Liberals Attack Jet Blue As Being Racist For Giving Cops Free Flights To NYPD Officers Funeral

What's so wrong with helping police get to a funeral that you leftist helped cause?

Why are you concerned with it when you support cop killers?

Jet Blue should have given thugs across the country free flights to St. Louis and NYC for rioting and looting. That poor Brinsley fellow had to suffer on a bus for several hours just to kill a couple of NY cops. It's not fair!
Protesters should voice their displeasure by buying a Jet Blue ticket and having a protest in mid air! It's ideal. No one can leave, they have a captive audience for however long the plane is flying or until they are bound and gagged whichever comes first.
The Liberals are upset because Jet Blue did not give potential rioters free flights to Ferguson.
When you have to rely on random twitter posts to justify your anger you're really putting forth a lot of effort to be the victim

Although I'm sure those tweets aren't representing liberals, the one by Jaime made a good point.

Why don't they offer free flights to family members of innocent killed by police?

Maybe the victims families don't spend all their travel money on donuts.

Don't be a little scumbag.

Wonder how many ghetto blacks plan on getting on an airplane this year?

Why? All the comments were from white people. Is it blacks fault for that too?

What a moron. Some of them are clearly black.

What a moron 1 is. Are "ghetto blacks" responsible for these white peoples shit too?

The list is getting long

Wonder how many ghetto blacks plan on getting on an airplane this year?

Why? All the comments were from white people. Is it blacks fault for that too?

What a moron. Some of them are clearly black.

What a moron 1 is. Are "ghetto blacks" responsible for these white peoples shit too?

The list is getting long

All the problems in the black community are self inflicted.

What would you know about what "racist" even means, given the contrast between your avatar and those bogus quotes in your sigline?
What do you know about what racist means? I mean your ilk calls everyone who don't agree with you one.

Yuh huh. Where did I do that again? I call racist where there's a racist. And I'm looking at one in the OP ----- which is who that post is addressed to, read the poster name (DUH).

I mean look at his avatar. That's enough all by itself.

Wonder how many ghetto blacks plan on getting on an airplane this year?

Why? All the comments were from white people. Is it blacks fault for that too?

What a moron. Some of them are clearly black.

What a moron 1 is. Are "ghetto blacks" responsible for these white peoples shit too?

The list is getting long

All the problems in the black community are self inflicted.

I'll say when blacks are to blame for what some white people say I can see how everything is blacks fault

Although I'm sure those tweets aren't representing liberals, the one by Jaime made a good point.

Why don't they offer free flights to family members of innocent killed by police?
B/c those who were killed by the cops weren't innocent.
Watched a bit of Meet The Press yesterday on MSNBC. The photos of the young negro thugs who have been recently killed showed the thug's school photos. Remember the 'baby' photo of TM? That was one of them.
Perhaps that's the only pictures available? Or maybe the family members would like to remember them that way?

Btw...what exactly were these families guilty of?

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