Liberals built western civilization

Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us....
A rational argument, worthy of debate.

Sadly, traditional liberals are very difficult to find today. They have been largely replaced by mutations, distortions, perversions.

"Ever-questioning the world about us?" That's the last thing these people want to do. They work tirelessly to shut down opposing views.

Today's "liberals" have become what traditional liberals used to fight against: Closed-minded, intolerant, incurious, authoritarian.

This country needs traditional liberals, absolutely as soon as possible. And yeah, "before it's too late".

And also a lot more real conservatives as well, for balance. The 'conservative' term these days doesn't have any more meaning than the term 'liberal' does as a descriptor, either.

We have this problem in Canada, we have Conservatives and Liberals who refuse to accept the Rule of Law and Due Process, generally because it allows THEM to skirt the rules. How you can be defined as liberal or conservative when you don't support the basic ideology is beyond me.

Here's one person who illustrates how insane it is here. Google a guy named Julien Fantino. He was the former Chief or Toronto Police. He engaged in a witch hunt against the gay community, this was based apparently on some extremely flimsy and even insane ideology by him, it was called "Project Guardian". Not only did he round up in droves gay people and try and have trumped up charges stick, but some who were cleared of any wrongdoing committed suicide due to the destruction of their lives.

When the Toronto Police board investigated him for wrongdoing, he ordered their phones tapped. He suggested it was due to an unrelated investigation but wouldn't expand on this illegal act. Huh?

So, you would think his career would be done right? Oh no, FAR from it. He left the TPS only to become the commissioner of the OPP! The Ontario Police. A larger file, more pay, more power. While there he wrote a book that attacked Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedom, a very weak and watered down version of your Constitution, but I digress. It is still the law of the land. In this book he openly mocked the Charter suggesting "it has been really good for criminals". Can you imagine a major police chief in America saying that about your constitution and keeping his job?

This wasn't the end. He runs in federal politics under the Conservative banner in Toronto. He squeaked out a win in a fairly conservative district. He is then appointed to the Veterans Affair Ministry, even after PM Harper had to have known about his very controversial past. While he is in the Vets Affair file, of course, he screws over families. Tries to cut their funding, especially those who were most sick and injured if I recall correctly. There is a famous video in which a struggling wife of a soldier is chasing him down in the hallways as he is avoiding her, he asks about the multiple calls she has made to his officer without response.

A short time later, he is seen being confronted by former WW2 vets. There is a man in a wheelchair who is livid that Fantino wouldn't return his calls and he yells and points his finger at him from afar. The big cowardly Fantino tells him famously "I don't do well with finger pointing", almost in a manner you would hear someone say it to another outside a bar when they are in a confrontation.

This arrogant, POS, not only presented himself as a Conservative, but, he is now getting a full pension from the municipality of Toronto, the province of Ontario, AND a full federal pension. All levels of taxpayer paying for this guy who is referred to by many as the worst police chief and politician in Canadian history. There is plenty more I could talk about in regards to this guy, but I think I have made my point.

This is the far end of conservatism which borders on fascism and is fully grounded on bullying. Much like the alt-left in the U.S today. This guy was never a Conservative as far as I am concerned, and he should be in prison. At each level along the way though he seemed to avoid accountability, in a system that is famous for this. The reasons for his continued success after so much dirt on him is a topic that deserves to be a book, a cautionary tale.

Damn that was long, lol. I honestly must type 80 WPM, sorry for length, I hope a handful of you took the time to read through it :)
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us....
A rational argument, worthy of debate.

Sadly, traditional liberals are very difficult to find today. They have been largely replaced by mutations, distortions, perversions.

"Ever-questioning the world about us?" That's the last thing these people want to do. They work tirelessly to shut down opposing views.

Today's "liberals" have become what traditional liberals used to fight against: Closed-minded, intolerant, incurious, authoritarian.

This country needs traditional liberals, absolutely as soon as possible. And yeah, "before it's too late".

And also a lot more real conservatives as well, for balance. The 'conservative' term these days doesn't have any more meaning than the term 'liberal' does as a descriptor, either.

We have this problem in Canada, we have Conservatives and Liberals who refuse to accept the Rule of Law and Due Process, generally because it allows THEM to skirt the rules. How you can be defined as liberal or conservative when you don't support the basic ideology is beyond me.

Here's one person who illustrates how insane it is here. Google a guy named Julien Fantino. He was the former Chief or Toronto Police. He engaged in a witch hunt against the gay community, this was based apparently on some extremely flimsy and even insane ideology by him, it was called "Project Guardian". Not only did he round up in droves gay people and try and have trumped up charges stick, but some who were cleared of any wrongdoing committed suicide due to the destruction of their lives.

