Liberals and CNN Continue to Treat American Public Like They are Idiots

What you have to understand is you are being played by the party. Did the Democrats ever lose an election and say it was entirely their fault? Let's look:

Diebold machines
Punch card ballots
Supreme Court

If you look, there is somewhat of a pattern here. The Democrats have to convince their sheep that the country is turning liberal. For the last 30 years or so, they've told us that Republicans are a thing of the past; old rich white people dying off; the wave of the future is Socialism.

If they ever told their followers the truth, some might give up and not come out and vote.

View attachment 192120
I'm not a democrat.
Something tells me if the political affiliation of different districts was reversed you wouldn't be posting on this thread.
You need to tell that "something" to STFU, because it is wrong. I would definitely admit it if the shoe were on the other foot.

The door swings both ways in my world.
I'm no idiot. I believe in Trump. Trump speaks to his supporters in words that we can understand, like:

"I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words. I have the best, but there is no better word than stupid. Right? There is none, there is none. There’s no, there’s no, there’s no word like that.”
Something tells me if the political affiliation of different districts was reversed you wouldn't be posting on this thread.
You need to tell that "something" to STFU, because it is wrong. I would definitely admit it if the shoe were on the other foot.

The door swings both ways in my world.

It does? So you think Republicans are the only ones to redistrict?
What you have to understand is you are being played by the party. Did the Democrats ever lose an election and say it was entirely their fault? Let's look:

Diebold machines
Punch card ballots
Supreme Court

If you look, there is somewhat of a pattern here. The Democrats have to convince their sheep that the country is turning liberal. For the last 30 years or so, they've told us that Republicans are a thing of the past; old rich white people dying off; the wave of the future is Socialism.

If they ever told their followers the truth, some might give up and not come out and vote.

View attachment 192120
I'm not a democrat.

Then why are you buying into their BS?
I'm no idiot. I believe in Trump. Trump speaks to his supporters in words that we can understand, like:

"I went to an Ivy League school. I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words. I have the best, but there is no better word than stupid. Right? There is none, there is none. There’s no, there’s no, there’s no word like that.”
How about these words: “President of the United States Hillary Clinton.”:21:
Bush92 and the rest of the Alt Right realize their big days was in Nov 2016, and it is generally been all down hill for them since then.
Thanks for validating my point about liberal narcissism.
That's not what narcissism is, dude.

Why phony Hillary was rejected by common sense American voters.
The majority of Americans voted for her.

I rejected her, because she is a closet neocon.

Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050

More people voted for the conservative/libertarian, anyway presidential elections are not determined by popular vote the electoral college does that. Most people learn and understand that in grade school…
Thank God for the electoral college
Liberals and CNN are using the old tired 70's playbook as if the age of information never happened. The MSM including CNN caters to it's dwindling psychotic angry base while the rest of the Country moves forward.
Thanks for validating my point about liberal narcissism.
That's not what narcissism is, dude.

Why phony Hillary was rejected by common sense American voters.
The majority of Americans voted for her.

I rejected her, because she is a closet neocon.

Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050

More people voted for the conservative/libertarian, anyway presidential elections are not determined by popular vote the electoral college does that. Most people learn and understand that in grade school…
Thank God for the electoral college
Part of the “federalism “ compromise at the convention of 1787.
Liberals and CNN are using the old tired 70's playbook as if the age of information never happened. The MSM including CNN caters to it's dwindling psychotic angry base while the rest of the Country moves forward.
Liberal media got it’s rocks off by undercutting the military in Vietnam and the Watergate scandal. Now they want to inject their liberal opinions into a nation that has well over 60% of the population doesn’t want to hear it.
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Thanks for validating my point about liberal narcissism.
That's not what narcissism is, dude.

Why phony Hillary was rejected by common sense American voters.
The majority of Americans voted for her.

I rejected her, because she is a closet neocon.

Majority would be 50% plus 1 vote. She did not get that.

Let's try this way... how many counties she won?
Her ass is not in the Oval Office and she conceded on election night then launched into a drunken rage against her staff. Hillary and her supporters feel she “should have won.” Reality and the Constitution say she did not.
The fact remains that the american public will not let the alt right and far right cons treat them like idiots.

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