Liberals Can’t Understand Why Mainstream America Views Them as Idiots

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mainstream America(Noun)

that part of American society which is normal, is not deviant because of ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, culture or values

Examples in a sentence . . .

I don't think we can win on that, if we are not perceived as too far to the left, we can win. I think the South wants to be a part of mainstream America,politically and in every every other way. I think we play on that and let common sense dictate our positions. And it has to be done in concert with the business community. We have alienated a lot of the business community. The business community has a huge stake in maintaining a stable economic and social and educational environment.

Well, me thinks you just made this up.

The American Heritage Dictionary entry: mainstream

"Representing the prevalent attitudes, values, and practices of a society or group:mainstream morality."

But this is rather vague.

What percentage of people are required for something to become "mainstream" exactly?

People like me.

mainstream America(Noun)

that part of American society which is normal, is not deviant because of ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, culture or values

Examples in a sentence . . .

I don't think we can win on that, if we are not perceived as too far to the left, we can win. I think the South wants to be a part of mainstream America,politically and in every every other way. I think we play on that and let common sense dictate our positions. And it has to be done in concert with the business community. We have alienated a lot of the business community. The business community has a huge stake in maintaining a stable economic and social and educational environment.

which religions and ethnicities are *deviant*?

After the race wars of 2024 when this creature is interned she should have her hands bound behind her back and a donut taped to her forehead.

They don't know how to act, how to behave, so they just basically throw themselves on the ground and scream until polite people give in and give them what they want. That needs to stop. You don't keep giving in to spoiled children because that just make matters worse.
"women you have to treat them Like shit"...Donald Trump
Roger Stone steps up attacks on Barbara Bush: 'She is descending ...
4 days ago - Trump ally Roger Stone has doubled down on his criticism of Barbara Bush after calling the former first lady "a nasty drunk" following news she had died Tuesday at the age of 92. "She is descending into hell right now. She's not going to heaven. She was a bad person," Stone told controversial website ...
Former Trump Adviser Roger Stone Calls Barbara Bush 'Nasty Drunk ...
4 days ago - Roger Stone, a former adviser to President Donald Trump, responded to the death of former First Lady Barbara Bush by calling her a "nasty drunk" in an Instagram post. “Barbara Bush was a nasty drunk. When it came to drinking she made Betty Ford look like Carrie Nation #blottoBabs,” Stone wrote, hours ...
Free speech confuses right wing snowflakes. Mainstream America values free speech last I checked, only conservatives want speech controlled, it is part of their ideology. But that said the author is kinda interesting as her life hasn't been pretty and that I think gives her authenticity. Read some of her work and then speak.

See Here: (no title)

Stanley Fish, 'There's No Such Thing As Free Speech: And It's a Good Thing, Too,' Interesting book for the reader.
She was just some politician's mother. Why the hate? She wasn't important enough for all the drama, and yes, most of the faux 'left' is emotionally stunted and like most homosexuals are perpetual 10 year olds raised with zero principles. A lot of them go into 'Education' and 'Journalism', two 'professions' that actually require that of its majors.

Roger Stone, a former adviser to President Trump, lost an invitation to speak at a Florida Republican group's annual dinner due to negative remarks he made about former first lady Barbara Bush.

The Okaloosa Republican Executive Committee "uninvited" Stone over comments he made to the right-wing conspiratorial website InfoWars about Bush, who died Tuesday.

"I understand I'm going to take a lot of crap for speaking the truth about Barbara Bush," Stone said in an interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. "She was a mean-spirited, vindictive drunk. She is ascending into hell right now. She's not going to heaven. She was a bad person."

Stone also reportedly wrote on Instagram that "Barbara Bush drank so much booze, if they cremated her … her body would burn for three days."

Trump pal Roger Stone calls Barbara Bush a 'vindictive drunk,' loses GOP speaking gig
Free speech confuses right wing snowflakes. Mainstream America values free speech last I checked, only conservatives want speech controlled, it is part of their ideology. But that said the author is kinda interesting as her life hasn't been pretty and that I think gives her authenticity. Read some of her work and then speak.

(no title)

Stanley Fish, 'There's No Such Thing As Free Speech: And It's a Good Thing, Too,' Interesting book for the reader.
Free Speech demands that one say "'Merry Christmas" not Happy Holidays ...Donald "Christmastide Gestapo" Trump is gonna fix it for the Alpha Puppies LOL

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mainstream America(Noun)

that part of American society which is normal, is not deviant because of ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, culture or values

Examples in a sentence . . .

I don't think we can win on that, if we are not perceived as too far to the left, we can win. I think the South wants to be a part of mainstream America,politically and in every every other way. I think we play on that and let common sense dictate our positions. And it has to be done in concert with the business community. We have alienated a lot of the business community. The business community has a huge stake in maintaining a stable economic and social and educational environment.

which religions and ethnicities are *deviant*?

