Liberals and CNN Continue to Treat American Public Like They are Idiots

The fact remains that the american public will not let the alt right and far right cons treat them like idiots. Donald Trump conned them? Hmmm. I thought it was because he spoke to them and not “down to them.” Forgotten America showed it’s anger at the establishment in 2016.
The fact remains that the american public will not let the alt right and far right cons treat them like idiots.

The fact? You keep using that word like you know its meaning.

The problem is that you lefties are treating everyone who are not on your side as idiots.

Now that Trump's tariffs are destroying the economy of soybean and sorghum producers, not to mention that Mexico is starting to buy wheat from other countries, i suspect that middle America is not as enthusiastic about Trump as they used to be.
Now that Trump's tariffs are destroying the economy of soybean and sorghum producers, not to mention that Mexico is starting to buy wheat from other countries, i suspect that middle America is not as enthusiastic about Trump as they used to be.
Putting China in its place is long overdue. Manufacturing will pick back up again in U.S. and that means jobs. Farmers will do just fine in United States. Fuck Mexico. I would seal them off completely. Similar to walls they have to separate Gaza from Israel.
Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050

More people voted for the conservative/libertarian, anyway presidential elections are not determined by popular vote the electoral college does that. Most people learn and understand that in grade school…
Thank God for the electoral college
And un-Constitutional gerrymandering.
Her ass is not in the Oval Office and she conceded on election night then launched into a drunken rage against her staff. Hillary and her supporters feel she “should have won.” Reality and the Constitution say she did not.
The Constitution said there should be equal representation, which is not what red state America gave us.
Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050

More people voted for the conservative/libertarian, anyway presidential elections are not determined by popular vote the electoral college does that. Most people learn and understand that in grade school…
Thank God for the electoral college
And un-Constitutional gerrymandering.
Silly fool, Both parties do it equally.
Rural and urban will never have the same interests. As the way it should be. Shit for brains
It does? So you think Republicans are the only ones to redistrict?
Right now, districts that have been drawn illegally, were drawn by red state legislatures.

Really? So why aren't the Democrats taking this to court? Other than crying about it, nobody said anything about it being unconstitutional or illegal. One would think with all the other wind bag accusations they've made about the last election, something illegal or unconstitutional would be challenged.

Of course.......this is assuming that you're voicing an opinion and not a fact which I'm sure you're doing.
Really? So why aren't the Democrats taking this to court? Other than crying about it, nobody said anything about it being unconstitutional or illegal. One would think with all the other wind bag accusations they've made about the last election, something illegal or unconstitutional would be challenged.

Of course.......this is assuming that you're voicing an opinion and not a fact which I'm sure you're doing.
They are taking it to court. In North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Really? So why aren't the Democrats taking this to court? Other than crying about it, nobody said anything about it being unconstitutional or illegal. One would think with all the other wind bag accusations they've made about the last election, something illegal or unconstitutional would be challenged.

Of course.......this is assuming that you're voicing an opinion and not a fact which I'm sure you're doing.
They are taking it to court. In North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Great. And until the cases are decided on or otherwise make it to the Supreme Court, then what you offer is an opinion no different than mine.
Silly fool, Both parties do it equally.
Rural and urban will never have the same interests. As the way it should be. Shit for brains
Yeah, but urban areas should have more districts than rural ones.
They do...look at a congressional district map! Districts must be proportional based on the population of that district. So if most of the population lives in say Chicago, it ends up with 14 of 21 districts and downstate gets 7. Goddamn your dumb. No basic Civics in school?
Lowest rated Fox program destroyed CNN. When you are nothing but “anti-Trump” every single minute of the day people will tune you out as a non-credible news source.
Fox News' Worst-Rated Show Just Delivered Brutal Punishment to CNN

The source for this drivel is "Conservative Tribune" which is funny enough.... However when you look at the story itself, it gets more rollicking...

CNN, however, has attempted to portray itself as unbiased and centrist as a media organization, but its news coverage quite obviously skews toward the left. It appears a significant number of viewers have taken notice and are no longer watching based on recent ratings numbers, according to Breitbart.


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