Liberals are ghosts to liberals

Title is supposed to be libertarians are ghosts to liberals. Guess I should have re-read the title, not just the post before submitting...

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libertarians should change their stance on international politics and they will win votes.

How do I edit the title? I can edit the first post, but it doesn't give me the option to edit it, am I in the wrong place?

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For some dumb reason libertarians are hated equally by the GOP and the democraps. Never understood that.

I agree on the Republicans when you're referring to neocons or socons, but not fiscal conservatives, they generally like us.
Title is supposed to be libertarians are ghosts to liberals. Guess I should have re-read the title, not just the post before submitting...

you can edit it.

libertarians should change their stance on international politics and they will win votes.

How do I edit the title? I can edit the first post, but it doesn't give me the option to edit it, am I in the wrong place?

honestly, I don't know. Most forums let you edit the title.
I haven't yet started the thread here, so I am not sure.

If it does not - my apologies
Most libertarians are just Republicans who think being able to lose more elections than anyone else somehow makes them smarter than everyone else.

Bam! Now that's what I'm talking about. Positive rep for you, my dear. You and Jake coming in and demonstrating what I say is priceless. I appreciate it. Seriously.

So, I started asking liberals to state what a libertarian is. I say I am not asking you to agree with what we say, just tell me what our major views are. They can't do it. I'm either a Republican or an anarchist.
you can edit it.

libertarians should change their stance on international politics and they will win votes.

How do I edit the title? I can edit the first post, but it doesn't give me the option to edit it, am I in the wrong place?

honestly, I don't know. Most forums let you edit the title.
I haven't yet started the thread here, so I am not sure.

If it does not - my apologies

You were right, Templar addressed the detail. I appreciate you bringing that up.
Most libertarians are just Republicans who think being able to lose more elections than anyone else somehow makes them smarter than everyone else.

Bam! Now that's what I'm talking about. Positive rep for you, my dear. You and Jake coming in and demonstrating what I say is priceless. I appreciate it. Seriously.

well, neither fakey, nor NYC are your target audience, to start with. They have their brain prewashed and set to mode 1 - don't think, just repeat what we've told you.
Title is supposed to be libertarians are ghosts to liberals. Guess I should have re-read the title, not just the post before submitting...

Likely the only thing we’ll agree on: we’re all prone to error, regardless one’s politics.

What’s unfortunate is the need by many to adhere blindly to sanctioned political doctrine and dogma, liberal, conservative, or libertarian.

It’s remarkable the disdain Americans have for pragmatism.
Love it, bripat and kaz and vox and the other reactionaries here have completely justified my comments for years on the Board.

We are not going backwards to bad times or imaginary times; as mainstream GOP we are going forward without reactionary Rinos or wannabee libertarians who cannot even agree on their own principles.

It's fun to watch them bumble and stumble and fumble around here. :lol: kaz, goofball, and crusader frank are truly out of touch with reality.
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Liberals who demonstrated the op - 2

Liberals who came in and said this is stupid, I know what libertarian views are (followed by an accurate demonstration) - 0
kaz, you have never given us a clear definition of what libertarian is generally and what is to you.
As a libertarian, I'm like a ghost to liberals. They try to hit me with their Republican points, and I point out I don't think that, I'm a libertarian not a Republican. They tell me I'm just parroting Rush Limbaugh. I'm like, you realize Rush is a Conservative, I'm a Libertarian, right? Why is a Conservative programming me to be a libertarian exactly? Wouldn't he program me to think what he does? They don't get it.

So, I started asking liberals to state what a libertarian is. I say I am not asking you to agree with what we say, just tell me what our major views are. They can't do it. I'm either a Republican or an anarchist. They can't even say the words "limited government."

So, I started asking liberals to state my view in arguments. Again, I said I am not asking you to agree with me, just say what I am saying. They can't remotely do that either.

So then, on another message board where everyone knew I was a libertarian, I decided to try arguing the liberal side. I had no problem, the liberals were all liking and agreeing. I hear what they are saying fine, I just think what they are saying is stupid. So, observing, it's clear liberals cannot state our views, they cannot address our actual points, they address their preconceived views that we didn't say.

What is most interesting is that they actually seem to believe in their minds that it's because of their intelligence they don't understand us. What they are saying is so clear, so logical, that they can't understand words that contradict that. They've studied Republicans and they have their talking points to argue. But Libertarians, we are ghosts.

It is a sign of the times. Current politics is not about positions, ideas and policies anymore. Politicians do not run on those at all. Instead, it is all about opposition to the other guys positions. The fewer positions that you actually take the better off you are. Hope and change, remember? All you hear is crazy nutters this, extremist that. When someone comes that does not fit the pre molded arguments, those people break down. They don’t know what to do. It is far easier to demonize than to actually find data and logic to back up your own assertions, particularly when you can make your own positions vaporous enough to be nigh impossible to attack. It is unfortunate because places like this are reduced to a mere handful of those that actually want to debate. Even many of them simply refuse to deal with the realities of libertarian positions anyway. I am reminded of Deidro Te in the last libertarian thread that continually tried to demand that his positions were what libertarians should believe in if they followed their own political ideology. It is really frightening how few really are willing to think critically about these subjects and offer good arguments as to why they support one position over another, particularly when you realize that these are the voters that are highly attuned to politics. Essentially, the ‘high’ information voters. I pale to think of what the lower information voters believe about politics and the various candidates/issues.
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kaz, you have never given us a clear definition of what libertarian is generally and what is to you.

I've told you repeatedly, little boy, now run off and play. Eventually it gets tiresome to argue with an 8 year old.
kaz, you have never given us a clear definition of what libertarian is generally and what is to you.

I've told you repeatedly, little boy, now run off and play. Eventually it gets tiresome to argue with an 8 year old.

You don't know then. You only emote and have no consistency or unified core of beliefs.

That's OK. Most reactionaries to the far right and most self-identified libertarians are the same as you.
kaz, you have never given us a clear definition of what libertarian is generally and what is to you.

I've told you repeatedly, little boy, now run off and play. Eventually it gets tiresome to argue with an 8 year old.

You don't know then. You only emote and have no consistency or unified core of beliefs.

That's OK. Most reactionaries to the far right and most self-identified libertarians are the same as you.

If you won't address any points or answer any questions, eventually people will stop answering yours.
I've told you repeatedly, little boy, now run off and play. Eventually it gets tiresome to argue with an 8 year old.

You don't know then. You only emote and have no consistency or unified core of beliefs.

That's OK. Most reactionaries to the far right and most self-identified libertarians are the same as you.

If you won't address any points or answer any questions, eventually people will stop answering yours.

Because you won't answer questions, kaz. Stop talking then and relieve all of us.
Libertarianism looks good on paper but one thing is for sure: No Libertarian has actually had the opportunity to live the lifestyle. It's nothing but an untried theory.

If everything was stripped down to the bone, as their doctrine requires, I'd really like to see who would still be standing by Ron Paul then.

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