Liberals can't control the violence in their own cities so their solution?

Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

I don't give a fuck about partisan whining. If you want to keep painting the world red and blue with your broad brush then you don't want to do anything about what is actually driving the murder rate in this country
Take the colors away from the discussion then. I’m fine with that. Which large city would you like to use as an example for us to use to reduce the violence. We can look at the way they are managed and then see if we can apply those laws and methods to the problem cities. Make sense?
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

I don't give a fuck about partisan whining. If you want to keep painting the world red and blue with your broad brush then you don't want to do anything about what is actually driving the murder rate in this country
Take the colors away from the discussion then. I’m fine with that. Which large city would you like to use as an example for us to use to reduce the violence. We can look at the way they are managed and then see if we can apply those laws and methods to the problem cities. Make sense?

Increase police presence in the most violent areas.
Incarcerate all violent offenders for a minimum of 10 years

Institute draconian sentences for all gun crimes
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

I don't give a fuck about partisan whining. If you want to keep painting the world red and blue with your broad brush then you don't want to do anything about what is actually driving the murder rate in this country
Take the colors away from the discussion then. I’m fine with that. Which large city would you like to use as an example for us to use to reduce the violence. We can look at the way they are managed and then see if we can apply those laws and methods to the problem cities. Make sense?

Increase police presence in the most violent areas.
Incarcerate all violent offenders for a minimum of 10 years

Institute draconian sentences for all gun crimes
Are there any cities doing this that you can point to as an example?
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

Rather than focus on liberal/conservative, look at the safest cities and draw your conclusions.

Take a look at a list of the safest (and least safe) cities in America

Providing financial opportunity and stability seems to be the most important thing. Cities should structure their tax structure and city services accordingly.
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.

A democrat cannot, all they do is light candles and sing we are the world.:5_1_12024:
Ah yes . The evil democrat cities ! You know , the places that generate 80% of our countries economy.[/QUOTE]

Yea ,you fail mention they are all dying cesspools with feces lined streets.

NBC Bay Area published an analysis of the filthy conditions of 153 downtown San Francisco blocks on Sunday and discovered conditions that compare unfavorably to some of the poorest slums in the world.

Reporters from the network took to the streets and observed significant amounts of waste on nearly every block, noting that “vast majority of trash found included large heaps of garbage, food, and discarded junk.”

Worse, there were discarded needles on 41 blocks and feces on 96. There’s an interactive map to check which blocks yielded which types of waste, should anyone want to go down that rabbit hole.
one area of the city reported a 140% rise in feces. As Jay Caruso of RedState noted, “Public urination is so widespread it has damaged subway elevators and escalators, building walls and power poles.”

When did the gleaming jewel that was San Francisco become a repository for poop? Mayor Willie Brown terminated ordinances; city district Attorney Terence Hallinan would not prosecute “victimless” crimes involving drugs and prostitution.

With some of the most liberal governing policies in the nation, one can only assume that the fine city of San Francisco is nothing short of a Left Coast Paradise.

The city on the bay has an extremely generous welfare program for low-income residents. It provides a needle exchange for drug addicts, a huge array of social services for LGBT and racial equality programs. It is a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants and as a matter of policy it does not enforce vagrancy laws or public municipal codes for the homeless, creating an ideal destination for those who choose not to live within the typical structure of communities. Cutting edge environmental codes make new builds within city limits nearly impossible.

All of this comes at a hefty cost to the taxpayers and has driven up the cost of living to unimaginable levels…so much so that schools are having to close because teachers cannot afford to live anywhere near the areas they work in. The cost of a one bedroom apartment can range from $2400-$3400 per month.

But isn’t that a small price to pay to live in a the paradise promised by unchecked socialism?

Well, if your idea of paradise includes streets flowing with feces, San Francisco is the utopia for for you!

The Bay Area NBC affiliate recently aired an investigative report on the health and living conditions of downtown San Francisco and the results were… pungent.

How dirty is San Francisco? An NBC Bay Area Investigation reveals a dangerous mix of drug needles, garbage, and feces throughout downtown San Francisco. The Investigative Unit surveyed 153 blocks of the city – the more than 20-mile stretch includes popular tourist spots like Union Square and major hotel chains. The area – bordered by Van Ness Avenue, Market Street, Post Street and Grant Avenue – is also home to City Hall, schools, playgrounds, and a police station.

The investigation uncovered disturbing amounts of abandoned needles, feces and trash.

“We see poop, we see pee, we see needles, and we see trash,” said teacher Adelita Orellana. “Sometimes they ask what is it, and that’s a conversation that’s a little difficult to have with a 2-year old, but we just let them know that those things are full of germs, that they are dangerous, and they should never be touched.”

In light of the dangerous conditions, part of Orellana’s responsibilities now include teaching young children how to avoid the contamination.

NBC isn’t the only organization to detail the health conditions of the streets of San Francisco. A Bay Area student has also created a quite popular “poop map” to help pedestrians and commuters avoid the most contaminated parts of the city.

