Liberals are acting worse than a 4 year old who had his candy taken away.

MySpace...Didn't it get it's butt kicked by FaceBook and just every about every other Mickey Mouse Social site?

This guy must be lousy at design...his own website crashed

Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Additionally, a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
He may be getting DDOS'D

He's not. It's just excessive traffic to his site due to the story.
And how do you know this for sure?

Doesn't look like an attack. Excessive traffic often cause 503's. He's not a big enough target for an attack, but...that might change if the story keeps spreading.
I I haven't seen a 503 in several years.
Tells us a lot about his business management skills.
This guy must be lousy at design...his own website crashed

Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Additionally, a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
He may be getting DDOS'D

He's not. It's just excessive traffic to his site due to the story.
And how do you know this for sure?

Doesn't look like an attack. Excessive traffic often cause 503's. He's not a big enough target for an attack, but...that might change if the story keeps spreading.
I I haven't seen a 503 in several years.
Tells us a lot about his business management skills.

Not really. He wouldn't need to pay for an enterprise level plan for traffic as he's working with a very narrow demographic. It's a small biz.
MySpace...Didn't it get it's butt kicked by FaceBook and just every about every other Mickey Mouse Social site?

This guy must be lousy at design...his own website crashed

Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Additionally, a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
He may be getting DDOS'D

He's not. It's just excessive traffic to his site due to the story.
And how do you know this for sure?

Doesn't look like an attack. Excessive traffic often cause 503's. He's not a big enough target for an attack, but...that might change if the story keeps spreading.
You don't need to be big to be ddos'd. One teenager in his bedroom can pull off a ddos with the right software. Change teenager to Trump supporter and there's your possibility of getting shut down for days or longer
And by the way, if you rubes are fighting so hard for bakery's to refuse to bake cakes for gay and lesbian couples because it "goes against their beliefs," then you should be fighting equally hard for this guy to refuse to do business with Trump supporters because it goes against his.
He may be getting DDOS'D

He's not. It's just excessive traffic to his site due to the story.
And how do you know this for sure?

Doesn't look like an attack. Excessive traffic often cause 503's. He's not a big enough target for an attack, but...that might change if the story keeps spreading.
I I haven't seen a 503 in several years.
Tells us a lot about his business management skills.

Not really. He wouldn't need to pay for an enterprise level plan for traffic as he's working with a very narrow demographic. It's a small biz.
I wouldn't even have heard of this story if I weren't on this site.
This guy must be lousy at design...his own website crashed

Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

Additionally, a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
He may be getting DDOS'D

He's not. It's just excessive traffic to his site due to the story.
And how do you know this for sure?

Doesn't look like an attack. Excessive traffic often cause 503's. He's not a big enough target for an attack, but...that might change if the story keeps spreading.
You don't need to be big to be ddos'd. One teenager in his bedroom can pull off a ddos with the right software. Change teenager to Trump supporter and there's your possibility of getting shut down for days or longer

Agreed. I'm just saying it doesn't look like it. But, we'll see. Trump voters love these ddos attacks. They wen't after democraticunderground because they thought they were mean poopie heads.
And by the way, if you rubes are fighting so hard for bakery's to refuse to bake cakes for gay and lesbian couples because it "goes against their beliefs," then you should be fighting equally hard for this guy to refuse to do business with Trump supporters because it goes against his.
No one said it wasn't his right. We all said it was beyond stupid lol
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

And on the issue of the Electoral is NEVER GOING AWAY. If you had an ounce of intelligence & just a little knowledge about our Constitution you would grasp this simple FACT.

It is time to put your big boy & girl pants back on and come to terms that you liberals, as a group, are not the be all end all of political wisdom. GROW UP
Says the "grown up" who uses the ignore button to create safe spaces between tirades.
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

They are just being themselves
And FYI SYTFE, a DDOS attack is excessive traffic used as a weapon to shut down dotcoms

You really are clueless about pc's

What seems more likely? A spike in traffic caused by viral traffic due to the story or an attack hours within the story being posted?
I would side with your argument but I don't think mine is out of the realm of possibility
And by the way, if you rubes are fighting so hard for bakery's to refuse to bake cakes for gay and lesbian couples because it "goes against their beliefs," then you should be fighting equally hard for this guy to refuse to do business with Trump supporters because it goes against his.

The difference between a your loser theory re: "the bakery" is I would not want to do business with a knuckleheaded computer geek and would spend my money else where, unlike the gay and lesbian couple that want the exposure and publicity for their cause... The have to throw the shit in everyone's face...
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

And on the issue of the Electoral is NEVER GOING AWAY. If you had an ounce of intelligence & just a little knowledge about our Constitution you would grasp this simple FACT.

