Liberals can't control the violence in their own cities so their solution?

Not really. A part of their culture perhaps but not them individually. I have a lot of black neighbors. All great people. It isn't the color it is the culture that many of them participate in. As outlined in the op.

People like you are everything wrong with the GOP
Go cry elsewhere pussy. Be responsible for your own actions and stop worrying about everyone else.

View attachment 184671
I guess by your asinine logic you are a meth dealer.


He was pointing out a fact that the left is not willing to admit. Admitting the situation would certainly help a lot more than chasing guns.
He is trying to imply that black is the problem.

That is shallow thinking and completely ignores all of the underlying problems.

And let's not forget these school shooters are white.
People like you are everything wrong with the GOP
Go cry elsewhere pussy. Be responsible for your own actions and stop worrying about everyone else.

View attachment 184671
I guess by your asinine logic you are a meth dealer.


He was pointing out a fact that the left is not willing to admit. Admitting the situation would certainly help a lot more than chasing guns.
He is trying to imply that black is the problem.

That is shallow thinking and completely ignores all of the underlying problems.

And let's not forget these school shooters are white.

50 years of anti-constitutional civil rights laws giving blacks special privileges and what good has it done? Stop pandering to them, hold them to the same standards as you do those "white kids" (cruz was cuban and jewish), maybe they'll stop killing one another.
Go cry elsewhere pussy. Be responsible for your own actions and stop worrying about everyone else.

View attachment 184671
I guess by your asinine logic you are a meth dealer.


He was pointing out a fact that the left is not willing to admit. Admitting the situation would certainly help a lot more than chasing guns.
He is trying to imply that black is the problem.

That is shallow thinking and completely ignores all of the underlying problems.

And let's not forget these school shooters are white.

50 years of anti-constitutional civil rights laws giving blacks special privileges and what good has it done? Stop pandering to them, hold them to the same standards as you do those "white kids" (cruz was cuban and jewish), maybe they'll stop killing one another.
Cuban & Jewish? Is that the new black?

9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
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9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.
9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Chicago Chicago Chicago!! You guys are a broken record .

Chicago is an outlier cause if it’s gang problem . How about all the other liberal places that have low gun crime ? Boston , Seattle , New York , San Fran .
9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Oh . And I’m still waiting for this list of republican cities .
9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Chicago Chicago Chicago!! You guys are a broken record .

Chicago is an outlier cause if it’s gang problem . How about all the other liberal places that have low gun crime ? Boston , Seattle , New York , San Fran .
So it’s a gang problem not a 2A problem. The rest of those cities are no better. New York? Are you serious?
The Los Angeles Times just this week front-paged a long article about the anguish of mothers in New Orleans who have lost their sons, who were killed by other young men.

When I read the article, I asked myself: Why? Why? Why?

Why is there so much violence in New Orleans, Chicago., Baltimore, etc.?

Why can't someone stop it?

Blaming the liberals, in my opinion, is NOT going to stop this senseless insanity.

Everyone of good will (regardless of political affiliation) must study this craziness and try to come up with solutions.

Or, quite frankly, is the situation hopeless?
If you are going to claim that southern immigrants are increasing the violent crime in our country then you should be able to back that up with stats. You can certainly look outside of Baltimore to analyze the stats of that claim

Not to split hairs here, but if they came into this country illegally, that would be a crime...understandable it's not a violent crime but still a crime.
True, but we are talking about violent crime. Also, since we are splitting hairs, coming here illegally ranges from a civil offense to a felony depending on how they did it.
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.
you far rightwing kooks are really soiling your panties over these kids huh?

You should, they're coming for the NRA, and they'll outlive you.

The Los Angeles Times just this week front-paged a long article about the anguish of mothers in New Orleans who have lost their sons, who were killed by other young men.

When I read the article, I asked myself: Why? Why? Why?

Why is there so much violence in New Orleans, Chicago., Baltimore, etc.?

Why can't someone stop it?

Blaming the liberals, in my opinion, is NOT going to stop this senseless insanity.

Everyone of good will (regardless of political affiliation) must study this craziness and try to come up with solutions.

Or, quite frankly, is the situation hopeless?
If you are going to claim that southern immigrants are increasing the violent crime in our country then you should be able to back that up with stats. You can certainly look outside of Baltimore to analyze the stats of that claim

Not to split hairs here, but if they came into this country illegally, that would be a crime...understandable it's not a violent crime but still a crime.

It is a crime by the law, not by the far left religious dogma.
Why do you care so much about what the far left thinks? I give just about as much thought and credit to those on the far left and far right as I do to crazy old timers, babbling babies, and that drunk guy getting kicked out of the bar... ignore the noise makers and focus on the serious people, your life will be much better
Side note, Lying Ted Cruz was mentored by Crooked Robert Mueller. Do the research!
What does that mean?

Lyin' Ted was the first stage of the "insurance policy!" Lyin' Ted is a swamp rat just like Crooked Mueller!

9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.

If you do not accept the fact that White areas are safe and Brown and Black areas are unsafe, you fucking retarded and or delusional.
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.
you far rightwing kooks are really soiling your panties over these kids huh?

You should, they're coming for the NRA, and they'll outlive you.

I don't give two shits about the NRA ya stupid jackass. And of course they will outlive me, they are kids. Youth =/= intelligence but it does = gullibility
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.
Which conservative cities with loose gun laws would you like to use as an example for us?
Springfield, Mo ... 167,000 population. CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY STATE. Conceal carry state. Open carry state, No waiting periods, no registration, no gun permits.

15 total homicides in 2017

Springfield, Mass, with 13,000 less people (154,000) and gun control out the wahzoo...gun permits, waiting periods, "assault" weapons ban, no real CCW, no open carry, universal background checks, no private party sales (so called gun show loophole)...every single thing liberals ask for...

14 total homicides
in 2017.

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