Liberals called seal team 6 "Cheneys assanation team"

Typical Lefty's

Under Bush, Team 6 was a bunch of blood thirsty, murdering heathens for Dick Cheney, who farted rotting body scented fire, and shit streams of the poor lil' terrorists blood, just like Bush and Cheney.

Under Obama, Team 6 is a bunch of patriotic hero's, who fart rose scented fairy dust, and shit ribbons of lilac scented rainbows, just Like Obama and Biden.

Liberals are hypocritical idiots, nothing more.
Who is dean?

Jr.....just look up any thread started by RDean....usually he brings up a good point....but then throws his own thread what he says afterwards....Republicans/Conservatives are the reason this or that is happening.....if Pat Robertson says it or the Texas State Republican Platform states it....EVERY fucking Repub/Cons......agrees with it....everyone dissenters....a Republican is a Republican is a variance....

You ans i both know the left fringe along with some of the media ad a non stop war against Cheney and Bush
To deny that is to Deny the very existence of who we are
It looks like now that we put on a assassination clinic. I have no issue with it and I wish Obama's people would have handled this entire event better No issue with OBL being done away with)
Now we are all ready back to killing more people in Pakistan with drones, just yesterday

If Bush was still in the white house the media and those like Dean would be going nuts

Actually, if Jr. would have gotten him, I would have said he finally did something right.

But, I think if Jr. would have been in charge, he would have tipped off the Pakistanis, and sent in bombers, resulting in Bin Laden getting away yet again, with lots of civilian casualties.
Jr.....just look up any thread started by RDean....usually he brings up a good point....but then throws his own thread what he says afterwards....Republicans/Conservatives are the reason this or that is happening.....if Pat Robertson says it or the Texas State Republican Platform states it....EVERY fucking Repub/Cons......agrees with it....everyone dissenters....a Republican is a Republican is a variance....

You ans i both know the left fringe along with some of the media ad a non stop war against Cheney and Bush
To deny that is to Deny the very existence of who we are
It looks like now that we put on a assassination clinic. I have no issue with it and I wish Obama's people would have handled this entire event better No issue with OBL being done away with)
Now we are all ready back to killing more people in Pakistan with drones, just yesterday

If Bush was still in the white house the media and those like Dean would be going nuts

Actually, if Jr. would have gotten him, I would have said he finally did something right.

But, I think if Jr. would have been in charge, he would have tipped off the Pakistanis, and sent in bombers, resulting in Bin Laden getting away yet again, with lots of civilian casualties.

Like he did with Saddam?
And the cleric who actually planned 9-11?
Saddam's kids?
Fault Bush for a lot of things. Going after someone was never something he shy'd away from. If he knew where Bin Laden was he would have taken him out, or more likely captured him if possible
This is classic
They all got it wrong and every day Bush is looking better

Cheney's assasination squad' just killed bin Laden
TAGS: DevGru Dick Cheney JSOC marc ambinder osama bin laden Seal Team Six sy hersh
By: Mark Hemingway 05/02/11 10:28 AM
It's been reported that bin Laden was killed by SEAL Team Six, officially known as Naval Special Warfare Development Group or DevGru. Marc Ambinder has a good report that fills in some of the particulars:

DevGru belongs to the Joint Special Operations Command, an extraordinary and unusual collection of classified standing task forces and special-missions units. They report to the president and operate worldwide based on the legal (or extra-legal) premises of classified presidential directives. Though the general public knows about the special SEALs and their brothers in Delta Force, most JSOC missions never leak. We only hear about JSOC when something goes bad (a British aid worker is accidentally killed) or when something really big happens (a merchant marine captain is rescued at sea), and even then, the military remains especially sensitive about their existence. Several dozen JSOC operatives have died in Pakistan over the past several years. Their names are released by the Defense Department in the usual manner, but with a cover story -- generally, they were killed in training accidents in eastern Afghanistan. That’s the code.