Can you read? It says NOT DEVIANT because of ethnicity, culture, religion or lack of religion.

People like me.

mainstream America(Noun)

that part of American society which is normal, is not deviant because of ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, culture or values

Examples in a sentence . . .

I don't think we can win on that, if we are not perceived as too far to the left, we can win. I think the South wants to be a part of mainstream America,politically and in every every other way. I think we play on that and let common sense dictate our positions. And it has to be done in concert with the business community. We have alienated a lot of the business community. The business community has a huge stake in maintaining a stable economic and social and educational environment.

which religions and ethnicities are *deviant*?

Can you read? It says NOT DEVIANT because of ethnicity, culture, religion or lack of religion.

it's okay if you don't understand the implications of your position.

i don't really expect much from you in terms of intellectual acuity

carry on, toots
I don't see any of the right wingers here demanding that she is silenced or punished. If they did, they would be wrong to do so.

But we have Regressive Leftists still screaming about Free Speech - the same people who punish and shout down opposing views from coast to coast.

This is sad, and it's troubling. This is a really, really bad time.

People like me.

mainstream America(Noun)

that part of American society which is normal, is not deviant because of ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, culture or values

Examples in a sentence . . .

I don't think we can win on that, if we are not perceived as too far to the left, we can win. I think the South wants to be a part of mainstream America,politically and in every every other way. I think we play on that and let common sense dictate our positions. And it has to be done in concert with the business community. We have alienated a lot of the business community. The business community has a huge stake in maintaining a stable economic and social and educational environment.

Well, me thinks you just made this up.

The American Heritage Dictionary entry: mainstream

"Representing the prevalent attitudes, values, and practices of a society or group:mainstream morality."

But this is rather vague.

What percentage of people are required for something to become "mainstream" exactly?


  1. The definition of mainstream is something considered customary or acceptable by a majority of people.
    Ideas that are in accordance with commonly held beliefs in a society are an example of ideas that would be described as mainstream.
  1. Mainstream is defined as the popularly accepted trends, ideas, principles and values that are accepted by the majority of people.
    The collective body of beliefs of the U.S. citizens are an example of the American mainstream.

People like me.

mainstream America(Noun)

that part of American society which is normal, is not deviant because of ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, culture or values

Examples in a sentence . . .

I don't think we can win on that, if we are not perceived as too far to the left, we can win. I think the South wants to be a part of mainstream America,politically and in every every other way. I think we play on that and let common sense dictate our positions. And it has to be done in concert with the business community. We have alienated a lot of the business community. The business community has a huge stake in maintaining a stable economic and social and educational environment.

which religions and ethnicities are *deviant*?

Can you read? It says NOT DEVIANT because of ethnicity, culture, religion or lack of religion.

it's okay if you don't understand the implications of your position.

i don't really expect much from you in terms of intellectual acuity

carry on, toots

Only it is you who didn't/doesn't understand. Ha ha! :D Freak!

People like me.

mainstream America(Noun)

that part of American society which is normal, is not deviant because of ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, culture or values

Examples in a sentence . . .

I don't think we can win on that, if we are not perceived as too far to the left, we can win. I think the South wants to be a part of mainstream America,politically and in every every other way. I think we play on that and let common sense dictate our positions. And it has to be done in concert with the business community. We have alienated a lot of the business community. The business community has a huge stake in maintaining a stable economic and social and educational environment.

Well, me thinks you just made this up.

The American Heritage Dictionary entry: mainstream

"Representing the prevalent attitudes, values, and practices of a society or group:mainstream morality."

But this is rather vague.

What percentage of people are required for something to become "mainstream" exactly?


  1. The definition of mainstream is something considered customary or acceptable by a majority of people.
    Ideas that are in accordance with commonly held beliefs in a society are an example of ideas that would be described as mainstream.
  1. Mainstream is defined as the popularly accepted trends, ideas, principles and values that are accepted by the majority of people.
    The collective body of beliefs of the U.S. citizens are an example of the American mainstream.

Quoting a dictionary without your own opinion is pointless.
I don't see any of the right wingers here demanding that she is silenced or punished. If they did, they would be wrong to do so.

But we have Regressive Leftists still screaming about Free Speech - the same people who punish and shout down opposing views from coast to coast.

This is sad, and it's troubling. This is a really, really bad time.
Its a tough world isn't it for smartest men in the room types eh
Obviously your parents never taught you about how to behave in polite society. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your big stupid mouth shut. Your mouth and your opinions hold pretty much no importance when it comes to such things.
That's where we are now. More and more people just have to spew out the most vicious shit they can conjure, at every opportunity. They can't just calm down and let shit go now and then. They can't just live and let live.

This is ugly, and it's getting uglier. And the people who are making it worse are proud of it.

It's always been like this. The only difference is the left is losing the audience. They used to be on the offense when most comedians ridiculed traditions and morality.

Now most ordinary people are ridiculing bed wetters. Deservedly.


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