Liberalism is the systemic racism that liberals complain about


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2022

The high-profile police violence stories that liberals use to push anti-police narratives also occur in cities that Democrats have run for decades, including Memphis, Tennessee, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. The cities with the highest homicide rates, which disproportionately affect those cities' black residents, are run by Democrats. School choice policies that would let black families take their children out of failing public schools and give them a better education? Yes, those are opposed by Democratic politicians.

While Democrats and liberals raise the specter of Jim Crow to complain about benign election laws or talk about how black police officers killing a black man is all because of white supremacy, the policies they support are peddling what could reasonably be described as “systemic racism.” These policies price black people out of living in certain cities and prevent them from seeking better schools for their children, and yet you will hear nary a word about it from Democratic politicians or the liberal commentariat.
The word the writer should have used is "leftist", not Liberal.

Liberal political theory is predicated on a sense of egalitarianism where each individual is treated in the same regard no matter their race, ethnicity or station in life. Today's authoritarian left is the complete antithesis of that.

The high-profile police violence stories that liberals use to push anti-police narratives also occur in cities that Democrats have run for decades, including Memphis, Tennessee, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. The cities with the highest homicide rates, which disproportionately affect those cities' black residents, are run by Democrats. School choice policies that would let black families take their children out of failing public schools and give them a better education? Yes, those are opposed by Democratic politicians.

While Democrats and liberals raise the specter of Jim Crow to complain about benign election laws or talk about how black police officers killing a black man is all because of white supremacy, the policies they support are peddling what could reasonably be described as “systemic racism.” These policies price black people out of living in certain cities and prevent them from seeking better schools for their children, and yet you will hear nary a word about it from Democratic politicians or the liberal commentariat.
Every one of their woke policies lead to more income inequality, which effects blacks more than whites, IE systemic racism. And, in most cases they just plain don't give a shit. Their policies are more important to them than systemic racism. They attack the police and want to defund them, increasing crime, which hurts blacks more than whites. Their green energy policies lead to higher energy costs, which furthers income inequality, hurting blacks more than whites. There is far more income inequality in deep blue states, which is systemic racism. Everything they do seems to lead to systemic racism but their policies are so important to them that they can't see any of this, even though it is right in front of their eyes.
Another false narrative by the same folks who champion the Nazi's were really, really liberals fantasy.

Our current crop of Nazi's/KKK/WP idiots are propped up by the left constantly using them as boogeymen, as well as trying to link them to anyone to the right of Mitt Romney.
They were fascist authoritarians. Nowhere near being liberals.
Liberals today aren’t really liberals. Obama and Trump confused them.

Liberals are so strange. Why are they mad at tucker Carlson for giving a platform to Jimmy Dore? You will win the lottery before you will find an anti-war, anti-imperial voice in the liberal controlled corporate media. The issue is what happened to liberalism. One word - Obamaism
Modern SJW types are nowhere near liberals.

Liberals on the left died out somewhere during the late 90's-00's but they kept the name.
I think we can agree that you can't call yourself a liberal or a liberal SJW and use illiberal tactics like intimidation and suppressing speech you don't like or even find offensive.
Liberals today aren’t really liberals. Obama and Trump confused them.

Liberals are so strange. Why are they mad at tucker Carlson for giving a platform to Jimmy Dore? You will win the lottery before you will find an anti-war, anti-imperial voice in the liberal controlled corporate media. The issue is what happened to liberalism. One word - Obamaism
Only in American politics where the definition of both liberal and conservative have been bastardized.
Only in American politics where the definition of both liberal and conservative have been bastardized.
Yes. Both factions have become very much alike when it comes to imperialism, war, and government authoritarianism.
The word the writer should have used is "leftist", not Liberal.

Liberal political theory is predicated on a sense of egalitarianism where each individual is treated in the same regard no matter their race, ethnicity or station in life. Today's authoritarian left is the complete antithesis of that.

Yes. This.

While I am no longer a "liberal", I sure as hell recognize it as a somewhat sane and coherent ideology.

The breed that "Woke" hath wrought are irrational, insane zombies who want nothing but chaos and pestilence as is dictated by their genuine disdain for freedom and anything that sustains the human spirit.

And this mind virus has completely consumed the empty vessel of the Democrat party.

Fuck that shit.
No one is right of Pelosi. Too bad Rs and cons refuse to see this. It’s so obvious.

The problem with your supposition is it almost certainly defines the "Right" by Leftist standards.

If you think the Right hates black people, wants the dissolution of the American union, and is a servant to foreign powers - then sure, Pelosi is an ardent right winger.

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