Liberals are acting worse than a 4 year old who had his candy taken away.

OP- Hilarious when you remember the entire GOP refused to cooperate in any way when Obama won- for EIGHT YEARS.
You're fucking insane... the spineless RINO's gave the kenyan practically EVERYTHING he wanted, and what they didn't give him, he got with his PEN AND HIS PHONE.

Don't lie, we're past that shit, that's why we have president elect Trump.
Such as? Typical GOPer, misinformed and earning nothing from history. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest and coming corrupt real estate bubble...otherwise, he might be alright, as he's breaking all his other promises to the dupes...
Fifteen days... Lets say that again... Fifteen days... That is how long since the Election... These liberals are really beginning to show their ass's... Unable to accept the results of a legitimate election... Crying and sniveling seems to be what they are best at if they show up... Lots have not bothered to show back up because of a legendary ass whoopi'n... Best thing that has happened so far is the collective farewell wave of the teacher's union after the pick of the school choice advocate and philanthropist Betsy DeVos as the next Education Secretary...

A lot of them are young adults that didn't even vote is what I read somewhere....? Live and learn, voting does matter!
OP- Hilarious when you remember the entire GOP refused to cooperate in any way when Obama won- for EIGHT YEARS.
You're fucking insane... the spineless RINO's gave the kenyan practically EVERYTHING he wanted, and what they didn't give him, he got with his PEN AND HIS PHONE.

Don't lie, we're past that shit, that's why we have president elect Trump.
Such as? Typical GOPer, misinformed and earning nothing from history. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest and coming corrupt real estate bubble...otherwise, he might be alright, as he's breaking all his other promises to the dupes...
Name one thing Barry DIDN'T get, snowflake.

Then tell me what promises Trump has broken, since ya know, like, he's not even fuckin' president yet!

You people and your bull shit. You do realize that we all see through it now, don't you? We all know you people lie and talk shit as easy as you wake up in the morning.... DUPE.
And by the way, if you rubes are fighting so hard for bakery's to refuse to bake cakes for gay and lesbian couples because it "goes against their beliefs," then you should be fighting equally hard for this guy to refuse to do business with Trump supporters because it goes against his.

The difference between a your loser theory re: "the bakery" is I would not want to do business with a knuckleheaded computer geek and would spend my money else where, unlike the gay and lesbian couple that want the exposure and publicity for their cause... The have to throw the shit in everyone's face...
Fifteen days... Lets say that again... Fifteen days... That is how long since the Election... These liberals are really beginning to show their ass's... Unable to accept the results of a legitimate election... Crying and sniveling seems to be what they are best at if they show up... Lots have not bothered to show back up because of a legendary ass whoopi'n... Best thing that has happened so far is the collective farewell wave of the teacher's union after the pick of the school choice advocate and philanthropist Betsy DeVos as the next Education Secretary...

View attachment 99688
They're from the *EVERYBODY IS A WINNER* generation, and they've never been told *NO*.

Little snively, whiny, spoiled rotten, coddled, cry baby snowflakes. They all need a good ass whipin' to wake them up to the real world.
OP- Hilarious when you remember the entire GOP refused to cooperate in any way when Obama won- for EIGHT YEARS.
You're fucking insane... the spineless RINO's gave the kenyan practically EVERYTHING he wanted, and what they didn't give him, he got with his PEN AND HIS PHONE.

Don't lie, we're past that shit, that's why we have president elect Trump.
Such as? Typical GOPer, misinformed and earning nothing from history. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest and coming corrupt real estate bubble...otherwise, he might be alright, as he's breaking all his other promises to the dupes...
Name one thing Barry DIDN'T get, snowflake.

Then tell me what promises Trump has broken, since ya know, like, he's not even fuckin' president yet!

You people and your bull shit. You do realize that we all see through it now, don't you? We all know you people lie and talk shit as easy as you wake up in the morning.... DUPE.
Tax hike for over 250k, another stimulus, cheap college loans, free community college, immigration bill...

  • Bring Jobs Home Act – stop tax breaks for moving jobs and production facilities out of the country
  • Student loan reform – ease the crushing burden of student loan debt by at least allowing refinancing to lower interest rates
  • The Buffett rule – ensure millionaires pay a comparable tax rate to middle-class Americans
What would it have meant for the economy and jobs to launch a post-stimulus effort to maintain and modernize our infrastructure? How about reversing the tax structure that pays companies to move jobs out of the country? How about equal pay for women? How about a minimum wage increase? How about hundreds of thousands of teachers and first responders going back to work? How about being able to organize into unions to fight for wages, benefits and safer working conditions? How about relief from crushing student loan debt?

All of those things blocked, and people wonder what the economy is just slogging along…
You 're duped to believe his policies caused problems and he had control for 2 years. Actually, 30 DAYS all on ACA. 200 GOP filibusters 2009-11, another 500 after.
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

And on the issue of the Electoral is NEVER GOING AWAY. If you had an ounce of intelligence & just a little knowledge about our Constitution you would grasp this simple FACT.

