Liberalism vs Leftism


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Liberalism is a good thing. Between liberalism and conservatism there is a middle ground that drives for the betterment of society.

Leftism pushes for the destruction of civilization. Leftism tells you there is no distinction between men and women, a child raised by homosexuals is no different than being raised by a male and female couple, animals and humans are equivalent and should have the same rights, America is morally inferior to many nations in the world, etc etc.

And if you don't go along with leftism agendas they will work hard to destroy you, even to the point of using violence.
Liberalism is a good thing. Between liberalism and conservatism there is a middle ground that drives for the betterment of society.

Leftism pushes for the destruction of civilization. Leftism tells you there is no distinction between men and women, a child raised by homosexuals is no different than being raised by a male and female couple, animals and humans are equivalent and should have the same rights, America is morally inferior to many nations in the world, etc etc.

And if you don't go along with leftism agendas they will work hard to destroy you, even to the point of using violence.
Leftism is using the word liberalism to fool those stupid enough to believe them. Until more people are better educated(which the left doesn't want) liberalism will still be bad for society.
Leftism is using the word liberalism


It wasn't the "left" who have attempted to pervert the meaning of "Liberal". It was a faction of the right.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. <<​

That goes back to the 1940s. The infamous McCarthy/Red Scare daze. A tool used by the intellectually unethical for their own gain.

George H.W. Bush used it, no doubt on Lee Atwater's dishonest advice (again, Atwater was another disciple of McCarthy's instigator Roy Cohn) against his opponent Dukakis, sneering "Liberal" as if it was a negative.

Then we've got this piece of Doublethink, suggesting a term can mean the opposite of itself:


Check the subtitle. The author --- right on the cover page--- makes no bones about intentionally conflating "Liberal" with "left". Stark intellectual dishonesty. Right on the front cover.

Oh and notice the author is also pulling the same stunt, "stuffing fascists and communists into the same basket" --- again right on the front cover --- to sell books, and veracity be damned. He's got every emotional bait-hook on there except the word "sex".

Then add to this the me-too echoes of the Lush Rimjobs, the Sean Inanitys, the Info Wars etc, making the same conflation and try to show the class how it's "the left"pulling this shinola.

And here add countless threads including this most recent one, again trying to drag the concept of "Liberalism" through the mud, on the basis of ---- nothing whatsoever.

It's starkly clear that those who so conflate do so, and have always done so, because they're against the Liberal principles that created this country and its Constitution. Then they hide behind their own lies -- like the plainly Doublethinkian "liberal fascism".
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Leftism is using the word liberalism


It wasn't the "left" who have attempted to pervert the meaning of "Liberal". It was a faction of the right.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. <<​

That goes back to the 1940. The infamous McCarthy/Red Scare daze. A tool used by the intellectually unethical for their own gain.

George H.W. Bush used it, no doubt on Lee Atwater's dishonest advice (again, Atwater was another disciple of McCarthy's instigator Roy Cohn) against his opponent Dukakis, sneering "Liberal" as if it was a negative.

Then we've got this piece of Doublethink, suggesting a term can mean the opposite of itself:


Check the subtitle. The author --- right on the cover page--- makes no bones about intentionally conflating "Liberal" with "left". Stark intellectual dishonesty.

Then add to this the me-too echoes of the Lush Rimjobs, the Sean Inanitys, the Info Wars etc, making the same conflation and try to show the class how it's "the left"pulling this shinola.
JFK was a liberal.

Any of his speeches if given by Trump would cause you leftists to faint from the vapors.
Leftism is using the word liberalism


It wasn't the "left" who have attempted to pervert the meaning of "Liberal". It was a faction of the right.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. <<​

That goes back to the 1940. The infamous McCarthy/Red Scare daze. A tool used by the intellectually unethical for their own gain.

George H.W. Bush used it, no doubt on Lee Atwater's dishonest advice (again, Atwater was another disciple of McCarthy's instigator Roy Cohn) against his opponent Dukakis, sneering "Liberal" as if it was a negative.

Then we've got this piece of Doublethink, suggesting a term can mean the opposite of itself:


Check the subtitle. The author --- right on the cover page--- makes no bones about intentionally conflating "Liberal" with "left". Stark intellectual dishonesty. Right on the front cover.

Oh and notice the author is also pulling the same stunt, "stuffing fascists and communists into the same basket" --- again right on the front cover --- to sell books, and veracity be damned.

Then add to this the me-too echoes of the Lush Rimjobs, the Sean Inanitys, the Info Wars etc, making the same conflation and try to show the class how it's "the left"pulling this shinola.