Under Bush, JSOC was routinely smeared by the left and placed at the center of many Bush/Cheney conspiracy theories. Specifically, New Yorker reporter Seymour Hersh alleged it was Dick Cheney's personal assassination squad:

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: 'Cheney's assasination squad' just killed bin Laden | Mark Hemingway | Beltway Confidential | San Francisco Examiner
'Cheney's assasination squad' just killed bin Laden | Mark Hemingway | Beltway Confidential | San Francisco Examiner

I can't see how you claim only liberals are this stupid . you pig bastards are no better ,

so get off you fuking high horse , where were you in the 70s , neo cons hate the military as well .
you stupid ass wipes would get rid of our military all together . you post crap like its an all volunteer military so they asked for it .

screw you teabagging jack ass's , the military is only good when its good for you, so shut the fuck up .
Who the fuck is Seymour Hersh and is there a point to this thread? A question anywhere?

Sy Hersh is a Pulitzer Prize-winning (and five-time Polk award-winning) journalist who has worked for The New York Times, New Yorker, The Los Angeles Times, and PBS.

He's controversial, but renowned and respected for often being the first major journalist to uncover and report on a number of scandals the government is trying to keep under wraps. Walter Cronkite once remarked "Sy's got better sources than the CIA." He discovered and exposed the My Lai massacre back in 1970 and the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse in 2004.

He was among the first mainstream reporters to talk about Seal Team 6 when he became aware they were assassinating people on a "hit list" in foreign countries throughout the world and following orders that came directly from the Vice President's office.

He was right then of course, they were Dick Cheney's assassination ring and the only thing that's changed is that they're now Barack Obama's assassination ring.

One can totally support their use in this regard to assassinate people suspected of or alleged to be terrorists (I didn't then and don't now because it's illegal and its implications are terrifying), but it's no less than being in denial to pretend that's not what they are.
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Jr.....just look up any thread started by RDean....usually he brings up a good point....but then throws his own thread what he says afterwards....Republicans/Conservatives are the reason this or that is happening.....if Pat Robertson says it or the Texas State Republican Platform states it....EVERY fucking Repub/Cons......agrees with it....everyone dissenters....a Republican is a Republican is a variance....

You ans i both know the left fringe along with some of the media ad a non stop war against Cheney and Bush
To deny that is to Deny the very existence of who we are
It looks like now that we put on a assassination clinic. I have no issue with it and I wish Obama's people would have handled this entire event better No issue with OBL being done away with)
Now we are all ready back to killing more people in Pakistan with drones, just yesterday

If Bush was still in the white house the media and those like Dean would be going nuts

Actually, if Jr. would have gotten him, I would have said he finally did something right.

But, I think if Jr. would have been in charge, he would have tipped off the Pakistanis, and sent in bombers, resulting in Bin Laden getting away yet again, with lots of civilian casualties.

Jr. was in charge and this never hapenned... which makes your statements pretty fucking stupid in light of the facts.

You ans i both know the left fringe along with some of the media ad a non stop war against Cheney and Bush
To deny that is to Deny the very existence of who we are
It looks like now that we put on a assassination clinic. I have no issue with it and I wish Obama's people would have handled this entire event better No issue with OBL being done away with)
Now we are all ready back to killing more people in Pakistan with drones, just yesterday

If Bush was still in the white house the media and those like Dean would be going nuts

Actually, if Jr. would have gotten him, I would have said he finally did something right.

But, I think if Jr. would have been in charge, he would have tipped off the Pakistanis, and sent in bombers, resulting in Bin Laden getting away yet again, with lots of civilian casualties.

Jr. was in charge and this never hapenned... which makes your statements pretty fucking stupid in light of the facts.


NOLA it is like I told him
We got the man who planned 9-11
We caught Saddam and killed both of his sons
No one was tipped off
Actually, if Jr. would have gotten him, I would have said he finally did something right.

But, I think if Jr. would have been in charge, he would have tipped off the Pakistanis, and sent in bombers, resulting in Bin Laden getting away yet again, with lots of civilian casualties.

Jr. was in charge and this never hapenned... which makes your statements pretty fucking stupid in light of the facts.


NOLA it is like I told him
We got the man who planned 9-11
We caught Saddam and killed both of his sons
No one was tipped off
Lets not forget about the #1 leader of Al qaeda in Iraq, Mousauwi.
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Actually, if Jr. would have gotten him, I would have said he finally did something right.

