Liberals called seal team 6 "Cheneys assanation team"

Cheney was of the wrong political persuation...after all? The Statists were pissed that 9/11 didn't happen on the watch of Clinton...

Only liberals could look at the murder of 3000 people as a career opportunity.
CURE, Remo Williams and Chiun were unavailable for this mission.


Jack Burton was tied up, too?
Didn't have the budget for anyone higher than Fred Ward and Joel Gray.

Although I hear Gary Busey was available.
Assassination squad for the president seems pretty accurate, what's the insult?

as·sas·si·nate (-ss-nt)
tr.v. as·sas·si·nat·ed, as·sas·si·nat·ing, as·sas·si·nates
1. To murder (a prominent person) by surprise attack, as for political reasons.

I guess that pretty much covers prominent Austin lawyers who like to hunt quail...
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Yeah because before you can become a liberal you have to swear allegence to Seymour Hersh.


But to claim that JSOC does not "report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney office," or that "Congress has no oversight of it" is just false. JSOC was established in 1980 after the failed mission to rescue the hostages at the U.S. embassy in Iran. JSOC is a component command of the U.S. Special Operations Command, which reports to the Secretary of Defense. JSOC, like the CIA, certainly falls under congressional oversight.

More Conspiracy Theories from Seymour Hersh | The Weekly Standard

Boo we Cons see allot what the Liberal says as no different than this, MSNBC also used his information (Oby)
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Yeah I don't see what the insult is, maybe he did mean it as an insult and just picked a stupid name but assassination team per definition seems exactly right to me.
Liberals called seal team 6 "Cheneys assanation team"

No "liberals" didn't call it anything.

Mark Hemingway did.

and of course no liberals agreed anywhere with liberal Mark Hemingway, therefore no liberals support this thesis. Again... All events occur in a vacuum for liberals, unless it helps their political agenda.
Just information my friend
Just information
you Libs hated and cussed and said allot of bad things that now are coming back

And as far as who that cat is?
i have no idea, but he works for the paper as noted

So he speaks for ALL liberals? Interesting. Is it kind of like how like how Pastor Terry Jones speaks for ALL conservatives. :eusa_whistle:

Only the left considers Terry Jones a conservative. No Conservative I know regard him as anything other than a nut. But the left thinks that everyone hiding behind a cross is a conservative. You guys should school yourselves a bit more.

"You guys" would be you and me then as I'm not a liberal. I'm willing to bet that on 99% of the issues, you and Jones agree 100%
I suppose some would call it an assasination. Me?? I call it taking out the garbage.
This is classic
They all got it wrong and every day Bush is looking better

Cheney's assasination squad' just killed bin Laden
TAGS: DevGru Dick Cheney JSOC marc ambinder osama bin laden Seal Team Six sy hersh
By: Mark Hemingway 05/02/11 10:28 AM
It's been reported that bin Laden was killed by SEAL Team Six, officially known as Naval Special Warfare Development Group or DevGru. Marc Ambinder has a good report that fills in some of the particulars:

DevGru belongs to the Joint Special Operations Command, an extraordinary and unusual collection of classified standing task forces and special-missions units. They report to the president and operate worldwide based on the legal (or extra-legal) premises of classified presidential directives. Though the general public knows about the special SEALs and their brothers in Delta Force, most JSOC missions never leak. We only hear about JSOC when something goes bad (a British aid worker is accidentally killed) or when something really big happens (a merchant marine captain is rescued at sea), and even then, the military remains especially sensitive about their existence. Several dozen JSOC operatives have died in Pakistan over the past several years. Their names are released by the Defense Department in the usual manner, but with a cover story -- generally, they were killed in training accidents in eastern Afghanistan. That’s the code.

Under Bush, JSOC was routinely smeared by the left and placed at the center of many Bush/Cheney conspiracy theories. Specifically, New Yorker reporter Seymour Hersh alleged it was Dick Cheney's personal assassination squad:

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: 'Cheney's assasination squad' just killed bin Laden | Mark Hemingway | Beltway Confidential | San Francisco Examiner
'Cheney's assasination squad' just killed bin Laden | Mark Hemingway | Beltway Confidential | San Francisco Examiner


come back shane....come's making supper...come back shane!!!:lol::lol:
Assassination squad for the president seems pretty accurate, what's the insult?

as·sas·si·nate (-ss-nt)
tr.v. as·sas·si·nat·ed, as·sas·si·nat·ing, as·sas·si·nates
1. To murder (a prominent person) by surprise attack, as for political reasons.

None. Except miraculously, from 2000 - 2008 the whackaloons whined incessantly about Cheney using the Navy Seals to assassinate people around the world.

Now, in 2011, when they actually DO assassinate someone, they're heros.

What a difference 3 years makes!

Cheney was of the wrong political persuation...after all? The Statists were pissed that 9/11 didn't happen on the watch of Clinton...
If it happened on clintons watch we would still be wandering what to do about it.

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