Liberals deport illegals from Martha's Vineyard. National Guard activated

Democrats on Martha’s Vineyard Praise Themselves as Do-Gooders Before Having Illegal Aliens Shipped off Island​

16 Sep 2022 ~~ By John Binder

Democrats on Martha’s Vineyard, the elite vacation hub of the nation’s wealthiest residents, are praising themselves as do-gooders for coming to the aid of illegal aliens sent to the island before having them shipped to a nearby military base.
This week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) flew about 50 illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard — a wealthy enclave of liberals and home to former President Obama who owns a nearly $12 million estate.
Even as Martha’s Vineyard residents vote almost entirely for Democrats, local officials put pressure on Gov. Charlie Baker (R) to intervene and have the illegal aliens deported to Joint Base Cape Cod.

Before the illegal aliens were shipped off the island on buses, Democrats and liberal activists praised themselves for providing for the new arrivals even as a Spanish-language TV reporter noted that residents had privately admitted that they did not want the illegal aliens near their community.

In August, nearly 6,000 border crossers and illegal aliens were apprehended by federal immigration officials every single day. This does not include the thousands more illegal aliens who successfully crossed the border undetected by officials.
For comparison, the number of border crossers and illegal aliens inundating American border communities every day is about 125 times greater than the number of illegal aliens flown to Martha’s Vineyard by DeSantis this week.

I loved the comment sections of various local rags, just dripping with piety about how “We Really Care”. Enough to give them 24 hours before shipping them out. Too bad they can’t do that in Texas...or can they?
Rich people running the poor people out of town.
Reminds me of Jim Crow.
Will they be out there with the water hoses next.
They used to call this deportation and compared it to the Holocaust. These elitist hypocrites are according to their own opinions Nazis
I guarantee you that you haven't shown up on one post criticizing your cult leader for pardoning this guy...

"Donald Trump's decision this week to commute the prison sentence of an Iowa man who operated a slaughterhouse staffed with hundreds of undocumented immigrants came as a shock to immigration hardliners, who said the move was a dramatic departure from his tough talk on illegal immigration."

How is it I am the one who brought this up -- and not the so-called "Anti-Illegal Immigration" folks?

When you folks claim "I support punishing employers" -- but never complain about this stuff...I know you are full of shit...
I didn't even know about it until you brought it up.

Where was that broadcast on the MSM night after night?

You know what the difference is? He actually got sentenced under Trump. It's not a huge difference but at least somebody was tried.
It ain't over for the elites on Martha's Vineyard. You can bet that their lobster bisque lunches will be interrupted by a couple more flights. Do they plan to have the Air National Guard shoot them down?
You mean about compassionate Liberals making accommodations to feed and house these migrants instead of just dropping them off unannounced like Republicans do?
Actually the people meeting the busses in several areas and helping them are church groups and non profit organization.
Both primarily supported by conservatives.
Joey Xi Bai Dung and his merry Maoist Democrats suffering from their personal pandemic virus named NIMBY.
This was created within the bowels of the Democrat majority
So tolerant and full of love. We really want to help but our schools are just too small and it wouldn't be fair for these poor people to go to our schools when it is Trump that is the racist orange criminal . We will make them a sandwich and give them drink of water while you get busses up here a.s.a.p . Trump humpers hate brown people , we love them , but Martha's Vinyard is just too small to accommodate for 50 people . What is wrong with Trump and his humpers? This is grounds for impeachment , this is treason . Orange is bad . Vote Biden, because we care.

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