Liberals and CNN Continue to Treat American Public Like They are Idiots

A.) Gerrymandering has nothing to do with Presidential elections and the Electoral College.
B.) Gerrymandering is not unconstitutional as districts are left up to the states to draw. Districts must only have proportional representation in number...not political affiliation of voters in those districts.
But they're not proportional. Densely populated urban areas should have more districts than sparsely populated rural areas. Rural areas are typically more conservative. Urban areas are typically more liberal. The one who wins the most districts, get the electoral votes. So yes, it does have something to do with the Presidential election.
Sure, how about you show me three lies from the past three days. Double dare. Should be easy for you considering how much you say they lie. Let’s see if you can prove it or if you are just all talk


Is that video a joke? Did you even watch it? They try and point at two examples of dropped satillite feed interviews as some conspiracy to block people from speaking? That is complete horse poop. Most their shows have conservatives and Trump staffers on regularly and they are able to say anything they want.

Also I asked for three lies from the past three days. Don’t be lazy and post a video that completely fails to make a convincing point.

Again I’ll challange you to back up your words or expose yourself as a bag of hot air.

CNN never gives both sides. They are a joke.

They actually usually always give both sides. Site an example of a news show on CNN that you think doesn’t show the other side and I’ll easily show you an example of them doing so

Don Lemon.

Ok, Lemon is the most extreme on CNN, he is like the Hannity, would you agree with that? He does interview trump supporters on the regular though so there is often an opposition voice to their discussion. But like Hannity says, he isn’t a journalist, he is a talk show host

Is that video a joke? Did you even watch it? They try and point at two examples of dropped satillite feed interviews as some conspiracy to block people from speaking? That is complete horse poop. Most their shows have conservatives and Trump staffers on regularly and they are able to say anything they want.

Also I asked for three lies from the past three days. Don’t be lazy and post a video that completely fails to make a convincing point.

Again I’ll challange you to back up your words or expose yourself as a bag of hot air.

CNN never gives both sides. They are a joke.

They actually usually always give both sides. Site an example of a news show on CNN that you think doesn’t show the other side and I’ll easily show you an example of them doing so

Don Lemon.

Ok, Lemon is the most extreme on CNN, he is like the Hannity, would you agree with that? He does interview trump supporters on the regular though so there is often an opposition voice to their discussion. But like Hannity says, he isn’t a journalist, he is a talk show host

Try this news source my friend. I find it rather objective: The Christian Science Monitor
A.) Gerrymandering has nothing to do with Presidential elections and the Electoral College.
B.) Gerrymandering is not unconstitutional as districts are left up to the states to draw. Districts must only have proportional representation in number...not political affiliation of voters in those districts.
But they're not proportional. Densely populated urban areas should have more districts than sparsely populated rural areas. Rural areas are typically more conservative. Urban areas are typically more liberal. The one who wins the most districts, get the electoral votes. So yes, it does have something to do with the Presidential election.
Baker v. Carr 1964 (?) disagrees with you. Urban areas have more districts than rural areas. Look at Congressional maps. Hello McFlye. Bottom line is that the majority of Americans feel that the Democratic Party, Mainstream Media, and college professoriate are TOO far left for them.
Baker v. Carr 1964 (?) disagrees with you. Urban areas have more districts than rural areas. Look at Congressional maps. Hello McFlye. Bottom line is that the majority of Americans feel that the Democratic Party, Mainstream Media, and college professoriate are TOO far left for them.
North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all have illegal, partisan gerrymandering being reviewed by the Supreme Court. So yes, it does happen and it is real.
Sure, how about you show me three lies from the past three days. Double dare. Should be easy for you considering how much you say they lie. Let’s see if you can prove it or if you are just all talk


Is that video a joke? Did you even watch it? They try and point at two examples of dropped satillite feed interviews as some conspiracy to block people from speaking? That is complete horse poop. Most their shows have conservatives and Trump staffers on regularly and they are able to say anything they want.

Also I asked for three lies from the past three days. Don’t be lazy and post a video that completely fails to make a convincing point.

Again I’ll challange you to back up your words or expose yourself as a bag of hot air.

CNN never gives both sides. They are a joke.

They actually usually always give both sides. Site an example of a news show on CNN that you think doesn’t show the other side and I’ll easily show you an example of them doing so

Don Lemon.

I went back to the last episode he hosted and he had Alice Stewart on, ex coms director for Ted Cruz and now a Republican strategist. I’d call that an oppositional voice. I’d be willing to bet he has at least one on every show
Is that video a joke? Did you even watch it? They try and point at two examples of dropped satillite feed interviews as some conspiracy to block people from speaking? That is complete horse poop. Most their shows have conservatives and Trump staffers on regularly and they are able to say anything they want.

Also I asked for three lies from the past three days. Don’t be lazy and post a video that completely fails to make a convincing point.

Again I’ll challange you to back up your words or expose yourself as a bag of hot air.
CNN never gives both sides. They are a joke.
They actually usually always give both sides. Site an example of a news show on CNN that you think doesn’t show the other side and I’ll easily show you an example of them doing so
Don Lemon.
Ok, Lemon is the most extreme on CNN, he is like the Hannity, would you agree with that? He does interview trump supporters on the regular though so there is often an opposition voice to their discussion. But like Hannity says, he isn’t a journalist, he is a talk show host
Try this news source my friend. I find it rather objective: The Christian Science Monitor
Thanks, I’ll check it out. I skim several sources for my news and don’t buy into one specific outlet. I can tell you that I see enough of CNN to KNOW that they may be bias as to what stories they emphasis, however they are not spreading lies on the regular like Trump tries to claim. The Fake News rhetoric is overblown and dangerous.