It is time to put your big boy & girl pants back on and come to terms that you liberals, as a group, are not the be all end all of political wisdom. GROW UP

You may trigger one of our members, causing grief and anxiety.

Outbursts and rage will be forthcoming.
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

And on the issue of the Electoral is NEVER GOING AWAY. If you had an ounce of intelligence & just a little knowledge about our Constitution you would grasp this simple FACT.

It is time to put your big boy & girl pants back on and come to terms that you liberals, as a group, are not the be all end all of political wisdom. GROW UP

You may trigger one of our members, causing grief and anxiety.

Outbursts and rage will be forthcoming.
That would be the mindless RW the last 8 years, all misinformed and fear mongered with bs propaganda.
OP- Hilarious when you remember the entire GOP refused to cooperate in any way when Obama won- for EIGHT YEARS.
You're fucking insane... the spineless RINO's gave the kenyan practically EVERYTHING he wanted, and what they didn't give him, he got with his PEN AND HIS PHONE.

Don't lie, we're past that shit, that's why we have president elect Trump.
Such as? Typical GOPer, misinformed and earning nothing from history. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest and coming corrupt real estate bubble...otherwise, he might be alright, as he's breaking all his other promises to the dupes...
Name one thing Barry DIDN'T get, snowflake.

Then tell me what promises Trump has broken, since ya know, like, he's not even fuckin' president yet!

You people and your bull shit. You do realize that we all see through it now, don't you? We all know you people lie and talk shit as easy as you wake up in the morning.... DUPE.
Tax hike for over 250k, another stimulus, cheap college loans, free community college, immigration bill...

  • Bring Jobs Home Act – stop tax breaks for moving jobs and production facilities out of the country
  • Student loan reform – ease the crushing burden of student loan debt by at least allowing refinancing to lower interest rates
  • The Buffett rule – ensure millionaires pay a comparable tax rate to middle-class Americans
What would it have meant for the economy and jobs to launch a post-stimulus effort to maintain and modernize our infrastructure? How about reversing the tax structure that pays companies to move jobs out of the country? How about equal pay for women? How about a minimum wage increase? How about hundreds of thousands of teachers and first responders going back to work? How about being able to organize into unions to fight for wages, benefits and safer working conditions? How about relief from crushing student loan debt?

All of those things blocked, and people wonder what the economy is just slogging along…
All that fucking kenyan wanted to do was SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, and then turn around and REGULATE, REGULATE, REGULATE, and for the few small defeats he was handed, he STILL managed to DOUBLE THE NATIONAL DEBT, QUADRUPLE the people on FOOD STAMPS, and have EIGHT YEARS of the WORST ECONOMIC GROWTH IN HISTORY and put 94,000,000 people completely OUT OF THE WORK FORCE. Had he been able to fully implement his economy killing, socialist agenda, there would no chance of bringing us back from IMMINENT RUIN. He would have DESTROYED America as we know it. Hopefully Trump can REPAIR the DAMAGE done by this IDIOT little COMMUNITY ORGANIZER that knew NOTHING more about RUNNING A NATION, let alone the worlds largest ECONOMY, than some LIQUORED UP BUM SLEEPING ON A PARK BENCH knows, and YOU fucking STUPID people elected that MORON. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You must REALLY, HATE, America.
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All that fucking kenyan wanted to do was SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, and then turn around and REGULATE, REGULATE, REGULATE, and for the few small defeats he was handed, he STILL managed to DOUBLE THE NATIONAL DEBT, QUADRUPLE the people on FOOD STAMPS, and have EIGHT YEARS of the WORST ECONOMIC GROWTH IN HISTORY with 94,000,000 people completely OUT OF THE WORK FORCE. Had he been able to fully implement his economy killing, socialist agenda, there would no chance of bringing us back from IMMINENT RUIN. He would have DESTROYED America as we know it. Hopefully Trump can REPAIR the DAMAGE done by this IDIOT little COMMUNITY ORGANIZER that knew NOTHING more about RUNNING A NATION, let alone the worlds largest ECONOMY, than some LIQUORED UP BUM SLEEPING ON A PARK BENCH knows, and YOU fucking STUPID people elected that MORON. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You must REALLY, HATE, America.
The issue isn't that francoHFW hates America. The issue is why he hates America. Because, more so than other countries, the U.S. prevents him from mooching off of society.
free community college
There is no such thing as "free" you nitwit. Every community college will submit a bill for each and every student that walks through their door. Where do they send that bill to? The federal government? Is that your "brilliant" plan? If so, stop with the disingenuous false narrative and say "federal government paid community college".

