Liberals cannot be racists

Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.

There are no racist liberals. Liberals do not discriminate against other people on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, religion....Liberals welcome everyone in this world. They are tolerant.

Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat: Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat again: Liberals cannot be racists.

This is a joke, right?

If you don't understand politics and English language, then yes, it was a joke. Did you laugh?

Liberals hate whites and that is racism. You want us all dead and you wish like hell we were a minority so we could be genocided.

Yes, you're racist.

Nope, if liberals hated whites they they would not get 40% of white votes in most elections. Keep the lies coming, I am enjoying them all.
Face it, Liberals insist individuals must be treated differently, and held to different standards, because of their ethnicity...

That's racism.
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.

There are no racist liberals. Liberals do not discriminate against other people on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, religion....Liberals welcome everyone in this world. They are tolerant.

Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat: Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat again: Liberals cannot be racists.

This is a joke, right?

If you don't understand politics and English language, then yes, it was a joke. Did you laugh?

no, i wouldnt laugh at such a bad joke. notice I had to ask? Fact of the matter is anyone can be a raicst. A political Tag does not define a person. Of course they say, if you repeat something over and over again you will start to believe it.
Looks like thats exactly what your doing in your post there.
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.

There are no racist liberals. Liberals do not discriminate against other people on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, religion....Liberals welcome everyone in this world. They are tolerant.

Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat: Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat again: Liberals cannot be racists.
Did you know that liberals voted for a presidential candidate because he was black?
Face it, Liberals insist individuals must be treated differently, and held to different standards, because of their ethnicity...

That's racism.

Actually liberals think that all people should be equal and deserve equal opportunities. But the racists think it's OK to discriminate against people of color. Liberals realized this is a problem. This is why liberals created AA. AA is an attempt to prevent racism, not to perpetuate it.

If you still don't understand this, then let me explain it to you this way. A crime is when someone breaks the law and causes pain and suffering to others. This criminal, when caught and convicted, is then punished by our legal system. This punishment causes pain and suffering on the criminal.

But you can't equate the original pain and suffering with the pain caused by punishment of the criminal. Just as you can't equate the original racism that created a need for AA with the inconvenience of going through a system of hiring where we have AA.

AA if anything is needed to prevent racism. Don't like AA? Then fight the original crime of racism. I don't like the idea of death penalty and lengthy prison sentences. To prevent that I focus on preventing crime, I don't blame the prison staff and the judges for punishing the criminals.

You are welcome.
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.

There are no racist liberals. Liberals do not discriminate against other people on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, religion....Liberals welcome everyone in this world. They are tolerant.

Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat: Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat again: Liberals cannot be racists.
Did you know that liberals voted for a presidential candidate because he was black?

that would be a form of racism,
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.

There are no racist liberals. Liberals do not discriminate against other people on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, religion....Liberals welcome everyone in this world. They are tolerant.

Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat: Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat again: Liberals cannot be racists.
Did you know that liberals voted for a presidential candidate because he was black?

No liberals voted for a president based on skin color. That was actually done by the white folks for 232 years but let's not worry about it. You woke up to electoral racism in 2008. Prior to that when whites didn't even allow blacks to have a reasonable chance to become a president, oh well, that was not racism. Right?
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.

There are no racist liberals. Liberals do not discriminate against other people on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, religion....Liberals welcome everyone in this world. They are tolerant.

Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat: Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat again: Liberals cannot be racists.
Did you know that liberals voted for a presidential candidate because he was black?

that would be a form of racism,

LOL, 98% of elected oficials in US are whites. Geez, just when I thought cons cannot be any more stupider.....Electing one black president makes all liberals racists. But electing white candidates 98% of the time and for 232 years consecutively since 1776 doesn't make whites racists.

Gawd, con logis is so easy to refute.
You can something as many times as you wish repeating it does not make it true.

Yes, repetition does not make something true just as some of you here are trying to do with the claim "AA is racism". I agree, repetition does not make it true.
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.

There are no racist liberals. Liberals do not discriminate against other people on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, religion....Liberals welcome everyone in this world. They are tolerant.

Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat: Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat again: Liberals cannot be racists.

That is why the racists democrats adopted the hides who they really are. The modern democrat party is not "liberal" in any sense of your definition...yet they have used the that people have associated the word "liberal" with big government statism...they have had to change the word again and they are going back to using the word "progressive." They have to keep changing their descriptor because people start to realize their true nature.....then they change again....

They really are this stupid.

Again, sir, who is "they"? Who is stupid? You need to make this clear. Who are you talking about? Who is "they"?

Oh and as you know, if you call someone stupid, then that's official. It really makes them stupid. So pronounce your judgment, call someone stupid, cause you know, if you say so then it becomes the truth.
Do you really think blacks were enslaved because of their skin color?
Liberals invented Affirmative Action

Yes, they invented AA to apply a solution to a problem created by the racists. See? We agree. Liberals are not only not racists, but they actively created a program to eliminate the excesses and injustices perpetrated by racism.

Thank you for agreeing with me. ;-)

No...affirmative action is not "liberal" it is the exact promotes preferential treatment based on race......which is why the democrat use it....
Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. The former principle is stressed in classical liberalism while the latter is more evident in social liberalism.

There are no racist liberals. Liberals do not discriminate against other people on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, religion....Liberals welcome everyone in this world. They are tolerant.

Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat: Liberals cannot be racists. I repeat again: Liberals cannot be racists.

That is why the racists democrats adopted the hides who they really are. The modern democrat party is not "liberal" in any sense of your definition...yet they have used the that people have associated the word "liberal" with big government statism...they have had to change the word again and they are going back to using the word "progressive." They have to keep changing their descriptor because people start to realize their true nature.....then they change again....

Hahaha, I can't belive the defenders of racism. Democrats are racists? Yeah right, that is why they get blacks, Jews, hispanics, Arabs, Muslims, women, gays, immigrants, poor people, middle vote for dems.

How racist of democrats to attract people of all ethnicities and backgrounds to their party? Dems should be a part of 99% white people and 1% people of color as the republican party is. That would be truly great for their party. Hahahaha.

Stop guys, I can't stop laughing, I need a break.
Typical claim from the looney liberal left, where male is female, white is black, and a pet goat is marriage material...

What they did was take the name "liberal" because they now the actual isn't who they are but it hides their statist beliefs....or it did till people caught the statists/democrats/socialists/leftists are going back to the word "progressive" in order to hide their beliefs again.......

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