When the Toronto Police board investigated him for wrongdoing, he ordered their phones tapped. He suggested it was due to an unrelated investigation but wouldn't expand on this illegal act. Huh?

So, you would think his career would be done right? Oh no, FAR from it. He left the TPS only to become the commissioner of the OPP! The Ontario Police. A larger file, more pay, more power. While there he wrote a book that attacked Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedom, a very weak and watered down version of your Constitution, but I digress. It is still the law of the land. In this book he openly mocked the Charter suggesting "it has been really good for criminals". Can you imagine a major police chief in America saying that about your constitution and keeping his job?

This wasn't the end. He runs in federal politics under the Conservative banner in Toronto. He squeaked out a win in a fairly conservative district. He is then appointed to the Veterans Affair Ministry, even after PM Harper had to have known about his very controversial past. While he is in the Vets Affair file, of course, he screws over families. Tries to cut their funding, especially those who were most sick and injured if I recall correctly. There is a famous video in which a struggling wife of a soldier is chasing him down in the hallways as he is avoiding her, he asks about the multiple calls she has made to his officer without response.

A short time later, he is seen being confronted by former WW2 vets. There is a man in a wheelchair who is livid that Fantino wouldn't return his calls and he yells and points his finger at him from afar. The big cowardly Fantino tells him famously "I don't do well with finger pointing", almost in a manner you would hear someone say it to another outside a bar when they are in a confrontation.

This arrogant, POS, not only presented himself as a Conservative, but, he is now getting a full pension from the municipality of Toronto, the province of Ontario, AND a full federal pension. All levels of taxpayer paying for this guy who is referred to by many as the worst police chief and politician in Canadian history. There is plenty more I could talk about in regards to this guy, but I think I have made my point.

This is the far end of conservatism which borders on fascism and is fully grounded on bullying. Much like the alt-left in the U.S today. This guy was never a Conservative as far as I am concerned, and he should be in prison. At each level along the way though he seemed to avoid accountability, in a system that is famous for this. The reasons for his continued success after so much dirt on him is a topic that deserves to be a book, a cautionary tale.

Damn that was long, lol. I honestly must type 80 WPM, sorry for length, I hope a handful of you took the time to read through it :)

I don't mind long posts when they're sincere and trying to say something.

I agree about 'conservatives' scoffing at the laws is a hypocrisy, but what if many of the Judges in your judicial system where violating them as well, making up their own laws unilaterally, voiding laws they don't personally like basically in revolt? That is more the case in the U.S. and primarily responsible for the breakdown in law and order going on these days.
Government has always played a huge part in society....

The idea that government shouldn't construct infrastructure, invest in science or education is ones ill education in history. Government was responsible for the west and east companies that allowed europeans to settle the new world.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.
I am sure that Libs would love that story. If it were true then they are responsible for the "Trail of Tears" that killed "The People of the Civilized tribe". of North America.
The must be the one's who enslaved the Africans. They must have been the one's who started the Spainsh American war over a lie of the sinking of the Battle Ship "Maine". and the list goes on.
Anybody who thinks 'Arab Civilization' did anything to 'advance knowledge' isn't educated at all. lol it's like Byzantium didn't exist at all, and had no repositories of Greek and Roman writings, i.,e. stupid people who don't know basic history.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.

Matt snorting Sterno again before posting.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.

You dope. Greece was built on the backs of slaves, which encompassed most of it's society. That allowed the elites to walk around studying and debating politics and voting. You might even say that slavery was the only way a democracy worked at all since those who vote needed to have the time and luxury of studying what exactly they were voting on. Today, "liberals" allow the slaves to vote, only, they direct them on how to vote through the media, education, and stupid posts like this. Most voters have no idea what they are voting for or why. An uninformed vote is not democracy at all.

America was built on the concept of natural rights which is the concept that human beings are not glorified apes. Instead, we are made in the image of God and have innate rights that animals do not have. Of course, most liberal atheists view humans as mere cattle, which is why then want to herd us around with socialist policies and kill the unborn cuz they just ain't human enough I reckon. And why are they not human? It's cuz they are not viable outside the womb and cannot support themselves, so I reckon those on welfare will at some point should be rounded up and killed as well.
Why is this thread in politics...


A conservative titan speaks at the Freedom Center's evening honoring Dr. Robert Shillman.
August 9, 2017

Dennis Prager from DHFC on Vimeo.

DENNIS PRAGER: Well, I've had a number of challenges in life. My current biggest challenge is that people are trying to -- You may have seen my column on this. It's been reprinted. Front Page Mag did it as well. I'm conducting at the Walt Disney Music Center. I have an avocation as a conductor. I'm sure it's not known to any of you, and that's fine -- (laughter) -- but I will be conducting a Haydn symphony, and the left is trying to get me uninvited. And, as I point out, it is remarkable. At universities, you can't come if you're a Conservative to speak. Now, we are at a new level. You can't even come not to speak. (Laughter.)