The Investigate Unit spent three days assessing conditions on the streets of downtown San Francisco and discovered trash on each of the 153 blocks surveyed. While some streets were littered with items as small as a candy wrapper, the vast majority of trash found included large heaps of garbage, food, and discarded junk. The investigation also found 100 drug needles and more than 300 piles of feces throughout downtown.

San Francisco is the living example of what happens when socialist liberalism is allowed to expand indefinitely. At a certain point, common interests become competing interests. The liberal platform of environmental controls and restrictions now directly conflicts with the liberal platform of allowing the homeless and mentally ill full run of the streets, regardless of the law. Now those very people are creating an environment that is not only dirty, it is dangerous. San Francisco is already one of several cities in the state of California that is currently under a mandated State of Emergency for a hepatitis A outbreak. All the outbreaks have been connected to homeless encampments and needle sharing.

The Bay affiliate also included a chart that shows the increase in unsanitary conditions in the city over the last 10 years. Perhaps not uncoincidentally the rise in street sanitation/health issues also come amid a rise in expenditures on city services. While San Francisco has steadily and drastically increased social services spending, living conditions have plummeted.


So if your version of utopia includes making your child leave the one bedroom apartment that houses 12 people to wade through feces and used needles on the way to a school that is understaffed and surrounded by urine, look no further than the fine city by the Bay.

Another Democrat created cesspool, way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

Rather than focus on liberal/conservative, look at the safest cities and draw your conclusions.

Take a look at a list of the safest (and least safe) cities in America

Providing financial opportunity and stability seems to be the most important thing. Cities should structure their tax structure and city services accordingly.
I agree that financial opportunity is the most important factor effecting safety. I think most of us would assume that the safest cities are also amoungst the wealthiest. So what factors effect financial opportunity? I’d say education and industry.

It’s a little sidetracked from the conversation as the OP is implying a relationship between liberal policy and violence
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

Rather than focus on liberal/conservative, look at the safest cities and draw your conclusions.

Take a look at a list of the safest (and least safe) cities in America

Providing financial opportunity and stability seems to be the most important thing. Cities should structure their tax structure and city services accordingly.
I agree that financial opportunity is the most important factor effecting safety. I think most of us would assume that the safest cities are also amoungst the wealthiest. So what factors effect financial opportunity? I’d say education and industry.

It’s a little sidetracked from the conversation as the OP is implying a relationship between liberal policy and violence

Perhaps the relationship has to do with how some cities welcome business and opportunity while others seem to adopt policies that drive business from their cities. On the other hand, it seems to me that the focusing of liberal/conservative is the road to closing off discussion and instead shouting and partisan "digging in" will actually end the conversation.
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

Rather than focus on liberal/conservative, look at the safest cities and draw your conclusions.

Take a look at a list of the safest (and least safe) cities in America

Providing financial opportunity and stability seems to be the most important thing. Cities should structure their tax structure and city services accordingly.
I agree that financial opportunity is the most important factor effecting safety. I think most of us would assume that the safest cities are also amoungst the wealthiest. So what factors effect financial opportunity? I’d say education and industry.

It’s a little sidetracked from the conversation as the OP is implying a relationship between liberal policy and violence

Perhaps the relationship has to do with how some cities welcome business and opportunity while others seem to adopt policies that drive business from their cities. On the other hand, it seems to me that the focusing of liberal/conservative is the road to closing off discussion and instead shouting and partisan "digging in" will actually end the conversation.
I agree with that about the partisan infighting, however I do think it an interesting conversation to look at specific policy initiatives. Like gun control, welfare, education, etc for example
Still waiting for the list if the awesome republican cities .
Look in the blue areas.

View attachment 184610
Wanna take another swing at providing an intelligent response that answers the question?
No, they seem to be too much for you.
Not too much, too little, as you don’t seem able to make a substantive point. What do you hunk your accomplishing to stupid anti Hillary graphics? Those are lazy low IQ responses and debate tactics. If that’s how you want to roll then carry on, but it makes you sound like a joke.
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

Rather than focus on liberal/conservative, look at the safest cities and draw your conclusions.

Take a look at a list of the safest (and least safe) cities in America

Providing financial opportunity and stability seems to be the most important thing. Cities should structure their tax structure and city services accordingly.
I agree that financial opportunity is the most important factor effecting safety. I think most of us would assume that the safest cities are also amoungst the wealthiest. So what factors effect financial opportunity? I’d say education and industry.

It’s a little sidetracked from the conversation as the OP is implying a relationship between liberal policy and violence

Perhaps the relationship has to do with how some cities welcome business and opportunity while others seem to adopt policies that drive business from their cities. On the other hand, it seems to me that the focusing of liberal/conservative is the road to closing off discussion and instead shouting and partisan "digging in" will actually end the conversation.
I agree with that about the partisan infighting, however I do think it an interesting conversation to look at specific policy initiatives. Like gun control, welfare, education, etc for example
I think if we consider that some of the most dangerous cities are also the ones with the most strict gun control laws, it might be more productive to focus on education and economic opportunity. If people have hope for the future, they are less likely to resort to violence to try to accomplish their goals.
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

Rather than focus on liberal/conservative, look at the safest cities and draw your conclusions.

