Liberals demand social justice and racial equality....then nominate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

I never nominated them nor will I vote for them or Trump both are a joke.
Joe Biden is the epitome of White Privilege and Harris put away more black people than diabetes. She kept low level drug offenders in prison for the cheap labor. She should be in prison, not Vice President.

Liberals, admit are utter frauds.

Joe Biden and his "racial jungle" is for sure fixing it all.
They want Biden because he is a bleach white moderate to conservative and Kamala is just there to get votes from minority womenz........
To be honest, Biden was chosen because he was the least repulsive of the inhabitants of the Democrat Clown Car. Also, for those who are not totally put off by the idea of a "career politician" (of which Biden is Exhibit A), Biden would seem to be highly qualified. But accepting that assessment would also require that one abandon any requirement of ethical conduct or political integrity. Biden and his family have infamously enriched themselves by selling access to power; Biden is a repeated plagiarist. More disturbingly, Biden has on numerous occasions gone against his previous "firm" positions with barely a hint of embarrassment...abortion, traditional marriage, forced busing, and the Iraq War come quickly to mind.

Harris was a stunning pick, for anyone expecting rational behavior. She has qualifications that are absurdly weak, compared with every previous individual in a comparable position EXCEPT Barry Soetoro, whose resume was stunningly shallow when he declared for the Presidency, fifteen minutes after being elected Senator.

In previous generations, the word, "token" was an insult, but Harris revels in the position of token nominee, as though it were something to be proud of. "I'm [sort of] 'Black,' and that was good enough!" she seems to be saying.

In a sane country, her name at second position on the ticket would be THE issue in this election. It is outrageous, particularly considering the age and mental acuity of the Top M.F. Recall that she was at LESS THAN ONE PERCENT AMONG DEMOCRATS(!) in the polls when she dropped out last Spring. And they didn't exactly have a Mount Rushmore of candidates running against her.

What a ticket. Good god.
Joe Biden is the epitome of White Privilege and Harris put away more black people than diabetes. She kept low level drug offenders in prison for the cheap labor. She should be in prison, not Vice President.

Liberals, admit are utter frauds.
They want neither Justice nor Equality.
To be honest, Biden was chosen because he was the least repulsive of the inhabitants of the Democrat Clown Car.

Biden was chosen because Sanders was about to run away with the nomination. The Dems huddled and rigged the primary for Biden when it looked like that was about to happen. Now they have to carry Biden across the finish line because he was losing it on his own.

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