is a closed mind. Those who cling to failed ideology are both delusional and specious. Congratulations!

Another dipshit moaning for facts while offering none.

You are a damn nutcase. The entire far right is based on emotion, fear and paranoia.

and your last post is --------- emotion, fear, and paranoia free??? LOL not even close. you like all liberals, are an angry child, you probably got picked last for dodgeball during recess and you have been trying to get even ever since. pathetic little whiner

Excellent work showing off two more right wing emotions, hate and ignorance.

Just look at most every post on this site from the right wingers, all they do is bitch and bitch about how everything is "da libs" fault, blaming them for their miserable existences and failures in life.

it happens to be true, liberal thought is destroying this country. look at the once great city of Detroit------the result of liberal rule and unions.

once a great city of 1.8 million people, now a cess pool of 700K most of whom are on welfare.

great job UAW and liberals :clap2:
thats a question only you can answer, because you are one of the few posters who has no clue about any topic.

Do you deny that you feeeeeeeeell sorrrrrrrrrrry for people making minumum wage? Do you deny that you want to take money from successful people and give it to unsuccessful people?

I use logic and look at the data. I know the minimum wage now is around 70% of what it was when I was getting it as a kid. I know that only a small percentage of the people making minimum wages are kids. I know the economy would be better if those people had more money to spend in the small businesses of their neighborhoods and that money would generate more money.

Believe it or not having compassion on others is also logical, but that is way above your head.

compassion is a good thing, all persons should practice compassion and help those who cannot help themselves---------what you are advocating is government mandated compassion----i.e. thought control. "you will be compassionate because I say you must"

seriously, don't you see the difference?

You and your right-wing are truly full of shit. Spending $21.9 billion on welfare at the end of the Great Recession isn't all that money for welfare, like you liars keep claiming. I've put the figures for social programs in front of around 300 right-wingers and none of them had the cuts to use the figures to support spending too much on welfare. This country is designed with corporate welfare that dwarfs anything given to the people. Even when money is given to people it's a subsidy for businesses that don't pay people enough to live. The American economy is designed to protect the fortunes of the elite at the expense of the working man. That's why wages are so low, because the Fed always keeps the country from having full employment. Workers are treated like slaves in America.
thats a question only you can answer, because you are one of the few posters who has no clue about any topic.

Do you deny that you feeeeeeeeell sorrrrrrrrrrry for people making minumum wage? Do you deny that you want to take money from successful people and give it to unsuccessful people?

I use logic and look at the data. I know the minimum wage now is around 70% of what it was when I was getting it as a kid. I know that only a small percentage of the people making minimum wages are kids. I know the economy would be better if those people had more money to spend in the small businesses of their neighborhoods and that money would generate more money.

Believe it or not having compassion on others is also logical, but that is way above your head.

compassion is a good thing, all persons should practice compassion and help those who cannot help themselves---------what you are advocating is government mandated compassion----i.e. thought control. "you will be compassionate because I say you must"

seriously, don't you see the difference?
Exactly. This is why Al Gore's personal contributions to charity are so miniscule. He thinks that the welfare giveaways that he supports should be enough for the poor vermin of the country.

Charity comes from people who are willing to give of their own pile of money to those who need some help. The more liberal people are the more they think the help should be:

a) from the government by way of distribution of tax money
b) distributed in accordance with their own interpretations of "need"

To the liberal, charitable giving from their own pocket is unnecessary...that's the government's job.:cuckoo:
I use logic and look at the data. I know the minimum wage now is around 70% of what it was when I was getting it as a kid. I know that only a small percentage of the people making minimum wages are kids. I know the economy would be better if those people had more money to spend in the small businesses of their neighborhoods and that money would generate more money.

Believe it or not having compassion on others is also logical, but that is way above your head.

compassion is a good thing, all persons should practice compassion and help those who cannot help themselves---------what you are advocating is government mandated compassion----i.e. thought control. "you will be compassionate because I say you must"

seriously, don't you see the difference?
Exactly. This is why Al Gore's personal contributions to charity are so miniscule. He thinks that the welfare giveaways that he supports should be enough for the poor vermin of the country.

Charity comes from people who are willing to give of their own pile of money to those who need some help. The more liberal people are the more they think the help should be:

a) from the government by way of distribution of tax money
b) distributed in accordance with their own interpretations of "need"

To the liberal, charitable giving from their own pocket is unnecessary...that's the government's job.:cuckoo:

Then get the figures on how much welfare the government gives and make your case!

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