Take a look at a list of the safest (and least safe) cities in America

Providing financial opportunity and stability seems to be the most important thing. Cities should structure their tax structure and city services accordingly.
I agree that financial opportunity is the most important factor effecting safety. I think most of us would assume that the safest cities are also amoungst the wealthiest. So what factors effect financial opportunity? I’d say education and industry.

It’s a little sidetracked from the conversation as the OP is implying a relationship between liberal policy and violence

Perhaps the relationship has to do with how some cities welcome business and opportunity while others seem to adopt policies that drive business from their cities. On the other hand, it seems to me that the focusing of liberal/conservative is the road to closing off discussion and instead shouting and partisan "digging in" will actually end the conversation.
I agree with that about the partisan infighting, however I do think it an interesting conversation to look at specific policy initiatives. Like gun control, welfare, education, etc for example
I think if we consider that some of the most dangerous cities are also the ones with the most strict gun control laws, it might be more productive to focus on education and economic opportunity. If people have hope for the future, they are less likely to resort to violence to try to accomplish their goals.

That is not true . Most of the “most dangerous cities “ are in red states wh loose gun laws .
Why don’t you list those utopia conservative cities out there ? Oh you won’t . Because most all cities lean democratic.

Guess what , put millions of people together and shitbhappens .

But, blue state cities perform way better than red state cities .
Why don't we deal with just plain old unembellished facts?

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the entire country.
More than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of near zero

We know what to do to lower our murder rate but we don't care to do it because those 70% of murders are concentrated in urban shit holes and are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities

Get a handle on the 5% of counties and reduce the murder rate by up to 70%

but you don't really want to do that do you?
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

I don't give a fuck about partisan whining. If you want to keep painting the world red and blue with your broad brush then you don't want to do anything about what is actually driving the murder rate in this country
Take the colors away from the discussion then. I’m fine with that. Which large city would you like to use as an example for us to use to reduce the violence. We can look at the way they are managed and then see if we can apply those laws and methods to the problem cities. Make sense?

Increase police presence in the most violent areas.
Incarcerate all violent offenders for a minimum of 10 years

Institute draconian sentences for all gun crimes
End welfare.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Still waiting for the list if the awesome republican cities .
Look in the blue areas.

View attachment 184610
Wanna take another swing at providing an intelligent response that answers the question?
No, they seem to be too much for you.
Not too much, too little, as you don’t seem able to make a substantive point. What do you hunk your accomplishing to stupid anti Hillary graphics? Those are lazy low IQ responses and debate tactics. If that’s how you want to roll then carry on, but it makes you sound like a joke.
No point matters to you if it doesn't agree with you.
How do you propose we do that and what examples can you point to from conservative run cities?

Rather than focus on liberal/conservative, look at the safest cities and draw your conclusions.

Take a look at a list of the safest (and least safe) cities in America

Providing financial opportunity and stability seems to be the most important thing. Cities should structure their tax structure and city services accordingly.
I agree that financial opportunity is the most important factor effecting safety. I think most of us would assume that the safest cities are also amoungst the wealthiest. So what factors effect financial opportunity? I’d say education and industry.

It’s a little sidetracked from the conversation as the OP is implying a relationship between liberal policy and violence

Perhaps the relationship has to do with how some cities welcome business and opportunity while others seem to adopt policies that drive business from their cities. On the other hand, it seems to me that the focusing of liberal/conservative is the road to closing off discussion and instead shouting and partisan "digging in" will actually end the conversation.
I agree with that about the partisan infighting, however I do think it an interesting conversation to look at specific policy initiatives. Like gun control, welfare, education, etc for example
I think if we consider that some of the most dangerous cities are also the ones with the most strict gun control laws, it might be more productive to focus on education and economic opportunity. If people have hope for the future, they are less likely to resort to violence to try to accomplish their goals.
Those are good points. So since there is a huge movement going on about gun control then we should drill down on that statement and ask the question, what kind of impact do the strict gun control laws have on gun violence in those cities? When analyzing that question it is fair to ask if there are cities of similar size and demographic that have loose gun control laws so we can see if there is a significant difference in statistics
Still waiting for the list if the awesome republican cities .
Look in the blue areas.

View attachment 184610
Wanna take another swing at providing an intelligent response that answers the question?
No, they seem to be too much for you.
Not too much, too little, as you don’t seem able to make a substantive point. What do you hunk your accomplishing to stupid anti Hillary graphics? Those are lazy low IQ responses and debate tactics. If that’s how you want to roll then carry on, but it makes you sound like a joke.
No point matters to you if it doesn't agree with you.
well you’d have to make an intelligent point to find out how I react. Since you don’t like to do that and seem to want to keep the petty, empty partisan insults flowing then I guess we know what level you want to engage in. Why don’t you just go play in the flame zone?

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