And when you do that, consider that we are currently $20 trillion in debt thanks to the same idiotic progressive ideology you are pushing here and that if we were to confiscate 100% of the currency in the U.S. economy, it wouldn't even remotely touch the current debt, much less the debt you plan to add with your idiotic ideology.
cheap college loans
Welll hell...that's simple enough. You and your lazy progressives buddies need to get up off of your asses and start a foundation that provides "cheap college loans". Problem solved!!! See how easy that was? No government required.
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

And on the issue of the Electoral is NEVER GOING AWAY. If you had an ounce of intelligence & just a little knowledge about our Constitution you would grasp this simple FACT.

It is time to put your big boy & girl pants back on and come to terms that you liberals, as a group, are not the be all end all of political wisdom. GROW UP

Don't forget the demand for "post election counesling".

Bunch of whiny crybabies.

Good grief.

I don't like Trump.....but I got up the next morning and went to work.
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’


Let's get a list of all companies he does business with.

I'll be happy to inform them that I will not be doing any business with them as long as they do business with a dickhead like this.
Going to be hard to beat this one, talk about business suicide. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the most idiotic CEO in the history of business

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

The CEO of an Albuquerque-based internet marketing firm has issued a letter telling clients who support President-elect Donald Trump to take their business elsewhere.

Mathew Blanchfield, who runs 1st in SEO, posted the letter describing Mr. Trump as “a racist, sexist, fascist” earlier this month on his company’s website.

He said that while he remains committed to his liberal clients, he “will no longer do business with any person that is a registered Republican or supports Donald Trump.”

“If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm,” Mr. Blanchfield wrote in the letter, which he shared Wednesday with his 35,000 Twitter followers.

CEO Mathew Blanchfield tells pro-Trump, Republican clients to take a hike: ‘You are not welcome’

Uh, not "business suicide." Trump voters wouldn't need his services in the first place, as they are far, FAR too stupid to build any sort of online presence for their lame businesses. Hell, Trump voters can't even afford a ticket to Hamilton, let alone an SEO service company. 99.9% of them don't even know WTF it is anyway.
And you have never built a database or written a line of code.

I have written code. Shit, I was taking classes for HTML all the way back in 1998. Hardly any need for me to write code anymore, except PHP which I just have my tech guy do for me if I need to.

"Databases." lol, what the hell are you talking about....
Any dipshit can write HTML code.
OP- Hilarious when you remember the entire GOP refused to cooperate in any way when Obama won- for EIGHT YEARS.
You're fucking insane... the spineless RINO's gave the kenyan practically EVERYTHING he wanted, and what they didn't give him, he got with his PEN AND HIS PHONE.

Don't lie, we're past that shit, that's why we have president elect Trump.
Such as? Typical GOPer, misinformed and earning nothing from history. Enjoy the giant tax cut for the richest and coming corrupt real estate bubble...otherwise, he might be alright, as he's breaking all his other promises to the dupes...
Name one thing Barry DIDN'T get, snowflake.

Then tell me what promises Trump has broken, since ya know, like, he's not even fuckin' president yet!

You people and your bull shit. You do realize that we all see through it now, don't you? We all know you people lie and talk shit as easy as you wake up in the morning.... DUPE.
Tax hike for over 250k, another stimulus, cheap college loans, free community college, immigration bill...

  • Bring Jobs Home Act – stop tax breaks for moving jobs and production facilities out of the country
  • Student loan reform – ease the crushing burden of student loan debt by at least allowing refinancing to lower interest rates
  • The Buffett rule – ensure millionaires pay a comparable tax rate to middle-class Americans
What would it have meant for the economy and jobs to launch a post-stimulus effort to maintain and modernize our infrastructure? How about reversing the tax structure that pays companies to move jobs out of the country? How about equal pay for women? How about a minimum wage increase? How about hundreds of thousands of teachers and first responders going back to work? How about being able to organize into unions to fight for wages, benefits and safer working conditions? How about relief from crushing student loan debt?

All of those things blocked, and people wonder what the economy is just slogging along…
All that fucking kenyan wanted to do was SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, and then turn around and REGULATE, REGULATE, REGULATE, and for the few small defeats he was handed, he STILL managed to DOUBLE THE NATIONAL DEBT, QUADRUPLE the people on FOOD STAMPS, and have EIGHT YEARS of the WORST ECONOMIC GROWTH IN HISTORY and put 94,000,000 people completely OUT OF THE WORK FORCE. Had he been able to fully implement his economy killing, socialist agenda, there would no chance of bringing us back from IMMINENT RUIN. He would have DESTROYED America as we know it. Hopefully Trump can REPAIR the DAMAGE done by this IDIOT little COMMUNITY ORGANIZER that knew NOTHING more about RUNNING A NATION, let alone the worlds largest ECONOMY, than some LIQUORED UP BUM SLEEPING ON A PARK BENCH knows, and YOU fucking STUPID people elected that MORON. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You must REALLY, HATE, America.
Just the best economy IN THE WORLD, dupe. Thanks for the WORLD DEPRESSION, GOPer.

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