It's starkly clear that those who so conflate do so, and have always done so, because they're against the Liberal principles that created this country and its Constitution. Then they hide behind their own lies -- like the plainly Doublethinkian "liberal fascism".
Okay 1 more time for a history lesson for tards.

Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedom.
Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

New age liberalism - The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
Common Core.
High taxes.
Less freedoms.
Killing of born and unborn children.
Slaves to the government with welfare.
Diversity instead of unity.
and on and on....
Leftism is using the word liberalism


It wasn't the "left" who have attempted to pervert the meaning of "Liberal". It was a faction of the right.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. <<​

That goes back to the 1940. The infamous McCarthy/Red Scare daze. A tool used by the intellectually unethical for their own gain.

George H.W. Bush used it, no doubt on Lee Atwater's dishonest advice (again, Atwater was another disciple of McCarthy's instigator Roy Cohn) against his opponent Dukakis, sneering "Liberal" as if it was a negative.

Then we've got this piece of Doublethink, suggesting a term can mean the opposite of itself:


Check the subtitle. The author --- right on the cover page--- makes no bones about intentionally conflating "Liberal" with "left". Stark intellectual dishonesty.

Then add to this the me-too echoes of the Lush Rimjobs, the Sean Inanitys, the Info Wars etc, making the same conflation and try to show the class how it's "the left"pulling this shinola.
JFK was a liberal.

Any of his speeches if given by Trump would cause you leftists to faint from the vapors.

Speculation fallacy. Dismissed.
Leftism is using the word liberalism


It wasn't the "left" who have attempted to pervert the meaning of "Liberal". It was a faction of the right.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. <<​

That goes back to the 1940. The infamous McCarthy/Red Scare daze. A tool used by the intellectually unethical for their own gain.

George H.W. Bush used it, no doubt on Lee Atwater's dishonest advice (again, Atwater was another disciple of McCarthy's instigator Roy Cohn) against his opponent Dukakis, sneering "Liberal" as if it was a negative.

Then we've got this piece of Doublethink, suggesting a term can mean the opposite of itself:


Check the subtitle. The author --- right on the cover page--- makes no bones about intentionally conflating "Liberal" with "left". Stark intellectual dishonesty. Right on the front cover.

Oh and notice the author is also pulling the same stunt, "stuffing fascists and communists into the same basket" --- again right on the front cover --- to sell books, and veracity be damned.

Then add to this the me-too echoes of the Lush Rimjobs, the Sean Inanitys, the Info Wars etc, making the same conflation and try to show the class how it's "the left"pulling this shinola.

It's starkly clear that those who so conflate do so, and have always done so, because they're against the Liberal principles that created this country and its Constitution. Then they hide behind their own lies -- like the plainly Doublethinkian "liberal fascism".
Okay 1 more time for a history lesson for tards.

Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism which advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedom.
Classical liberalism - Wikipedia

New age liberalism - The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
Common Core.
High taxes.
Less freedoms.
Killing of born and unborn children.
Slaves to the government with welfare.
Diversity instead of unity.
and on and on....

Yawn. I asked for a link and you came back with yet another bullshit term.

There is no "classical LIberalism". Liberalism is Liberalism is Liberalism. The "classical" song and dance is a crutch made up by hacks like the aforrementioned Jonah Goldberg to attempt to excuse away the fact that they're trying to use a term to mean its own opposite. You can't do that. "Black" can never mean "white". "Up" can never mean "down".

Again, the question was simple. It was: "Link?"
  • Obamacare -- not LIberalism, never was.
  • Common Core. -- don't know what that is.
  • High taxes.--- nothing to do with Liberalism
  • Less freedoms. --- first of all it's FEWER, not 'less'. And that's got nothing to do with Liberalism either. Again, you''re trying to define a term as the opposite of itself.
  • Killing of born and unborn children. - wtf?
  • Slaves to the government with welfare. --- not even a coherent sentence.
  • Diversity instead of unity --- you don't even seem to understand what Liberalism is..
What is meant here by "unity"? The State as all-powerful protector of Ubermesch and a master race?
The world IS diverse. Get used to it. Again, your task here is to show how any of this rambling aimless laundry list is somehow related to "Liberalism", or who claims it is.

Liberalism is passive, not initiative. If politics can be metaphored as a football game, with one team moving the ball to the left and the other moving it to the right --- the Liberal on the field is the referee. The ref doesn't carry the ball or make tackles. He just ensures the ball stays in bounds and the rules are followed by both sides.

