Liberals can't control the violence in their own cities so their solution?

Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.
you far rightwing kooks are really soiling your panties over these kids huh?

You should, they're coming for the NRA, and they'll outlive you.


LOL Grampa ain't no goddamn far rightist. He's some kind of hippy libertarian.
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.
you far rightwing kooks are really soiling your panties over these kids huh?

You should, they're coming for the NRA, and they'll outlive you.


They probably saved the Midterms for the GOP.
What does that mean?

Lyin' Ted was the first stage of the "insurance policy!" Lyin' Ted is a swamp rat just like Crooked Mueller!

9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.

If you do not accept the fact that White areas are safe and Brown and Black areas are unsafe, you fucking retarded and or delusional.
Sleep it off dude
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.
Which conservative cities with loose gun laws would you like to use as an example for us?
Springfield, Mo ... 167,000 population. CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY STATE. Conceal carry state. Open carry state, No waiting periods, no registration, no gun permits.

15 total homicides in 2017

Springfield, Mass, with 13,000 less people (154,000) and gun control out the wahzoo...gun permits, waiting periods, "assault" weapons ban, no real CCW, no open carry, universal background checks, no private party sales (so called gun show loophole)...every single thing liberals ask for...

14 total homicides
in 2017.
How do those cities compare to New York and San Diego? besides only having a fraction of the population...

2017 was record-low for homicides in New York City

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego
The Los Angeles Times just this week front-paged a long article about the anguish of mothers in New Orleans who have lost their sons, who were killed by other young men.

When I read the article, I asked myself: Why? Why? Why?

Why is there so much violence in New Orleans, Chicago., Baltimore, etc.?

Why can't someone stop it?

Blaming the liberals, in my opinion, is NOT going to stop this senseless insanity.

Everyone of good will (regardless of political affiliation) must study this craziness and try to come up with solutions.

Or, quite frankly, is the situation hopeless?
If you are going to claim that southern immigrants are increasing the violent crime in our country then you should be able to back that up with stats. You can certainly look outside of Baltimore to analyze the stats of that claim

Not to split hairs here, but if they came into this country illegally, that would be a crime...understandable it's not a violent crime but still a crime.

It is a crime by the law, not by the far left religious dogma.
Why do you care so much about what the far left thinks? I give just about as much thought and credit to those on the far left and far right as I do to crazy old timers, babbling babies, and that drunk guy getting kicked out of the bar... ignore the noise makers and focus on the serious people, your life will be much better

Says the far left drone!

There are no serious people on the far left as you keep proving!
How do those cities compare to New York and San Diego? besides only having a fraction of the population...

2017 was record-low for homicides in New York City

FBI: San Diego Has Lowest Murder Rate of Any Big American City - Times of San Diego

"NYC's population is a little over 8 million. That means that there are 4.18 police officers per 1,000 people. By comparison, Los Angeles, the second largest city in the U.S. with 3.8 million people, has only 9,895 officers--a ratio of 2.6 police per 1,000 people."

Nine terrifying facts about America’s biggest police force

Over twice as many police officers per 1,000 citizens.

Springfield, Mo has 334 officers total...that's exactly 2 per 1,000 citizens.

Los Angeles had almost as many homicides as NYC, the same gun laws and less than half the population...and almost half as many law enforcement officers.

So, it seems what liberal cities need is more cops...not more gun control.

Midwest mid sized cities with no gun control can make it with less law enforcement.
Democrats never want to discuss THEIR failures.
They should be discussed. Do you also want to discuss conservative failures? Please fell free to lead by example

As a conservative I have been a consistent critic of the GOP establishment and leadership. I doubt there is a Dem on this forum as critical of their party.

I'm a liberal Dem, and i am disgusted with where my Party has gone.

Yes he supported Bernie Sanders!
Make a big deal when white kids get shot to take the spotlight off of their failed policies in their shithole cities.

Most of the gun violence in our country is confined to 5 or 6 liberal cities. Places that already have strict gun laws.

It seems to me when you boil down all the factors that surround gun violence one thing is common in a majority of the instances. Liberals ignore the contributing factors that drive the violence.
Drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health, desperation, lack of parental guidance.

You want to stop gun violence start focusing on the actual contributing factors.
you far rightwing kooks are really soiling your panties over these kids huh?

You should, they're coming for the NRA, and they'll outlive you.


Yes even moderate democrats are considered far right by you drones!
I don't give a fuck about partisan whining. If you want to keep painting the world red and blue with your broad brush then you don't want to do anything about what is actually driving the murder rate in this country
Take the colors away from the discussion then. I’m fine with that. Which large city would you like to use as an example for us to use to reduce the violence. We can look at the way they are managed and then see if we can apply those laws and methods to the problem cities. Make sense?

Increase police presence in the most violent areas.
Incarcerate all violent offenders for a minimum of 10 years

Institute draconian sentences for all gun crimes
Are there any cities doing this that you can point to as an example?

