Liberals Can’t Understand Why Mainstream America Views Them as Idiots

Mainstream Americans supporting TRUMP MAGA
I don't see any of the right wingers here demanding that she is silenced or punished. If they did, they would be wrong to do so. But we have Regressive Leftists still screaming about Free Speech - the same people who punish and shout down opposing views from coast to coast. This is sad, and it's troubling. This is a really, really bad time.
Its a tough world isn't it for smartest men in the room types eh
Yes, what you people are doing is sad to watch.
Look, you leftists are mostly freaks and weirdos. That is the bottom line. You were never "accepted" as normal, so now you want to force people to see you as "mainstream" when you are really somewhere between the Twilight zone and la la land. :D
It's always been like this. The only difference is the left is losing the audience. They used to be on the offense when most comedians ridiculed traditions and morality.

Now most ordinary people are ridiculing bed wetters. Deservedly.

Hillary received 3 million more votes that the Goon
It's always been like this. The only difference is the left is losing the audience. They used to be on the offense when most comedians ridiculed traditions and morality. Now most ordinary people are ridiculing bed wetters. Deservedly.
I don't know how this shakes out.

The illiberal leftist authoritarians have made huge inroads. I don't see how that's turned around.
Look, you leftists are mostly freaks and weirdos. That is the bottom line. You were never "accepted" as normal, so now you want to force people to see you as "mainstream" when you are really somewhere between the Twilight zone and la la land. :D
you Trump supporters are here among these fine people
It's always been like this. The only difference is the left is losing the audience. They used to be on the offense when most comedians ridiculed traditions and morality.

Now most ordinary people are ridiculing bed wetters. Deservedly.

Hillary received 3 million more votes that the Goon

Well, Hillary will never be the POTUS. Deal and move on.
It's always been like this. The only difference is the left is losing the audience. They used to be on the offense when most comedians ridiculed traditions and morality. Now most ordinary people are ridiculing bed wetters. Deservedly.
I don't know how this shakes out.

The illiberal leftist authoritarians have made huge inroads. I don't see how that's turned around.
Hillary is history, a bad part of history that most people would rather never happened at all.
Does it?

What is "Mainstream America" for a start?

People like me.

mainstream America(Noun)

that part of American society which is normal, is not deviant because of ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, culture or values

Examples in a sentence . . .

I don't think we can win on that, if we are not perceived as too far to the left, we can win. I think the South wants to be a part of mainstream America,politically and in every every other way. I think we play on that and let common sense dictate our positions. And it has to be done in concert with the business community. We have alienated a lot of the business community. The business community has a huge stake in maintaining a stable economic and social and educational environment.

which religions and ethnicities are *deviant*?

Can you read? It says NOT DEVIANT because of ethnicity, culture, religion or lack of religion.

it's okay if you don't understand the implications of your position.

i don't really expect much from you in terms of intellectual acuity

carry on, toots

Only it is you who didn't/doesn't understand. Ha ha! :D Freak!

i'll type slowly so you can keep up.

if a group of people are not deviant because of their ethnicity, religion or whatever bullshit standards you've decided are important, then there are those who are deviant because of their ethnicities, religions etc.

even a person of your obvious limitations should be able to see this, ms mainstream

so, which are they?
It's always been like this. The only difference is the left is losing the audience. They used to be on the offense when most comedians ridiculed traditions and morality.

Now most ordinary people are ridiculing bed wetters. Deservedly.

Hillary received 3 million more votes that the Goon

Well, Hillary will never be the POTUS. Deal and move on.
Trump will never be my POTUS ...not until he shows a birth certificate and you Trump Zombie Gimps are a MINORITY
People like me.

mainstream America(Noun)

that part of American society which is normal, is not deviant because of ethnicity, religion, lack of religion, culture or values

Examples in a sentence . . .

I don't think we can win on that, if we are not perceived as too far to the left, we can win. I think the South wants to be a part of mainstream America,politically and in every every other way. I think we play on that and let common sense dictate our positions. And it has to be done in concert with the business community. We have alienated a lot of the business community. The business community has a huge stake in maintaining a stable economic and social and educational environment.

which religions and ethnicities are *deviant*?

Can you read? It says NOT DEVIANT because of ethnicity, culture, religion or lack of religion.

it's okay if you don't understand the implications of your position.

i don't really expect much from you in terms of intellectual acuity

carry on, toots

Only it is you who didn't/doesn't understand. Ha ha! :D Freak!

i'll type slowly so you can keep up.

if a group of people are not deviant because of their ethnicity, religion or whatever bullshit standards you've decided are important, then there are those who are deviant because of their ethnicities, religions etc.

even a person of your obvious limitations should be able to see this, ms mainstream

so, which are they?

That's what the link says, NOT deviant because of ethnicity, religion or whatever bullshit standards. :D
Do leftists really believe they are a part of "mainstream" America though? They are the special interest groups party only. :dunno:
The biggest problem with liberals is that they are like a bunch of spoiled children. That is all there is to it really. Obviously, they were not never taught how to adult. :D
You wouldn't know a liberal if they wore a identification tag..
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