That ref doesn't determine what taxes are, force people to buy insurance, restrict anybody's freedoms, restrict anybody's diversity, or declare affirmative action quotas. The left and the right do that.
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Leftism is using the word liberalism


It wasn't the "left" who have attempted to pervert the meaning of "Liberal". It was a faction of the right.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. <<​

That goes back to the 1940. The infamous McCarthy/Red Scare daze. A tool used by the intellectually unethical for their own gain.

George H.W. Bush used it, no doubt on Lee Atwater's dishonest advice (again, Atwater was another disciple of McCarthy's instigator Roy Cohn) against his opponent Dukakis, sneering "Liberal" as if it was a negative.

Then we've got this piece of Doublethink, suggesting a term can mean the opposite of itself:


Check the subtitle. The author --- right on the cover page--- makes no bones about intentionally conflating "Liberal" with "left". Stark intellectual dishonesty.

Then add to this the me-too echoes of the Lush Rimjobs, the Sean Inanitys, the Info Wars etc, making the same conflation and try to show the class how it's "the left"pulling this shinola.
JFK was a liberal.

Any of his speeches if given by Trump would cause you leftists to faint from the vapors.

Speculation fallacy. Dismissed.
Your inability to acknowledge that leftism and liberalism are two distinct belief systems is common among leftists.
Leftism is using the word liberalism


It wasn't the "left" who have attempted to pervert the meaning of "Liberal". It was a faction of the right.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. <<​

That goes back to the 1940. The infamous McCarthy/Red Scare daze. A tool used by the intellectually unethical for their own gain.

George H.W. Bush used it, no doubt on Lee Atwater's dishonest advice (again, Atwater was another disciple of McCarthy's instigator Roy Cohn) against his opponent Dukakis, sneering "Liberal" as if it was a negative.

Then we've got this piece of Doublethink, suggesting a term can mean the opposite of itself:


Check the subtitle. The author --- right on the cover page--- makes no bones about intentionally conflating "Liberal" with "left". Stark intellectual dishonesty.

Then add to this the me-too echoes of the Lush Rimjobs, the Sean Inanitys, the Info Wars etc, making the same conflation and try to show the class how it's "the left"pulling this shinola.
JFK was a liberal.

Any of his speeches if given by Trump would cause you leftists to faint from the vapors.

Speculation fallacy. Dismissed.
Your inability to acknowledge that leftism and liberalism are two distinct belief systems is common among leftists.

Your inability to read is noted and logged. I've been pointing out that very distinction for the entire time I've been here. It's why I clicked in to this thread. And it's why I got directly to that conflation in my first post here (4).

Still, the fact remains your post above remains a speculation fallacy and as such, worthless.
Leftism is using the word liberalism


It wasn't the "left" who have attempted to pervert the meaning of "Liberal". It was a faction of the right.

>> One of the major problems in American political consciousness today comes from a misrepresentation of the political spectrum. This is partly the result of a deliberate effort to put all of America's enemies (fascists and communists) into the same basket after World War II, and a deliberate effort by the American "Right" to classify everything that they oppose as "Leftist". After World War II the Republican Party was struggling for survival and was in the process of reinventing itself. Part of the political strategy of some Republicans was to portray the Democratic Party of Truman and Franklin D. Roosevelt as "Red," thereby associating "Liberalism" with "Socialism". It was a common tactic during the 1950s to accuse Democrats of being "Communists" or "Communist sympathizers", a tactic that worked well during the McCarthy era and has had a lasting impact on how Americans view politics. <<​

That goes back to the 1940. The infamous McCarthy/Red Scare daze. A tool used by the intellectually unethical for their own gain.

George H.W. Bush used it, no doubt on Lee Atwater's dishonest advice (again, Atwater was another disciple of McCarthy's instigator Roy Cohn) against his opponent Dukakis, sneering "Liberal" as if it was a negative.

Then we've got this piece of Doublethink, suggesting a term can mean the opposite of itself:


Check the subtitle. The author --- right on the cover page--- makes no bones about intentionally conflating "Liberal" with "left". Stark intellectual dishonesty.

Then add to this the me-too echoes of the Lush Rimjobs, the Sean Inanitys, the Info Wars etc, making the same conflation and try to show the class how it's "the left"pulling this shinola.
JFK was a liberal.

Any of his speeches if given by Trump would cause you leftists to faint from the vapors.

Speculation fallacy. Dismissed.
Your inability to acknowledge that leftism and liberalism are two distinct belief systems is common among leftists.

Your inability to read is noted and logged. I've been pointing out that very distinction for the entire time I've been here. It's why I clicked in to this thread. And it's why I got directly to that conflation in my first post here (4).

Still, the fact remains your post above remains a speculation fallacy and as such, worthless.
My speculation that the sun will set on the western horizon is just as valid.

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