But, I think if Jr. would have been in charge, he would have tipped off the Pakistanis, and sent in bombers, resulting in Bin Laden getting away yet again, with lots of civilian casualties.

Jr. was in charge and this never hapenned... which makes your statements pretty fucking stupid in light of the facts.


NOLA it is like I told him
We got the man who planned 9-11
We caught Saddam and killed both of his sons
No one was tipped off

You're absolutely right, Saddam wasn't tipped off.

However, since OBL was living in Pakistan, and Jr. was basically in bed with Mubarik, as well as the fact that Jr. had to clear everything with Mubarik, yeah.......I'd say there was a 99 percent chance that OBL would have been tipped off. Especially with the fact that the Pakistani equivalent of West Point was just 1/2 mile from his compound.
Jr. was in charge and this never hapenned... which makes your statements pretty fucking stupid in light of the facts.


NOLA it is like I told him
We got the man who planned 9-11
We caught Saddam and killed both of his sons
No one was tipped off

You're absolutely right, Saddam wasn't tipped off.

However, since OBL was living in Pakistan, and Jr. was basically in bed with Mubarik, as well as the fact that Jr. had to clear everything with Mubarik, yeah.......I'd say there was a 99 percent chance that OBL would have been tipped off. Especially with the fact that the Pakistani equivalent of West Point was just 1/2 mile from his compound.

You know your saying this with GWB not been in the white-house for 25 months
Let me add that BHO knew that OBL was there according to sources sense last August

I am not sure what your trying to say here, but I can tell you that the intel that was responsible for finding OBL came from men that were captured when GWB was the president
NOLA it is like I told him
We got the man who planned 9-11
We caught Saddam and killed both of his sons
No one was tipped off

You're absolutely right, Saddam wasn't tipped off.

However, since OBL was living in Pakistan, and Jr. was basically in bed with Mubarik, as well as the fact that Jr. had to clear everything with Mubarik, yeah.......I'd say there was a 99 percent chance that OBL would have been tipped off. Especially with the fact that the Pakistani equivalent of West Point was just 1/2 mile from his compound.

You know your saying this with GWB not been in the white-house for 25 months
Let me add that BHO knew that OBL was there according to sources sense last August

I am not sure what your trying to say here, but I can tell you that the intel that was responsible for finding OBL came from men that were captured when GWB was the president

Yeah.....sure.......and OBL was living there from 2005 to 2006 SINCE.

That was under Jr.'s watch. You know.......when he wasn't concerned with him?
You're absolutely right, Saddam wasn't tipped off.

However, since OBL was living in Pakistan, and Jr. was basically in bed with Mubarik, as well as the fact that Jr. had to clear everything with Mubarik, yeah.......I'd say there was a 99 percent chance that OBL would have been tipped off. Especially with the fact that the Pakistani equivalent of West Point was just 1/2 mile from his compound.

You know your saying this with GWB not been in the white-house for 25 months
Let me add that BHO knew that OBL was there according to sources sense last August

I am not sure what your trying to say here, but I can tell you that the intel that was responsible for finding OBL came from men that were captured when GWB was the president

Yeah.....sure.......and OBL was living there from 2005 to 2006 SINCE.

That was under Jr.'s watch. You know.......when he wasn't concerned with him?

You Liberals kill me with the spam you come up with
It comes to a point in which you just have nothing one can say.

We have a country that has 6 million fewer people working today than we did 28 months ago that has spent 3 trillion dollars more than we have supposedly fixing it

We have a car company that ended up with 50 billion of that, without any-one from congress saying it was OK

We have a health care reform bill in place where if you support the democratic party and do not want to be forced to comply, hell thats OK, a health-care reform bill we are going to pay for by taking 500 billion dollars from a system that is in place and works, that is not going away either

We have a president who claims raising taxes on rich corporations will fix it, yea. Problem is corporations do not pay taxes, people pay taxes
So, I'm guessing this means that we are all okay with Assassination Squads now?