After World War I, Christianity and nationalism died in Europe. There is nothing to believe in except fewer work hours. That's all they stand for. They didn't even write -- And I'm a Jew saying this, a Jew who wrote a book on antisemitism. I know about European Christian antisemitism. I wrote a book on it. Nevertheless, truth is truth. Europe was formed by Christianity. No Christianity, no Europe. And in the charter of the European Union just made up like 10 years ago, the word "Christianity" does not appear. It does not appear. That is unbelievable. It's just -- I don't care what you believe. There's still truth. You can say, "We no longer believe in Christianity, but this is what formed Europe."

So what do they believe in? Nothing. That's why open borders is not a problem to the left. Open borders only troubles those who want to preserve their civilization. We, in this room, want to preserve American civilization, so we don't want open borders. The left has no civilization to preserve, so, of course, they're for open borders.

Their positions actually make sense once you have their premises. That's why this is -- This is the battle. This is the greatest battle. It is easy to defeat Islamism. It is impossible to defeat internal termites. Termites bring down your structure. The left is the termite of Western Civilization, not liberals, the left. When you understand that, you have to just then decide to fight, cause good people fighting is what we need.

Thanks for having me. (Applause.) Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause.)

Video: Dennis Prager on the Left's Threat to Western Civilization
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.
This assumes a definition of 'liberal' that has no connection whatsoever to the modern political parties. Nor does it have an real impact on on a discussion between current political stances.

Fascism has, at times, catapulted our scientific discoveries into the future. That does not mean that we should consider fascism as a viable form of governance.
Fascism has, at times, catapulted our scientific discoveries into the future. That does not mean that we should consider fascism as a viable form of governance.

Fascism can achieve all kinds of goals. Except for a free society.
One only has to read a little history to understand how the Age of Enlightenment changed Europe and led to America's Revolution and government.
Fuck off. In your terms only liberals (i.e. Democrats, progressives) seek improvement and freedom. I remind you the Republicans freed the slaves. It's similar to the claim you cannot be totalitarian or the Gestapo, simply because you've declared yourselves liberal. Your title is agenda written, and the key word is incorrect. At least you're indoctrinated. Perhaps you can write for Yahoo.

Today's "liberals" are just talk a-lots. They come up with stupid shit (men are chicks) to stamp it as a cause. In other terms, today's "liberal" stretch the meanings for all things, mostly because they're bored, corrupt and bitchy. Course they're programmed that way, by the liberal elite and their policies.
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Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.
Oh yeah, for sure......


Perhaps most significantly, he restored the practice of democratic elections.[42] Cassius Dio said that this act "though delighting the rabble, grieved the sensible, who stopped to reflect, that if the offices should fall once more into the hands of the many ... many disasters would result".[43]

During the same year, though, Caligula was criticized for executing people without full trials and for forcing his supporter Macro to commit suicide.[44]

Philo of Alexandria and Seneca the Younger describe Caligula as an insane emperor who was self-absorbed, angry, killed on a whim, and indulged in too much spending and sex.[102] He is accused of sleeping with other men's wives and bragging about it,[103] killing for mere amusement,[104] deliberately wasting money on his bridge, causing starvation,[105] and wanting a statue of himself erected in the Temple of Jerusalem for his worship.[98]

Caligula - Wikipedia


Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.

Are you kidding me? You cross-dressing queers wouldn't last a day in the ancient world.
Liberals built western civilization all the way back in Ancient Athens, Roman empire through modern times through humanist concepts of critical thought and ever questioning of the world around us.... Think about it! Conservatives have always wanted the barons and the elite to have it all but liberals fought and demanded a voice for the little guy and most of these ideas came out of the college. The college is the greatest defender of human knowledge and freedom that we have.

Conservatives that want to cut science, education and give it all to the rich of course are once again against the college and attacking the concept of equal rights. Where would would western civilization be if it wasn't for science, critical thought and always striving for betterment of of human rights? We'd look like Africa.

Of course, the great Arab civilizations of the 8th through 10th century had a lot to do with the formation of the college and recording the knowledge that western civilization enjoyed during Greek and Roman times....But, what happened to them? What happened to them? Religion extremism and hatred of the concepts above happened to them and they become savages that we're dealing with today. Just like the Goths that saked Rome that hated civilization and the very same concepts a few centuries earlier.

Well, conservatives like things the same, so conservative Neanderthal wanted to remain Neanderthal.

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