Liberals can't control the violence in their own cities so their solution?

Obviously not since those 5% of counties are still responsible for 70% of all murders
So basically you just want to bitch and talk about idealized solutions, not practical ones. Got it

Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough

Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Oh . And I’m still waiting for this list of republican cities .
as long as you continue to paint the world red and blue with your broad brush you will never get any answers

I didn’t bring up the red /blue thing so spare the leacture . I’m just calling out the cons bullshit about “Democrat run cities .” Once again they can’t back up their crap propaganda when confronted .
So basically you just want to bitch and talk about idealized solutions, not practical ones. Got it

Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough

Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.
Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough

Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.
What did you use DNCoogle? Every high murder rate city is democrat run.
9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Oh . And I’m still waiting for this list of republican cities .
as long as you continue to paint the world red and blue with your broad brush you will never get any answers

I didn’t bring up the red /blue thing so spare the leacture . I’m just calling out the cons bullshit about “Democrat run cities .” Once again they can’t back up their crap propaganda when confronted .
It’s backed up every day in the news.
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough

Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.
What did you use DNCoogle? Every high murder rate city is democrat run.
Out of all US large cities San Diego has the lowest murder rate. Perhaps we can adopt their laws and enforcement initiatives... what you think?

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
Think about it.......

If you search these forums through millions of posts........

I bet you can't find ONE EXAMPLE of where you changed the oppositions mind through intelligent discourse and endless explanation. Not ONE of your posts has ever made ANY difference.

:TH_WAY~113: Maybe it gave you a "warm fuzzy" to bitch out loud?

Great exercise in wasting a TON of time....accomplishing ZILCH :laugh2:

Re: "I bet you can't find ONE EXAMPLE of where you changed the oppositions mind through intelligent discourse "

Most people will never admit to being defeated primarily libtards, but conservatives to a lesser extent. The idea is convince enough of the people sitting on the fence and watching that your opponent is wrong.
Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough

Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.

Let's see the data since you looked it up and all
Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.
What did you use DNCoogle? Every high murder rate city is democrat run.
Out of all US large cities San Diego has the lowest murder rate. Perhaps we can adopt their laws and enforcement initiatives... what you think?

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
define large city
Re: "I bet you can't find ONE EXAMPLE of where you changed the oppositions mind through intelligent discourse "

Most people will never admit to being defeated primarily libtards, but conservatives to a lesser extent. The idea is convince enough of the people sitting on the fence and watching that your opponent is wrong.

I like your optimism......

But I think we're WAY too divided as a nation to change the other sides mind at this point.
I think there are a handful of fence sitters..but most have chosen.

Some have suggested a split into at least two separate nations.
Honestly, I see no other way at this point.

We either start working towards that in all earnest, or watch the nation devolve into a segmented hair ball of violence and hatred and basically chaos.

It is impossible for elections to fix this nation. Things are going to get much worse as each side digs in demanding their way or no way. This is especially bad when someone is wanting to completely uproot the laws and ways that have existed for hundreds of years and make things totally different.
Last edited:
Some have suggested a split into at least two separate nations.

The Libtard Nation could never survive - they're too lazy and ignorant basically they're parasitic leeches and rely on the productivity of hard working conservatives .... Hows your history ---- eastern & western Roman Empires .... ?
So basically you just want to bitch and talk about idealized solutions, not practical ones. Got it

Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough

Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
mustering the militia always works best.
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.
What did you use DNCoogle? Every high murder rate city is democrat run.
Out of all US large cities San Diego has the lowest murder rate. Perhaps we can adopt their laws and enforcement initiatives... what you think?

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
define large city
I posted an article... try reading it
So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.
What did you use DNCoogle? Every high murder rate city is democrat run.
Out of all US large cities San Diego has the lowest murder rate. Perhaps we can adopt their laws and enforcement initiatives... what you think?

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
define large city
I posted an article... try reading it
No thanks
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.
What did you use DNCoogle? Every high murder rate city is democrat run.
Out of all US large cities San Diego has the lowest murder rate. Perhaps we can adopt their laws and enforcement initiatives... what you think?

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
define large city
I posted an article... try reading it
No thanks
Thanks for proving my point that you want nothing to do with substance and are only interested in low IQ bluster. We can all keep that in mind next time you try and share one of your “brilliant” ideas.
What did you use DNCoogle? Every high murder rate city is democrat run.
Out of all US large cities San Diego has the lowest murder rate. Perhaps we can adopt their laws and enforcement initiatives... what you think?

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
define large city
I posted an article... try reading it
No thanks
Thanks for proving my point that you want nothing to do with substance and are only interested in low IQ bluster. We can all keep that in mind next time you try and share one of your “brilliant” ideas.

You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Out of all US large cities San Diego has the lowest murder rate. Perhaps we can adopt their laws and enforcement initiatives... what you think?

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
define large city
I posted an article... try reading it
No thanks
Thanks for proving my point that you want nothing to do with substance and are only interested in low IQ bluster. We can all keep that in mind next time you try and share one of your “brilliant” ideas.

You didn't post all the centuries worth of data from all over the world like you said you were going to did you?

No you didn't

I'm waiting for that after all you said it would only take you a couple seconds
Why would I post anything when you just admitted that you don’t read information that I source. I’m not here to educate you or spoon feed you data. I make points and then back them up with data. You make points and when I challenge you in those points you are too lazy to back them up with anything. Now you want me to do your research for you, what a joke. I challenged you to explain yourself and you failed. That means you are more interested in bitching about things and making up your own reality and justification to support your anger than you are in understanding cause and effects or exploring real solutions. That makes you a political hack who can’t be taken seriously. Sorry, but that’s the bed you made for yourself.
Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.
What did you use DNCoogle? Every high murder rate city is democrat run.
Out of all US large cities San Diego has the lowest murder rate. Perhaps we can adopt their laws and enforcement initiatives... what you think?

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
Isn't San Diego the most republican city in SoCal? I think I heard that somewhere.
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

So then look it up if it takes no time.

go ahead and punch in search criteria for every city in every country for the last 100 years and then print out all their crime prevention and policing policies and tell me which ones work the best

It'll take you what 5 seconds?
Yeah done. Zero results of any place finding success using your idiotic ideas. That was easy.
What did you use DNCoogle? Every high murder rate city is democrat run.
Out of all US large cities San Diego has the lowest murder rate. Perhaps we can adopt their laws and enforcement initiatives... what you think?

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
Isn't San Diego the most republican city in SoCal? I think I heard that somewhere.
It’s 56% dem 36% Rep... and is the safest big city in the NATION, not just SoCal.

Politics of San Diego County - Wikipedia

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