The Left is Oaky Doaky with ANYTHING that their Side does, as long as they have 1600... :thup:



Is it not sad to read that we call our men (and women) "assassination squads" when the only reason any of these events are on going is because one attacked us and the other funded those who where attacking us
You know your saying this with GWB not been in the white-house for 25 months
Let me add that BHO knew that OBL was there according to sources sense last August

I am not sure what your trying to say here, but I can tell you that the intel that was responsible for finding OBL came from men that were captured when GWB was the president

Yeah.....sure.......and OBL was living there from 2005 to 2006 SINCE.

That was under Jr.'s watch. You know.......when he wasn't concerned with him?

You Liberals kill me with the spam you come up with
It comes to a point in which you just have nothing one can say.

We have a country that has 6 million fewer people working today than we did 28 months ago that has spent 3 trillion dollars more than we have supposedly fixing it

We have a car company that ended up with 50 billion of that, without any-one from congress saying it was OK

We have a health care reform bill in place where if you support the democratic party and do not want to be forced to comply, hell thats OK, a health-care reform bill we are going to pay for by taking 500 billion dollars from a system that is in place and works, that is not going away either

We have a president who claims raising taxes on rich corporations will fix it, yea. Problem is corporations do not pay taxes, people pay taxes

Actually, unemployment has been steadily dropping since Obama took office. It's now at 8 percent.

As far as the money? You DO realize that Obama took over after the stock market crashed, right? Oh yeah.......wanna talk about the housing bubble? How about the fact that under Jr. the cost of the Iraq war was LEFT OFF THE BOOKS. And furthermore, when you actually put a cost on the war and include it in the budget, OF COURSE you're gonna look like the economy is tanking. However, it's not, so relax.

You also realize that GM has PAID BACK most of the cash, and expects to have paid back all the cash sometime around June.

As far as the health care bill? Most people I know kinda like it, the only ones who don't are also the kind that don't care about anything other than making money, which is why they can afford medical and dental for them and the family. Oh yeah.........if you repeal the health care bill, you know what? It's gonna add to the deficit by several million dollars/yr.

Corporations don't pay taxes, people do? You've gotta be kidding me, because ever since the Supreme Court ruled that corporations could make campaign donations, they said it was limiting free speech, and that corporations had the same rights as actual people.

Maybe they don't pay taxes, but they sure as shit buy the hell outta lobbyists.
Yeah.....sure.......and OBL was living there from 2005 to 2006 SINCE.

That was under Jr.'s watch. You know.......when he wasn't concerned with him?

You Liberals kill me with the spam you come up with
It comes to a point in which you just have nothing one can say.

We have a country that has 6 million fewer people working today than we did 28 months ago that has spent 3 trillion dollars more than we have supposedly fixing it

We have a car company that ended up with 50 billion of that, without any-one from congress saying it was OK

We have a health care reform bill in place where if you support the democratic party and do not want to be forced to comply, hell thats OK, a health-care reform bill we are going to pay for by taking 500 billion dollars from a system that is in place and works, that is not going away either

We have a president who claims raising taxes on rich corporations will fix it, yea. Problem is corporations do not pay taxes, people pay taxes

Actually, unemployment has been steadily dropping since Obama took office. It's now at 8 percent.

As far as the money? You DO realize that Obama took over after the stock market crashed, right? Oh yeah.......wanna talk about the housing bubble? How about the fact that under Jr. the cost of the Iraq war was LEFT OFF THE BOOKS. And furthermore, when you actually put a cost on the war and include it in the budget, OF COURSE you're gonna look like the economy is tanking. However, it's not, so relax.

You also realize that GM has PAID BACK most of the cash, and expects to have paid back all the cash sometime around June.

As far as the health care bill? Most people I know kinda like it, the only ones who don't are also the kind that don't care about anything other than making money, which is why they can afford medical and dental for them and the family. Oh yeah.........if you repeal the health care bill, you know what? It's gonna add to the deficit by several million dollars/yr.

Corporations don't pay taxes, people do? You've gotta be kidding me, because ever since the Supreme Court ruled that corporations could make campaign donations, they said it was limiting free speech, and that corporations had the same rights as actual people.

Maybe they don't pay taxes, but they sure as shit buy the hell outta lobbyists.
No, unemployment just hit 9%, AGAIN!........That story kinda got buried due to recent obvious events.

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