Liberals can't control the violence in their own cities so their solution?

define large city
I posted an article... try reading it
No thanks
Thanks for proving my point that you want nothing to do with substance and are only interested in low IQ bluster. We can all keep that in mind next time you try and share one of your “brilliant” ideas.

You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
I posted an article... try reading it
No thanks
Thanks for proving my point that you want nothing to do with substance and are only interested in low IQ bluster. We can all keep that in mind next time you try and share one of your “brilliant” ideas.

You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up
No thanks
Thanks for proving my point that you want nothing to do with substance and are only interested in low IQ bluster. We can all keep that in mind next time you try and share one of your “brilliant” ideas.

You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up

you are projecting

and I'm not the one that said I could distill a century's worth of global data into a cogent and effective law enforcement plan did I?

But you said you could do it in just a few seconds on Google

So where is it?
Last edited:
9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Oh . And I’m still waiting for this list of republican cities .
as long as you continue to paint the world red and blue with your broad brush you will never get any answers

I didn’t bring up the red /blue thing so spare the leacture . I’m just calling out the cons bullshit about “Democrat run cities .” Once again they can’t back up their crap propaganda when confronted .
It's all over the news. Perhaps you should try reading something other than USMB. Liberal cities are well known for there strict public gun control laws and their high gun crime rates. That is because CRIMINALS DON'T OBEY LAWS!
No thanks
Thanks for proving my point that you want nothing to do with substance and are only interested in low IQ bluster. We can all keep that in mind next time you try and share one of your “brilliant” ideas.

You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up
Yet the stupid fucking liberals say that socialism will work...this time! It appears they choose to ignore Google and history!
Thanks for proving my point that you want nothing to do with substance and are only interested in low IQ bluster. We can all keep that in mind next time you try and share one of your “brilliant” ideas.

You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up

you are projecting

and I'm not the one that said I could distill a century's worth of global data into a cogent and effective law enforcement plan did I?

But you said you could do it in just a few seconds on Google

So where is it?
I said you could use google to research governments that use your ideas so we can analyze their viability and effectiveness. You didn’t seem interested. That’s fine, but it just shows that you are talking out of your ass. See when I make a point I post supporting information that I get through doing actual research. Ya know those links you don’t like to click or read... that’s what they go to
Thanks for proving my point that you want nothing to do with substance and are only interested in low IQ bluster. We can all keep that in mind next time you try and share one of your “brilliant” ideas.

You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up
Yet the stupid fucking liberals say that socialism will work...this time! It appears they choose to ignore Google and history!
Who is calling for socialism?
9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Oh . And I’m still waiting for this list of republican cities .
as long as you continue to paint the world red and blue with your broad brush you will never get any answers

I didn’t bring up the red /blue thing so spare the leacture . I’m just calling out the cons bullshit about “Democrat run cities .” Once again they can’t back up their crap propaganda when confronted .
It's all over the news. Perhaps you should try reading something other than USMB. Liberal cities are well known for there strict public gun control laws and their high gun crime rates. That is because CRIMINALS DON'T OBEY LAWS!

And neither do rural hucklefvcks fighting and dying over that hillbilly junk! :113:
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.

I am curious as to what your solutions are.
I am curious about your solutions.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Oh . And I’m still waiting for this list of republican cities .
as long as you continue to paint the world red and blue with your broad brush you will never get any answers

I didn’t bring up the red /blue thing so spare the leacture . I’m just calling out the cons bullshit about “Democrat run cities .” Once again they can’t back up their crap propaganda when confronted .
It's all over the news. Perhaps you should try reading something other than USMB. Liberal cities are well known for there strict public gun control laws and their high gun crime rates. That is because CRIMINALS DON'T OBEY LAWS!

And neither do rural hucklefvcks fighting and dying over that hillbilly junk! :113:

Where is that happening?
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.

I am curious as to what your solutions are.
I am curious about your solutions.

Liberals can't control the violence in their own cities so their solution?
[URL=""]Liberals can't control the violence in their own cities so their solution?[/URL]
Liberals can't control the violence in their own cities so their solution?
Last edited:
You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up

you are projecting

and I'm not the one that said I could distill a century's worth of global data into a cogent and effective law enforcement plan did I?

But you said you could do it in just a few seconds on Google

So where is it?
I said you could use google to research governments that use your ideas so we can analyze their viability and effectiveness. You didn’t seem interested. That’s fine, but it just shows that you are talking out of your ass. See when I make a point I post supporting information that I get through doing actual research. Ya know those links you don’t like to click or read... that’s what they go to
And I am telling you that you can't do it without hours and hours of research but you said it could be doe in a few seconds

So you want to know something

70% of all murders take place in 5% of all counties in the USA and those murders are further concentrated into small areas withing those counties

Those tend to be urban areas that have been plagued by violence for decades

So if you want to propose any ideas for reducing the murder rte of the entire country this is where you start
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up

you are projecting

and I'm not the one that said I could distill a century's worth of global data into a cogent and effective law enforcement plan did I?

But you said you could do it in just a few seconds on Google

So where is it?
I said you could use google to research governments that use your ideas so we can analyze their viability and effectiveness. You didn’t seem interested. That’s fine, but it just shows that you are talking out of your ass. See when I make a point I post supporting information that I get through doing actual research. Ya know those links you don’t like to click or read... that’s what they go to
And I am telling you that you can't do it without hours and hours of research but you said it could be doe in a few seconds

So you want to know something

70% of all murders take place in 5% of all counties in the USA and those murders are further concentrated into small areas withing those counties

Those tend to be urban areas that have been plagued by violence for decades

So if you want to propose any ideas for reducing the murder rte of the entire country this is where you start

Dummy, you have to ADJUST PER CAPITA.

