Liberals and Conservatives


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2009
I've noticed that every thread here makes reference to "liberals and conservatives." What does that mean? Because I'm "liberal" on some issues, and "conservative" on others. I go by individual issues, not labels. For example, I'm for the wall and stricter immigration policies, yet I'm also for for stricter gun control policies because I can't stand these constant mass shootings. Does anyone else not define themselves strictly in one group or another?
I've noticed that every thread here makes reference to "liberals and conservatives." What does that mean? Because I'm "liberal" on some issues, and "conservative" on others. I go by individual issues, not labels. For example, I'm for the wall and stricter immigration policies, yet I'm also for for stricter gun control policies because I can't stand these constant mass shootings. Does anyone else not define themselves strictly in one group or another?
Well, two things.

First, for the sake of brevity, I think it's normal to lump people into groups when making an overall point. I (want to) think that we're all under a tacit agreement that it's a generality and not meant to be too specific. Just as you said "every thread". There are exceptions to every rule, and I think most of us know that.

However, second, hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum tend to view life in a very binary way. So if you disagree with me on this point, YOU MUST be from the "other side", and here come the attacks. It's intellectually lazy, shallow and simplistic, but doesn't that define our political "discourse" today?

So I guess it depends on who's using the term.
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I've noticed that every thread here makes reference to "liberals and conservatives." What does that mean? Because I'm "liberal" on some issues, and "conservative" on others. I go by individual issues, not labels. For example, I'm for the wall and stricter immigration policies, yet I'm also for for stricter gun control policies because I can't stand these constant mass shootings. Does anyone else not define themselves strictly in one group or another?
Why do you hate the gun and not the liberal lunatic who shot up the school? If not the gun, he would of used a car to run over people like in NYC.. Would you hate cars if that happened? If not a car then a crockpot, would you hate crockpots like what was used in Boston Marathon? Liberals LIE, so they can pass their agenda of taking total control over you, because you are too stupid to...
Save for your retirement so FORCE you to pay into social security and you might get it if it doesn't go bankrupt.
Know what health insurance you are to have, so they FORCE upon you a generic insurance that covers for pap smears even if you don't need one
Tell you that you cant drink a 32 ounce soda because they know that sugary drinks are bad for you.
Not know how you are to spend your money so they tax the shit out of you, and spend it on themselves or whores when they are caught.
Achieve happiness, because since liberals are miserable wretches, then the rest of US who want to be left alone must be FORCED into poverty and misery, then there is fairness.

Conservatives have these 3 things that we believe.
The right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

I've noticed that every thread here makes reference to "liberals and conservatives." What does that mean? Because I'm "liberal" on some issues, and "conservative" on others. I go by individual issues, not labels. For example, I'm for the wall and stricter immigration policies, yet I'm also for for stricter gun control policies because I can't stand these constant mass shootings. Does anyone else not define themselves strictly in one group or another?
Then youre right on some things and need to educate yourself on others.
I've noticed that every thread here makes reference to "liberals and conservatives." What does that mean? Because I'm "liberal" on some issues, and "conservative" on others. I go by individual issues, not labels. For example, I'm for the wall and stricter immigration policies, yet I'm also for for stricter gun control policies because I can't stand these constant mass shootings. Does anyone else not define themselves strictly in one group or another?
Well, two things.

First, for the sake of brevity, I think it's normal to lump people into groups when making an overall point. I (want to) think that we're all under a tacit agreement that it's a generality and not meant to be too specific. Just as you said "every thread". There are exceptions to every rule, and I think most of us know that.

However, second, hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends of the spectrum tend to view life in a very binary way. So if you disagree with me on this point, YOU MUST be from the "other side", and here come the attacks. It's intellectually lazy, shallow and simplistic, but doesn't that define our political "discourse" today?

So I guess it depends on who's using the term.
The worst people are the fence riders. When one side comes out with the Fundamental Transformation of America and Redistribution of Wealth, it wasn't the right going out to vote for the creep, but the middle who wanted to be the first on electing a black man, because they felt "white guilt". Those on the right knew the shit was going to be bad, because we learned all about that socialist agenda when Jimmy Carter was in office, and how fucked the US was under him. The voters that sway in the wind because they have no spine to lean 1 way or the other, don't want step up and either be on the good side or the bad side, because they cant deal with conflict resolution, so then after 8 years of EVIL in the White House, now those spineless ones once again stepped up and voted for Make America Great Again and kept the sickly, crooked, vagina ex candidate from achieving her dynasty.

True liberals do not exist any more, they have turned into far left drones, so let us make that perfectly clear.

And just because someone is a conservative does not necessarily mean they are Republican, even though the far left forced out the Blue Dog democrats out of the party.
True liberals do not exist any more, they have turned into far left drones, so let us make that perfectly clear.

And just because someone is a conservative does not necessarily mean they are Republican, even though the far left forced out the Blue Dog democrats out of the party.
the liberals have infiltrated both sides of the Political Process. John McCain a perfect example because while he claimed he was a Republican, he reached across the aisle many times and fucked the US at the time. Then like the chicken shit he was, he ran back and hid behind his service so no one could attack him for his traitorous actions.

‘Songbird’ McCain: The evidence – in his own words, his fellow veterans, and his captors - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site
I've noticed that every thread here makes reference to "liberals and conservatives." What does that mean? Because I'm "liberal" on some issues, and "conservative" on others. I go by individual issues, not labels. For example, I'm for the wall and stricter immigration policies, yet I'm also for for stricter gun control policies because I can't stand these constant mass shootings. Does anyone else not define themselves strictly in one group or another?
It is made up dispute by the ruling class, to keep us divided while they empower and enrich themselves. They know they MUST keep us divided or they would end up without their heads, if we were to come together.

Trump is clearly an example of this. He is not of the ruling class, so the ruling class attacks and denigrates him 24/7...the American people elected him based on him NOT being part of the criminal cabal and voted Hillary down, because she is.

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