Liberals can't control the violence in their own cities so their solution?

Rather than focus on liberal/conservative, look at the safest cities and draw your conclusions.

Take a look at a list of the safest (and least safe) cities in America

Providing financial opportunity and stability seems to be the most important thing. Cities should structure their tax structure and city services accordingly.
I agree that financial opportunity is the most important factor effecting safety. I think most of us would assume that the safest cities are also amoungst the wealthiest. So what factors effect financial opportunity? I’d say education and industry.

It’s a little sidetracked from the conversation as the OP is implying a relationship between liberal policy and violence

Perhaps the relationship has to do with how some cities welcome business and opportunity while others seem to adopt policies that drive business from their cities. On the other hand, it seems to me that the focusing of liberal/conservative is the road to closing off discussion and instead shouting and partisan "digging in" will actually end the conversation.
I agree with that about the partisan infighting, however I do think it an interesting conversation to look at specific policy initiatives. Like gun control, welfare, education, etc for example
I think if we consider that some of the most dangerous cities are also the ones with the most strict gun control laws, it might be more productive to focus on education and economic opportunity. If people have hope for the future, they are less likely to resort to violence to try to accomplish their goals.
Those are good points. So since there is a huge movement going on about gun control then we should drill down on that statement and ask the question, what kind of impact do the strict gun control laws have on gun violence in those cities? When analyzing that question it is fair to ask if there are cities of similar size and demographic that have loose gun control laws so we can see if there is a significant difference in statistics

The 5 most dangerous cities in the United States are Baltimore, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City and St. Louis according to The 5 Most Dangerous Cities in the United States – Thrive Global

Some of the cities are in states where there are very strict gun laws and some are in states where gun laws are somewhat lax. The common denominator seems to be opportunity.
I agree that financial opportunity is the most important factor effecting safety. I think most of us would assume that the safest cities are also amoungst the wealthiest. So what factors effect financial opportunity? I’d say education and industry.

It’s a little sidetracked from the conversation as the OP is implying a relationship between liberal policy and violence

Perhaps the relationship has to do with how some cities welcome business and opportunity while others seem to adopt policies that drive business from their cities. On the other hand, it seems to me that the focusing of liberal/conservative is the road to closing off discussion and instead shouting and partisan "digging in" will actually end the conversation.
I agree with that about the partisan infighting, however I do think it an interesting conversation to look at specific policy initiatives. Like gun control, welfare, education, etc for example
I think if we consider that some of the most dangerous cities are also the ones with the most strict gun control laws, it might be more productive to focus on education and economic opportunity. If people have hope for the future, they are less likely to resort to violence to try to accomplish their goals.
Those are good points. So since there is a huge movement going on about gun control then we should drill down on that statement and ask the question, what kind of impact do the strict gun control laws have on gun violence in those cities? When analyzing that question it is fair to ask if there are cities of similar size and demographic that have loose gun control laws so we can see if there is a significant difference in statistics

The 5 most dangerous cities in the United States are Baltimore, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City and St. Louis according to The 5 Most Dangerous Cities in the United States – Thrive Global

Some of the cities are in states where there are very strict gun laws and some are in states where gun laws are somewhat lax. The common denominator seems to be opportunity.

Gotta run for now...thanks for the conversation.
I agree that financial opportunity is the most important factor effecting safety. I think most of us would assume that the safest cities are also amoungst the wealthiest. So what factors effect financial opportunity? I’d say education and industry.

It’s a little sidetracked from the conversation as the OP is implying a relationship between liberal policy and violence

Perhaps the relationship has to do with how some cities welcome business and opportunity while others seem to adopt policies that drive business from their cities. On the other hand, it seems to me that the focusing of liberal/conservative is the road to closing off discussion and instead shouting and partisan "digging in" will actually end the conversation.
I agree with that about the partisan infighting, however I do think it an interesting conversation to look at specific policy initiatives. Like gun control, welfare, education, etc for example
I think if we consider that some of the most dangerous cities are also the ones with the most strict gun control laws, it might be more productive to focus on education and economic opportunity. If people have hope for the future, they are less likely to resort to violence to try to accomplish their goals.
Those are good points. So since there is a huge movement going on about gun control then we should drill down on that statement and ask the question, what kind of impact do the strict gun control laws have on gun violence in those cities? When analyzing that question it is fair to ask if there are cities of similar size and demographic that have loose gun control laws so we can see if there is a significant difference in statistics

