Liberals begging Obama to ram garland through this one minute window on Tuesday


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Liberals Are Begging Obama To Ram Garland Through This One-Minute Window On Tuesday
The prospect of multiple Supreme Court appointments looms large over the incoming Trump administration, and liberal stalwarts are urging President Barack Obama to appoint Judge Merrick Garland to the high court by an aggressive, and dubious, parliamentary maneuver.

Obama love to play traitor with our nation and he gets away with it since it is so easy to manipulate the public they cheer him on like a Hero. As millions warn and war and warn. We have an epidemic of Stock Holm syndrome running rapid in our Country. If done doesn't know what S.S means look it up.
Not gonna happen. The question will be which one of the liberal justices will be writing all the dissenting opinions.
Delay Trump for a year but it would be the end of Garland's career and leave more change on his old seat for conservative.
Cutting you nose to spite your face.
Loose loose

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