Half of the 316 million people living in the United States live in one of the nation’s 145 most populous counties based on calculations of the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2013 Population Estimates. With 3,143 counties nationwide, this means that half of the U.S. population lives in just 4.6% of all counties.

Half of North Carolinians Live in These 13 Counties

When you do adjust you find only a bit elevated murder RATE
Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up

you are projecting

and I'm not the one that said I could distill a century's worth of global data into a cogent and effective law enforcement plan did I?

But you said you could do it in just a few seconds on Google

So where is it?
I said you could use google to research governments that use your ideas so we can analyze their viability and effectiveness. You didn’t seem interested. That’s fine, but it just shows that you are talking out of your ass. See when I make a point I post supporting information that I get through doing actual research. Ya know those links you don’t like to click or read... that’s what they go to
And I am telling you that you can't do it without hours and hours of research but you said it could be doe in a few seconds

So you want to know something

70% of all murders take place in 5% of all counties in the USA and those murders are further concentrated into small areas withing those counties

Those tend to be urban areas that have been plagued by violence for decades

So if you want to propose any ideas for reducing the murder rte of the entire country this is where you start

Fucking idiot you have to ADJUST PER CAPITA.

Half of the 316 million people living in the United States live in one of the nation’s 145 most populous counties based on calculations of the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2013 Population Estimates. With 3,143 counties nationwide, this means that half of the U.S. population lives in just 4.6% of all counties.

Half of North Carolinians Live in These 13 Counties
and I just told you the murders are further concentrated within those counties. Some towns in some of those counties has no murders

No matter how you slice it the majority of murders are committed in very small areas of the country. These areas are usually urban areas that have been plagued by violence for decades

Concentrate the efforts of law enforcement in these areas and the murder rate for the entire country lowers
Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up

you are projecting

and I'm not the one that said I could distill a century's worth of global data into a cogent and effective law enforcement plan did I?

But you said you could do it in just a few seconds on Google

So where is it?
I said you could use google to research governments that use your ideas so we can analyze their viability and effectiveness. You didn’t seem interested. That’s fine, but it just shows that you are talking out of your ass. See when I make a point I post supporting information that I get through doing actual research. Ya know those links you don’t like to click or read... that’s what they go to
And I am telling you that you can't do it without hours and hours of research but you said it could be doe in a few seconds

So you want to know something

70% of all murders take place in 5% of all counties in the USA and those murders are further concentrated into small areas withing those counties

Those tend to be urban areas that have been plagued by violence for decades

So if you want to propose any ideas for reducing the murder rte of the entire country this is where you start

Dummy, you have to ADJUST PER CAPITA.

Half of the 316 million people living in the United States live in one of the nation’s 145 most populous counties based on calculations of the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2013 Population Estimates. With 3,143 counties nationwide, this means that half of the U.S. population lives in just 4.6% of all counties.

Half of North Carolinians Live in These 13 Counties

When you do adjust you find only a bit elevated murder RATE
68% of U.S. murders occur in 5% of its counties

Those conducting the study pointed out that even in the counties with the highest number of homicides – such as Los Angeles County in California, which registered the highest in 2014 at 526 – the murders are predominantly concentrated to small and distinct areas, leaving most cities within the area virtually murder-free.

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center
You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up
Yet the stupid fucking liberals say that socialism will work...this time! It appears they choose to ignore Google and history!
Who is calling for socialism?
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Democrats in general....all fuckheads!
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up

you are projecting

and I'm not the one that said I could distill a century's worth of global data into a cogent and effective law enforcement plan did I?

But you said you could do it in just a few seconds on Google

So where is it?
I said you could use google to research governments that use your ideas so we can analyze their viability and effectiveness. You didn’t seem interested. That’s fine, but it just shows that you are talking out of your ass. See when I make a point I post supporting information that I get through doing actual research. Ya know those links you don’t like to click or read... that’s what they go to
And I am telling you that you can't do it without hours and hours of research but you said it could be doe in a few seconds

So you want to know something

70% of all murders take place in 5% of all counties in the USA and those murders are further concentrated into small areas withing those counties

Those tend to be urban areas that have been plagued by violence for decades

So if you want to propose any ideas for reducing the murder rte of the entire country this is where you start
See that was a perfectly rational statement that I agree with
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.

Hey you said you could do what you asked me to do which was research all cities in the world and then compare their crime prevention tactics over the last 100 years so as to find the one that was working the best.

You said you could do it in a few seconds with Google why haven't you?

And FYI I am probably the least political person here
You may not think you are political but you are playing the same spin and dodge games that politicians play. Not interested in exploring ideas but rather you just spin your narrative.

Google is a powerful engine, if you have an idea of how things should be governed then there are likely examples of those ideas being tried throughout history. Input your ideas and see what results come up and learn about the effects. I’m not going to guess about what your ideas are and then research them for you. That’s just ridiculous. Bring something of substance to the table and I’ll treat it with an open mind. But when you fail to back up your ideas with anything and when you don’t even seem interested in reading links that I provide to back up my statements then your true colors are shown and you don’t warrant respect or consideration of your ideas. Step it up
Yet the stupid fucking liberals say that socialism will work...this time! It appears they choose to ignore Google and history!
Who is calling for socialism?
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Democrats in general....all fuckheads!
Wow, thanks for enlightening us... you can go play with the other children in the flame zone now
Communists/Democrats incite violence and destruction. They need their angry, poor, and helpless masses. The last thing the Democratic Party wants, is a happy prosperous independent populace. The Party can only thrive on misery. The more angry, poor, and helpless, the better off the Party is. Violence and destruction suits Communists/Democrats just fine. They'll continue to incite it. Bet on that.

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