Liberals and CNN Continue to Treat American Public Like They are Idiots

CNN was caught lying again this morning, front page news. That dimwit lied about what Sanders said, ran with the lie, other Dem's piled on mocking the lie, then it was admitted oops sorry CNN lied.

CNN lied?

Must be a day ending in "y"
CNN was caught lying again this morning, front page news. That dimwit lied about what Sanders said, ran with the lie, other Dem's piled on mocking the lie, then it was admitted oops sorry CNN lied.

CNN lied?

Must be a day ending in "y"

Too funny I'm stealing that one. :auiqs.jpg:
What was the big lie?

Maybe the Communist hate outlet should run a "CNN LIE OF THE DAY" segment?
CNN was caught lying again this morning, front page news. That dimwit lied about what Sanders said, ran with the lie, other Dem's piled on mocking the lie, then it was admitted oops sorry CNN lied.

CNN lied?

Must be a day ending in "y"

Too funny I'm stealing that one. :auiqs.jpg:
What was the big lie?

Maybe the Communist hate outlet should run a "CNN LIE OF THE DAY" segment?
Sure, how about you show me three lies from the past three days. Double dare. Should be easy for you considering how much you say they lie. Let’s see if you can prove it or if you are just all talk
CNN was caught lying again this morning, front page news. That dimwit lied about what Sanders said, ran with the lie, other Dem's piled on mocking the lie, then it was admitted oops sorry CNN lied.

CNN lied?

Must be a day ending in "y"

Too funny I'm stealing that one. :auiqs.jpg:
What was the big lie?

Maybe the Communist hate outlet should run a "CNN LIE OF THE DAY" segment?
Sure, how about you show me three lies from the past three days. Double dare. Should be easy for you considering how much you say they lie. Let’s see if you can prove it or if you are just all talk


One has to laugh to think that the Trump hiccup of racism, nativism, uber nationalism, racialism, anti democracy is going to return our society to pre-Reagan years.

another screamer of a headline. Trump said “breathtaking” things at the NRA Convention. He talked about “going after” people. Majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and Trump said nothing that was close to shocking. People laugh at media when they pull this shit. What sheltered suburbanite world do CNN reporters live in? I bet CNN New York HQ reads like a who’s, who, of socialist and radical dim light bulbs.
The 40 most breathtaking lines from Donald Trump's NRA speech - CNNPolitics
The libtards still h ave not figured Trumps methodology out yet.

CNN lied?

Must be a day ending in "y"

Too funny I'm stealing that one. :auiqs.jpg:
What was the big lie?

Maybe the Communist hate outlet should run a "CNN LIE OF THE DAY" segment?
Sure, how about you show me three lies from the past three days. Double dare. Should be easy for you considering how much you say they lie. Let’s see if you can prove it or if you are just all talk


Is that video a joke? Did you even watch it? They try and point at two examples of dropped satillite feed interviews as some conspiracy to block people from speaking? That is complete horse poop. Most their shows have conservatives and Trump staffers on regularly and they are able to say anything they want.

Also I asked for three lies from the past three days. Don’t be lazy and post a video that completely fails to make a convincing point.

Again I’ll challange you to back up your words or expose yourself as a bag of hot air.
The majority of Americans voted for her.

I rejected her, because she is a closet neocon.

Actually she was only ahead because of California. However nobody knows how people would vote if not for the electoral college. I'm sure there are thousands of Republicans that didn't vote in Cali because it was a waste of time like there are plenty of Democrats who didn't vote in red states for the same reason.
One has to laugh to think that the Trump hiccup of racism, nativism, uber nationalism, racialism, anti democracy is going to return our society to pre-Reagan years.

Reagan years were great.
One has to laugh to think that the Trump hiccup of racism, nativism, uber nationalism, racialism, anti democracy is going to return our society to pre-Reagan years.

Reagan years were great.
Especially for mid eastern Muslim Terrorist and the Muslims in Afghanistan who became the Taliban and al Qaeda. Central American gangs and Columbian drug cartels did great too.
American terror targets did not do so well. Hundreds got murdered in attacks and never saw real retribution for the terror attacks. Marines, college students, and innocent Americans killed all over the place.
another screamer of a headline. Trump said “breathtaking” things at the NRA Convention. He talked about “going after” people. Majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and Trump said nothing that was close to shocking. People laugh at media when they pull this shit. What sheltered suburbanite world do CNN reporters live in? I bet CNN New York HQ reads like a who’s, who, of socialist and radical dim light bulbs.
The 40 most breathtaking lines from Donald Trump's NRA speech - CNNPolitics

The American public are idiots. How else do you explain the trainwreck that is the government?
How do you think voters in small blue states would react if the electoral college was eliminated?
YA RIGHT!!!!!!!
They would do a lot better. The only reason red states got the votes they did, was because of partisan gerrymandering. They drew districts in such a way that less populated rural areas, had the same amount of electoral votes as densely populated urban areas. And that's un-Constitutional.
I recognize you tried to not sound like an idiot when you wrote that, because you'd have defeated your purpose. ILMAO "for only".

For only idiots get there panties in a bunch over Trump's casual wording. For only realists are more concerned with actions and results. For only the dumbest of dumb love to hate Trump. For only there wasn't an the Obama admin. we wouldn't have regressed so far as a society.
Only idiots support a narcissistic asshole, who constantly lies to this country.
another screamer of a headline. Trump said “breathtaking” things at the NRA Convention. He talked about “going after” people. Majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and Trump said nothing that was close to shocking. People laugh at media when they pull this shit. What sheltered suburbanite world do CNN reporters live in? I bet CNN New York HQ reads like a who’s, who, of socialist and radical dim light bulbs.
The 40 most breathtaking lines from Donald Trump's NRA speech - CNNPolitics
This is my favorite...

7. "Your Second Amendment rights are under siege, but they will never, ever be under siege as long as I'm your president."
You think stating oxy-morons are smart? What do you take me for, an idiot?

That was a contradiction, not an oxymoron, moron.

An "oxymoron" is something like "Jumbo Shrimp" or "Journalistic Integrity."

Or conservative intelligence.

Do you fucktard spend all day watching CNN waiting for something to bitch about.

Get a life.
Actually she was only ahead because of California. However nobody knows how people would vote if not for the electoral college. I'm sure there are thousands of Republicans that didn't vote in Cali because it was a waste of time like there are plenty of Democrats who didn't vote in red states for the same reason.
Oh shut up, you're up 2-0 on the Raptors.

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