Obviously not since those 5% of counties are still responsible for 70% of all murders
So basically you just want to bitch and talk about idealized solutions, not practical ones. Got it

Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
Take the colors away from the discussion then. I’m fine with that. Which large city would you like to use as an example for us to use to reduce the violence. We can look at the way they are managed and then see if we can apply those laws and methods to the problem cities. Make sense?

Increase police presence in the most violent areas.
Incarcerate all violent offenders for a minimum of 10 years

Institute draconian sentences for all gun crimes
Are there any cities doing this that you can point to as an example?

Obviously not since those 5% of counties are still responsible for 70% of all murders
So basically you just want to bitch and talk about idealized solutions, not practical ones. Got it
We already have the fullest jails in the world. Clearly that isn't that answer.
We also lock up more drug offenders and nonviolent offenders than we do violent pieces of shit
People like you are everything wrong with the GOP
Go cry elsewhere pussy. Be responsible for your own actions and stop worrying about everyone else.

View attachment 184671
I guess by your asinine logic you are a meth dealer.


He was pointing out a fact that the left is not willing to admit. Admitting the situation would certainly help a lot more than chasing guns.
He is trying to imply that black is the problem.

That is shallow thinking and completely ignores all of the underlying problems.

And let's not forget these school shooters are white.

Most murders are urban minorities killing other urban minorities which is why we really don't care about 70% of all murders

No instead we concentrate on about 1% of murders that occur in mass shootings.

Doesn't this seem a bit backwards?
9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Oh . And I’m still waiting for this list of republican cities .
as long as you continue to paint the world red and blue with your broad brush you will never get any answers
9 pages in and still waiting for examples of these awesome “conservative” cities that are free of crime.
If gun laws were the answer wouldn’t Chicago be crime free? Pretty much any repub run city has better crime rates. Zero crime is a lot to ask for.

Chicago Chicago Chicago!! You guys are a broken record .

Chicago is an outlier cause if it’s gang problem . How about all the other liberal places that have low gun crime ? Boston , Seattle , New York , San Fran .

70% of all murders occur in 5% of all the counties in the US

Those counties happen to be urban

more than 50% of all counties have a murder rate of virtually zero

We do not have a murder problem in 95% of the country

Those "outliers" are what's driving the murder rate for the entire country.

So tell me do you want to reduce the murder rate by up to 70% by dealing with the problem on these urban areas or do you want to maybe reduce the murder rate by less than 1% by concentrating on mass killings?
Take the colors away from the discussion then. I’m fine with that. Which large city would you like to use as an example for us to use to reduce the violence. We can look at the way they are managed and then see if we can apply those laws and methods to the problem cities. Make sense?

Increase police presence in the most violent areas.
Incarcerate all violent offenders for a minimum of 10 years

Institute draconian sentences for all gun crimes
Are there any cities doing this that you can point to as an example?

Obviously not since those 5% of counties are still responsible for 70% of all murders
So basically you just want to bitch and talk about idealized solutions, not practical ones. Got it

Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough
Increase police presence in the most violent areas.
Incarcerate all violent offenders for a minimum of 10 years

Institute draconian sentences for all gun crimes
Are there any cities doing this that you can point to as an example?

Obviously not since those 5% of counties are still responsible for 70% of all murders
So basically you just want to bitch and talk about idealized solutions, not practical ones. Got it

Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough

Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
Increase police presence in the most violent areas.
Incarcerate all violent offenders for a minimum of 10 years

Institute draconian sentences for all gun crimes
Are there any cities doing this that you can point to as an example?

Obviously not since those 5% of counties are still responsible for 70% of all murders
So basically you just want to bitch and talk about idealized solutions, not practical ones. Got it

Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough

And most of those countries have been ruled by dictators. And run poorly. That is why the US has gone further, faster, than any country before it. The ruling elite have always been kept in check by the PEOPLE as the Founders intended. Were it not for the populace being armed the government would probably still have those concentration camps going that were set up during WWII.
Are there any cities doing this that you can point to as an example?

Obviously not since those 5% of counties are still responsible for 70% of all murders
So basically you just want to bitch and talk about idealized solutions, not practical ones. Got it

Just because something isn't being done does not mean it's impractical
We have 50 states all with the ability to govern and make their own laws when it comes to guns, law enforcement, and economic issues. We have countries and territories all over the world that have been ruled and governed by people of varying views for centuries. From all of that you can’t find one successful example to display and back up your ideas?! Get real man. Yes you are NOT dealing practical solutions. You just want to bitch and talk tough

Yeah I have time to look up stats on every city in every country and for centuries

So tell you what until you do that very same research you say I should do for everything you suggest shut the fuck up
See there’s this thing called google where you can enter specific things you want to learn about at it magically appears on your screen. There is also this thing called History that should give you a general knowledge of topics like this. Go study up on both and then let us know when you are ready to have an intelligent conversation based on facts and substance.

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