Liberals built western civilization

Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.

You associate science with government's program or Bill Nye's version of science, which is nothing but force fed ideology.

Government was 10% the size of it is now relative to the economy back when America was great. Can you explain?
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.
Let's take your argument a step further. The Greeks and Romans were slave-owners, thus Democrats. Just trying to enforce your idea.
Haha, no they didn't.

For example, Rome was a Republic, Greece was a democracy. The first settlers to come here to America, the Pilgrims, were Christians escaping the dogmatic and ungodly oppressive practices of the Church of England.

So I repeat, Liberals DID NOT build western civilization. It is totally dishonest to say so.

Of course this thread OP is a lie, liberals are on hard times lately, rejected by the American people, the Obama legacy in shambles, they grasp for relevance.
The first settlers in America were explorers looking for gold and riches and/or Puritans.
The motivation behind leftist hate for the West.
April 27, 2016

Dennis Prager

This month, Stanford University students voted on a campus resolution that would have their college require a course on Western civilization, as it did until the 1980s.

Stanford students rejected the proposal 1,992 to 347. A columnist at the Stanford Daily explained why: Teaching Western civilization means "upholding white supremacy, capitalism and colonialism, and all other oppressive systems that flow from Western civilizations."

The vote — and the column — encapsulated the left's view: In Europe, Latin America and America, it loathes Western civilization.

Wherever there is conflict between the West — identified as white, capitalist or of European roots — and the non-West, the left portrays the West as the villain.


Why the Left Loathes Western Civilization

AND THIS...:bye1:
Classical liberalism came directly from the Protestant Reformation and the 'Evangelical' movements that splintered from that. The BS being spread by Democrats isn't 'liberalism', it's a collection of cognitively dissonant gibberish only sociopaths could love. There are is also a lot of right wing drivel that aligns them with some of the more insane left wing gibberish, so its not like they disagree on everything; neo-liberals dominate both the wingnut factions.
The motivation behind leftist hate for the West.
April 27, 2016

Dennis Prager

This month, Stanford University students voted on a campus resolution that would have their college require a course on Western civilization, as it did until the 1980s.

Stanford students rejected the proposal 1,992 to 347. A columnist at the Stanford Daily explained why: Teaching Western civilization means "upholding white supremacy, capitalism and colonialism, and all other oppressive systems that flow from Western civilizations."

The vote — and the column — encapsulated the left's view: In Europe, Latin America and America, it loathes Western civilization.

Wherever there is conflict between the West — identified as white, capitalist or of European roots — and the non-West, the left portrays the West as the villain.


Why the Left Loathes Western Civilization

AND THIS...:bye1:

Yes. But when many of them were whining about Trump and it was trendy to claim they were going to 'leave the country if Trump won', they almost all picked two of the whitest, most western countries on the planet, Canada or New Zealand. lol and, they didn't leave in any case, to our country's detriment.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us....
A rational argument, worthy of debate.

Sadly, traditional liberals are very difficult to find today. They have been largely replaced by mutations, distortions, perversions.

"Ever-questioning the world about us?" That's the last thing these people want to do. They work tirelessly to shut down opposing views.

Today's "liberals" have become what traditional liberals used to fight against: Closed-minded, intolerant, incurious, authoritarian.

This country needs traditional liberals, absolutely as soon as possible. And yeah, "before it's too late".
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Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.

Hard working people built it all. That's who you should be talking about.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.


Those damn sjw pioneers!
Going under the assumption that the builders of Roman and Greek societies were liberals, liberalism then was much much different than liberalism now. I highly doubt the main force of liberalism then were a group of teenagers knocking down doors and brutalizing people in the streets to stick it to the Barons. Negating all the crazy secretive plots in Rome, it was much more civil then

You're claim is a moot point.
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The only thing current version liberals have ever built was problems for everyone. LIBERAL MINDED INTELLECTUALS have nothing whatsoever in common with the STUPID INDOCTRINATED SOCIALIST LIBERAL VERMIN we call dimocrats today.
Liberals and liberalism has changed dramatically. What is defined as a Liberal or Conservative has changed dramatically over time and these philosophies vary dramatically when you include "classic liberalism" with it;s various incarnations, this is not abnormal. What is abnormal is that the drastic support liberal ideas have changed to almost reject basic Western values.

I want a strong liberal resurgence, but it cannot happen when the leaders today are bogged down in issues of " micro aggression" and other various various labels to silence speech and contrary opinion. The new alt-left, which I presume would probably consider themselves "liberal", have ruined the values they once held dear. That is not good for anyone and it really doesn't deal with the most important challenges people face on a day to day basis. It is removed from reality, turning citizens into drones, walking on eggshells. These are tried and perfected communist tactics, and so-called intellects today are embracing them.

Conservatives today have a great deal of divergence of thought, it forces conservatives to be more tolerant and well informed on a broader number of issues, though some are stuck in their ways and rigid, most I would argue, are open to debate on many subjects. In all honesty, those conservatives who are on the far right who refuse to hear other opinions, well, they are just as bad.

Too many on the left today would rather silence opinions than debate, rather label you "racist", "bigoted", "intolerant" than have an intelligent debate in which they empathise with your position and produce counter arguments to persuade. It really isn't conducive to a healthy democracy. Leadership is needed and fast.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us....
A rational argument, worthy of debate.

Sadly, traditional liberals are very difficult to find today. They have been largely replaced by mutations, distortions, perversions.

"Ever-questioning the world about us?" That's the last thing these people want to do. They work tirelessly to shut down opposing views.

Today's "liberals" have become what traditional liberals used to fight against: Closed-minded, intolerant, incurious, authoritarian.

This country needs traditional liberals, absolutely as soon as possible. And yeah, "before it's too late".

And also a lot more real conservatives as well, for balance. The 'conservative' term these days doesn't have any more meaning than the term 'liberal' does as a descriptor, either.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.

They also prayed to the nations Gods Making the case that they (the Romans) were far more worthy of that particular Gods blessings on them(the Romans) rather then the heathens whom were about to get invaded, occupied and assimilated the the tip of a spear. Wow, I ever figured a lib would be for such a thing. I also assume you libs accept Romes stance on citizenship? Lots of good reading there, specifically the parts on what a roman citizen enjoyed and what a non citizen diddn't. I'm with you libs now. Let's do it like Rome did from now on.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.

You assholes are not "liberals." You have taken the an Orwellian attempt to hide who you are.....actual Liberals today are American Conservatives...who actually believe in the rule of law, the Bill of Rights, The Constitution and the Declaration of INdependence.....

The ones who are blocking actual science, reforming education and actual equal rights are you use violence and hate to attack your enemies, and to silence them...we are seeing it all over the country.
The people who built western civilization were far too busy to worry about horseshit political ideologies.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.

Your first mistake is equating yourself with Classical Liberals.

You are your ilk are Progressive Statists.

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