The 5 most dangerous cities in the United States are Baltimore, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City and St. Louis according to The 5 Most Dangerous Cities in the United States – Thrive Global

Some of the cities are in states where there are very strict gun laws and some are in states where gun laws are somewhat lax. The common denominator seems to be opportunity.
Yes, Poverty will lead to more violent crime than white collar areas. I agree that efforts are best focused on education and opportunity for struggling areas
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That is a grossly inadequate, misleading and just plain stupid comparison. To attempt that fools equivalence of magnitude of seven(7) gun deaths in a 48 hour period to twenty(20) gun deaths in 6 minutes and 20 seconds IN TOTALLY DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES is nothing short of base ignorance and smacks of an agenda driven attitude by way of an obvious fallacy of inconsistency as the vehicle.
"Education" as the solution is like saying by jogging everyday you can compete with Ethiopians. There are genetic differences among the races and if low IQ populations are given free room and board and encouraged to breed while high IQ folks get taxed on their contributions to society and discouraged to breed, obviously the destiny of the USA is like any shithole country in which low IQ folks dominate.
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.
Muster the militia until crime drops!
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Yeah, blue cities DO out preform red cities when it comes to drugs to rape to robberies and to murder.
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Yeah, blue cities DO out preform red cities when it comes to drugs to rape to robberies and to murder.

What would those red cities be?

Still not getting a list from you guys . How about 4! Just 4!!!
So, you admit Dems force too dense building in their cities...
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.

Why does Alaska have the most gun deaths, troll?
"Education" as the solution is like saying by jogging everyday you can compete with Ethiopians. There are genetic differences among the races and if low IQ populations are given free room and board and encouraged to breed while high IQ folks get taxed on their contributions to society and discouraged to breed, obviously the destiny of the USA is like any shithole country in which low IQ folks dominate.
With a statement like that you are showcasing the mentality of somebody with an extremely low IQ. So what exactly are you suggesting we do with you and your kind?
That Newsweek article? It included whether it was it a hurricane zone, or tornado zone or wildfire area in their criteria to decide if an area was safe or not. Ridiculous.
So, you admit Dems force too dense building in their cities...
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .

Huh ? Democrats in invented cities ?
Oh, my...
So, you admit Dems force too dense building in their cities...
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .

Huh ? Democrats in invented cities ?
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.

Why does Alaska have the most gun deaths, troll?
Suicide ya dumb twit
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

I don't give a fuck about partisan whining. If you want to keep painting the world red and blue with your broad brush then you don't want to do anything about what is actually driving the murder rate in this country
Take the colors away from the discussion then. I’m fine with that. Which large city would you like to use as an example for us to use to reduce the violence. We can look at the way they are managed and then see if we can apply those laws and methods to the problem cities. Make sense?

Increase police presence in the most violent areas.
Incarcerate all violent offenders for a minimum of 10 years

Institute draconian sentences for all gun crimes
Are there any cities doing this that you can point to as an example?

Obviously not since those 5% of counties are still responsible for 70% of all murders
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

I don't give a fuck about partisan whining. If you want to keep painting the world red and blue with your broad brush then you don't want to do anything about what is actually driving the murder rate in this country
Take the colors away from the discussion then. I’m fine with that. Which large city would you like to use as an example for us to use to reduce the violence. We can look at the way they are managed and then see if we can apply those laws and methods to the problem cities. Make sense?
We've been trying to reduce the crime in Baltimore for years.

Drug and gang related.

Now we have our guests from south of the border and crime has gotten worse.

We've been through more Police Commissioners, that I stopped counting since 2000.

Firing Police Commissioner is not going to fix it.

The Police are totally ineffective.

When O'Malley was Mayor, the Criminals actually ran the jails in the City.

Violent criminals are getting early release.

Our Politicians can't fix it.

343 Homicides last year.

We are at 30 and Summer has yet to arrive.

Lets start there.
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.
How about you list four major red cities that lead all blue in crime. 50 States and 50 major cities.
You can't come up with four.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Yeah, blue cities DO out preform red cities when it comes to drugs to rape to robberies and to murder.

What would those red cities be?

Still not getting a list from you guys . How about 4! Just 4!!!
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.
Other countries have all those things and they don't have regular mass shootings. Seems when you have those things and easy access to guns for mass killing you have a problem.

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