Is that video a joke? Did you even watch it? They try and point at two examples of dropped satillite feed interviews as some conspiracy to block people from speaking? That is complete horse poop. Most their shows have conservatives and Trump staffers on regularly and they are able to say anything they want.

Also I asked for three lies from the past three days. Don’t be lazy and post a video that completely fails to make a convincing point.

Again I’ll challange you to back up your words or expose yourself as a bag of hot air.

CNN never gives both sides. They are a joke.

They actually usually always give both sides. Site an example of a news show on CNN that you think doesn’t show the other side and I’ll easily show you an example of them doing so

Don Lemon.

I went back to the last episode he hosted and he had Alice Stewart on, ex coms director for Ted Cruz and now a Republican strategist. I’d call that an oppositional voice. I’d be willing to bet he has at least one on every show

So does Hannity. That way they can scream at each other.
Baker v. Carr 1964 (?) disagrees with you. Urban areas have more districts than rural areas. Look at Congressional maps. Hello McFlye. Bottom line is that the majority of Americans feel that the Democratic Party, Mainstream Media, and college professoriate are TOO far left for them.
North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all have illegal, partisan gerrymandering being reviewed by the Supreme Court. So yes, it does happen and it is real.
North Carolina case yes. Other two I believe were the state’s supreme courts.
CNN never gives both sides. They are a joke.
They actually usually always give both sides. Site an example of a news show on CNN that you think doesn’t show the other side and I’ll easily show you an example of them doing so
Don Lemon.
Ok, Lemon is the most extreme on CNN, he is like the Hannity, would you agree with that? He does interview trump supporters on the regular though so there is often an opposition voice to their discussion. But like Hannity says, he isn’t a journalist, he is a talk show host
Try this news source my friend. I find it rather objective: The Christian Science Monitor
Thanks, I’ll check it out. I skim several sources for my news and don’t buy into one specific outlet. I can tell you that I see enough of CNN to KNOW that they may be bias as to what stories they emphasis, however they are not spreading lies on the regular like Trump tries to claim. The Fake News rhetoric is overblown and dangerous.
CSM avoids much of the hyperbole.
There is no good definition of what 'liberals' may be.
CNN should be regarded as reliable as any news source; i.e., what is reported could be true, but one must remain alert to what proves to be true.
As for idiocy in America, there is a vast quantity.
another screamer of a headline. Trump said “breathtaking” things at the NRA Convention. He talked about “going after” people. Majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and Trump said nothing that was close to shocking. People laugh at media when they pull this shit. What sheltered suburbanite world do CNN reporters live in? I bet CNN New York HQ reads like a who’s, who, of socialist and radical dim light bulbs.
The 40 most breathtaking lines from Donald Trump's NRA speech - CNNPolitics
This is my favorite...

7. "Your Second Amendment rights are under siege, but they will never, ever be under siege as long as I'm your president."
You think stating oxy-morons are smart? What do you take me for, an idiot?

Where's the oxymoron, dumbass?
A.) Gerrymandering has nothing to do with Presidential elections and the Electoral College.
B.) Gerrymandering is not unconstitutional as districts are left up to the states to draw. Districts must only have proportional representation in number...not political affiliation of voters in those districts.
But they're not proportional. Densely populated urban areas should have more districts than sparsely populated rural areas. Rural areas are typically more conservative. Urban areas are typically more liberal. The one who wins the most districts, get the electoral votes. So yes, it does have something to do with the Presidential election.

What you have to understand is you are being played by the party. Did the Democrats ever lose an election and say it was entirely their fault? Let's look:

Diebold machines
Punch card ballots
Supreme Court

If you look, there is somewhat of a pattern here. The Democrats have to convince their sheep that the country is turning liberal. For the last 30 years or so, they've told us that Republicans are a thing of the past; old rich white people dying off; the wave of the future is Socialism.

If they ever told their followers the truth, some might give up and not come out and vote.

Hillary excuses for losing.jpeg
another screamer of a headline. Trump said “breathtaking” things at the NRA Convention. He talked about “going after” people. Majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and Trump said nothing that was close to shocking. People laugh at media when they pull this shit. What sheltered suburbanite world do CNN reporters live in? I bet CNN New York HQ reads like a who’s, who, of socialist and radical dim light bulbs.
The 40 most breathtaking lines from Donald Trump's NRA speech - CNNPolitics
This is my favorite...

7. "Your Second Amendment rights are under siege, but they will never, ever be under siege as long as I'm your president."
You think stating oxy-morons are smart? What do you take me for, an idiot?

That was a contradiction, not an oxymoron, moron.

An "oxymoron" is something like "Jumbo Shrimp" or "Journalistic Integrity."

Or conservative intelligence.

Do you fucktard spend all day watching CNN waiting for something to bitch about.

Get a life.
No, but I read the headlines for comic relief.

So you admit you are massively uninformed. Duh
A.) Gerrymandering has nothing to do with Presidential elections and the Electoral College.
B.) Gerrymandering is not unconstitutional as districts are left up to the states to draw. Districts must only have proportional representation in number...not political affiliation of voters in those districts.
But they're not proportional. Densely populated urban areas should have more districts than sparsely populated rural areas. Rural areas are typically more conservative. Urban areas are typically more liberal. The one who wins the most districts, get the electoral votes. So yes, it does have something to do with the Presidential election.
Something tells me if the political affiliation of different districts was reversed you wouldn't be posting on this thread.

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