Liberals and CNN Continue to Treat American Public Like They are Idiots

CNN was caught lying again this morning, front page news. That dimwit lied about what Sanders said, ran with the lie, other Dem's piled on mocking the lie, then it was admitted oops sorry CNN lied.

The burden of proof is on CNN, not the people who criticize them. That's how degenerate the cable entertainment network has become.

The only way for all three cable networks (Fox/CNN/MSNBC) to regain their credibility is to begin launching stories with copious bibliographical evidence on their websites for each story/topic they discuss organized in an electronic library by date and time and the name of the show the story was hosted on.
another screamer of a headline. Trump said “breathtaking” things at the NRA Convention. He talked about “going after” people. Majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and Trump said nothing that was close to shocking. People laugh at media when they pull this shit. What sheltered suburbanite world do CNN reporters live in? I bet CNN New York HQ reads like a who’s, who, of socialist and radical dim light bulbs.
The 40 most breathtaking lines from Donald Trump's NRA speech - CNNPolitics
This is my favorite...

7. "Your Second Amendment rights are under siege, but they will never, ever be under siege as long as I'm your president."
You think stating oxy-morons are smart? What do you take me for, an idiot?

This is literal interpretation. That's why.

Trump doesn't have the divine and godlike powers to mind control gun grabbers and make them stop attacking the 2nd Amendment; however, he does the political power to keep them at bay while he's in office.

This shouldn't even require explanation.

Also, since you and CNN seem to interpret things so literally, we aren't you strict constructionists who interpret the Constitution as expressly written? Shall not be infringed.
Here's a breathtaking comment from CNN in the very same article (this comment is brought to you by the organization whose polls predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide):

11. "Kanye West must have some power because you probably saw, I doubled my African-American poll numbers. We went from 11 to 22 in one week. Thank you, Kanye, thank you."
Yes, thank you Kanye. Or should I say Yeezus. Or Ye? Anywho, the poll Trump is referring to here is from Reuters-Ipsos -- and doesn't meet CNN's polling standards.
ah yes, the continued efforts to define and demonize construed targets , all for the sake of diversion, trudges on like a toddler with a pantload.....

Lowest rated Fox program destroyed CNN. When you are nothing but “anti-Trump” every single minute of the day people will tune you out as a non-credible news source.
Fox News' Worst-Rated Show Just Delivered Brutal Punishment to CNN

The source for this drivel is "Conservative Tribune" which is funny enough.... However when you look at the story itself, it gets more rollicking...

CNN, however, has attempted to portray itself as unbiased and centrist as a media organization, but its news coverage quite obviously skews toward the left. It appears a significant number of viewers have taken notice and are no longer watching based on recent ratings numbers, according to Breitbart.

CNN is a joke and people are tuning out.
As much as Breitbart etc?
The person who follows literally one side or the other's propaganda media is a dupe. Period.
another screamer of a headline. Trump said “breathtaking” things at the NRA Convention. He talked about “going after” people. Majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and Trump said nothing that was close to shocking. People laugh at media when they pull this shit. What sheltered suburbanite world do CNN reporters live in? I bet CNN New York HQ reads like a who’s, who, of socialist and radical dim light bulbs.
The 40 most breathtaking lines from Donald Trump's NRA speech - CNNPolitics
if you know CNN is full of shit why do you go out there to simply get pissed off, knowing that's what you will do?

best way to shut up a troll is to ignore them. screaming HEY LOOK OVER THERE is a piss poor way of stopping the bullshit.
another screamer of a headline. Trump said “breathtaking” things at the NRA Convention. He talked about “going after” people. Majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and Trump said nothing that was close to shocking. People laugh at media when they pull this shit. What sheltered suburbanite world do CNN reporters live in? I bet CNN New York HQ reads like a who’s, who, of socialist and radical dim light bulbs.
The 40 most breathtaking lines from Donald Trump's NRA speech - CNNPolitics

Well, by the looks of many of the posts on this forum..... they're not far wrong.
They do...look at a congressional district map! Districts must be proportional based on the population of that district. So if most of the population lives in say Chicago, it ends up with 14 of 21 districts and downstate gets 7. Goddamn your dumb. No basic Civics in school?
They get 7, when they should've gotten 3.
CNN was caught lying again this morning, front page news. That dimwit lied about what Sanders said, ran with the lie, other Dem's piled on mocking the lie, then it was admitted oops sorry CNN lied.

The burden of proof is on CNN, not the people who criticize them. That's how degenerate the cable entertainment network has become.

The only way for all three cable networks (Fox/CNN/MSNBC) to regain their credibility is to begin launching stories with copious bibliographical evidence on their websites for each story/topic they discuss organized in an electronic library by date and time and the name of the show the story was hosted on.
You said that CNN lied and I asked for a link, so yeah the burden of proof to back up your claim is on you now.
What you have to understand is you are being played by the party. Did the Democrats ever lose an election and say it was entirely their fault? Let's look:

Diebold machines
Punch card ballots
Supreme Court

If you look, there is somewhat of a pattern here. The Democrats have to convince their sheep that the country is turning liberal. For the last 30 years or so, they've told us that Republicans are a thing of the past; old rich white people dying off; the wave of the future is Socialism.

If they ever told their followers the truth, some might give up and not come out and vote.

View attachment 192120
I'm not a democrat.

You're a Stalinist. What's the difference?
I took about 3 days off from here
First time since joining. Therapeutic
Come back and debate is same but reality is further down the rabbit hole
Stormys lawyer holding center stage
What a disgraceful ordeal to put this Nation thru
. We’ve about given up on you getting bietter so it might be onto Stage 2 which will be hellacious payback
another screamer of a headline. Trump said “breathtaking” things at the NRA Convention. He talked about “going after” people. Majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and Trump said nothing that was close to shocking. People laugh at media when they pull this shit. What sheltered suburbanite world do CNN reporters live in? I bet CNN New York HQ reads like a who’s, who, of socialist and radical dim light bulbs.
The 40 most breathtaking lines from Donald Trump's NRA speech - CNNPolitics

You are idiots.


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