It is time to put your big boy & girl pants back on and come to terms that you liberals, as a group, are not the be all end all of political wisdom. GROW UP
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

And on the issue of the Electoral is NEVER GOING AWAY. If you had an ounce of intelligence & just a little knowledge about our Constitution you would grasp this simple FACT.

It is time to put your big boy & girl pants back on and come to terms that you liberals, as a group, are not the be all end all of political wisdom. GROW UP

The election wasn't rigged, the dems ran a lousy candidate who lost to another lousy candidate. Get over the butthurt and move's over, done, finished
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

And on the issue of the Electoral is NEVER GOING AWAY. If you had an ounce of intelligence & just a little knowledge about our Constitution you would grasp this simple FACT.

It is time to put your big boy & girl pants back on and come to terms that you liberals, as a group, are not the be all end all of political wisdom. GROW UP

The analogy in your thread title declares that Trump stole the election.
I learned to write code in dos back in college in the 80's. The only thing I remember is.......well, nothing really lol. But I enjoyed the classes & the knowledge when I had it.

I don't know the first thing about code or that stuff but I know companies and investing and this fool just shot himself in the toe. I don't know if it's publicly traded but if it is the shareholders will have his ass

"Publicly traded." You don't know the first thing about businesses either.

It's a small business, toots.

Dude trading is what I do, I could have easily looked his little company up but it's not that important to me...hint: this is another thing you're in over your head in...I could destroy your uneducated dumbass in the world of trading. Bank it.

Dude trading? Is that a form of swinging?
I learned to write code in dos back in college in the 80's. The only thing I remember is.......well, nothing really lol. But I enjoyed the classes & the knowledge when I had it.

I don't know the first thing about code or that stuff but I know companies and investing and this fool just shot himself in the toe. I don't know if it's publicly traded but if it is the shareholders will have his ass

"Publicly traded." You don't know the first thing about businesses either.

It's a small business, toots.

Dude trading is what I do, I could have easily looked his little company up but it's not that important to me...hint: this is another thing you're in over your head in...I could destroy your uneducated dumbass in the world of trading. Bank it.

Dude trading? Is that a form of swinging?

Go away Dumb Deer....keep remembering I think you're an idiot and you'll be better off. The moment you threw your "IQ" at me I knew you were leftist loser. Now go seek attention from someone else, toad breath
I learned to write code in dos back in college in the 80's. The only thing I remember is.......well, nothing really lol. But I enjoyed the classes & the knowledge when I had it.

I don't know the first thing about code or that stuff but I know companies and investing and this fool just shot himself in the toe. I don't know if it's publicly traded but if it is the shareholders will have his ass

"Publicly traded." You don't know the first thing about businesses either.

It's a small business, toots.

Dude trading is what I do, I could have easily looked his little company up but it's not that important to me...hint: this is another thing you're in over your head in...I could destroy your uneducated dumbass in the world of trading. Bank it.
Glad you're good at something, because history and policy ain't it...
Hacked elections petitions
Demanding electors change their vote
Wanting to abolish the electoral college
Wanting to split from the nation

I have never in my adult life seen this kind of emotional outbursts from grown men & women.

And on the issue of the Electoral is NEVER GOING AWAY. If you had an ounce of intelligence & just a little knowledge about our Constitution you would grasp this simple FACT.

It is time to put your big boy & girl pants back on and come to terms that you liberals, as a group, are not the be all end all of political wisdom. GROW UP
Honestly Gramps, you ain't seen's still real early, and we've got Bernie supporters here that won't even accept that Hillary had beat him by million upon millions of the popular vote...

I'm not saying in the least that all of this is A-OK, so don't go down that road....I'm just trying to remind you what it was like in 2000 with the Gore/Bush recount....and Gore winning the popular vote with over 500,000 votes while Bush got the Presidency.... Democrats continued to be sour pusses toward's Bush and questioned a lot of his strategies and plans, UNTIL 9/11 HAPPENED.....then they gave him all of their support and Bush's favor ability was in the 80 percentile! but up until that point their were recounts and law suits from both sides and accusations from the bush side of sabotage of the clinton side and the Senate kept moving back and forth in who was in the majority, with independents moving from supporting the R side to supporting the D side... Just ALL KINDS of partisan crud going on against Bush and the election result ill feelings on the Dem's side....and eventually the R side feeling pretty damn good that they finally had full control...

So, it's only a couple of weeks or so since the'll be over soon enough....let's just hope and pray it doesn't take another 9/11 before the two sides unite....if THAT is even possible any more.... :(
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