Liberals Do Public Works In High Unemployment California--Not A Strangelove Brand!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone may or may not have seen the torchlight parades of the RNC Brand. At least anyone could hear Ann Romney: "Suuuuuk. . .(Ummph, Nein!). . .Cess! Suuuuk. . .Cess! Suuuuuk. . .Cess! The leader was being praised in the Zero-Moral-Compass manner as is usual. Even the older newsreels had shown it.

Within two weeks, the tepid Employment Situation report for August: Would show what happens under that "Reagan Trajectory," Stimulation-Money, Hoarding brand. A "Retread" of the soaring unemployment rates after Reagan-Bush, and then after Bush-Cheney: Was being complained about all over again. They were not underway, but the squealing of the slop-troughing types could be heard!

Anyone might ask: "What Do They Know, And When Did They Know It?!?"

So whereas everyone else is better off, California and Nevada have among the nation's highest unemployment rates. In the land of Govenor Jerry Brown, and Senate Leader Harry Reid--an actual Mormon, in fact: Then High-Speed rail, "shovel-ready-jobs" actually finally made it to the funding stage. With Eisenhower's Transportation Money, it had been the freeways spending that kept California Green and Golden!

Rep. Paul Ryan famously wants to take that all away! Eisenhower is easily said a hated name at GOP! There had been, after all, another victory: Over another leader!

Governor signs law to make California home to nation's first truly high-speed rail -

So, with an "Oink! Oink!" here, and an "Oink! Oink!" there: Soon enough the Governor of New Jersey will be embarassed for having actaully raised the subject of the "re-treads" in the first place. Even Senator Barry Goldwater had supported a Woman's Right To Choose!

The "Reagan Trajectory,' like the Bain Capital "Zero Moral Compass" Business Experience: Is and Was all about Hoarding all the Money among the already prosperous. Lesser Educated, lesser skilled, kinds of folks do not get included. The spending happens among the more likely high returns. In the Stimulus Spending, even state and local governments hoarded all the money.

Now in California there will actually be a tax base created from "Shovel Ready Jobs!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Reservations, on Lands of Many Nations, will send even many more to the Undisclosed Locations!:" Out where they put Secret Service types!)
I really am not qualified to decide if the high speed rail is actually an efficient use of STIMULUS spending.

It might be if it's done efficiently and ends by giving CA a decent addition to its overall transportation needs.

Then too it could become a complete SNAFU if it is done badly.
I really am not qualified to decide if the high speed rail is actually an efficient use of STIMULUS spending.

It might be if it's done efficiently and ends by giving CA a decent addition to its overall transportation needs.

Then too it could become a complete SNAFU if it is done badly.
Naw it'll be great! Now Dodger fans have a more convenient way to get to San Fran so they can beat Giants fans to death on their home turf!
I really am not qualified to decide if the high speed rail is actually an efficient use of STIMULUS spending.

It might be if it's done efficiently and ends by giving CA a decent addition to its overall transportation needs.

Then too it could become a complete SNAFU if it is done badly.

The questions are and has always been: 1) what is the current demand for rapid public transportation between the two points and 2) will the new system create more demand for rapid transit between the two points.
By the time anyone gets to page four of the linked Government Accounting Office report on the Defense Department Procurement Portfolio: By 2007 the Romney-Ryan Brand, then Bush-Cheney implemented, was running 40% above first estimates of cost.

It is not clear that body armor for the troops was included in the study. Vice President Biden, a Senator in the time-frame, was noting that the troops actually had no such thing!

See that the Romney-Ryan Brand is directly counter to "Shovel-Ready-Jobs!" These are the rockets that will make the leader prevail, in "Helter-Skelter" versions of. . . ."Suuuuuuuk. . .(Nein! Naach! Aacccch!). . . Cess! Suuuuuuk. . . Cess! Suuuuuuk. . . .Cess!"

This is high-tech funding, clearly sub-contracting to high-tech engineering kinds of companies, and manufacturers, like themselves!

This is "preservative" spending, at a tiny niche of the market-place, unless the "Helter-Skelter" murder and kill at random values are in place.

The profits then get sent to places like the Cayman Islands: Directly intended, and the experience, of the Romney-Ryan Brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better to spend money getting people to dig holes, and even more money to get even more people to fill them up!)
Just how busy Governor Swarzenegger really was became an international sensation: RE: Some little bastard. Some children of Nazi parents have no problem with polygamy to this hour!

Mainly, The College of Cardinals wanted everyone to celebrate some Holy Father's, Christian Hitler Youth, and worldwide! And so anullment was out of the question(?)!

More Basic kinds of Catholics actually gave up on the priesthood. Eventually, even the current Holy Father seems have even some new concept of a need for a Predatory Saint in the calendar!

So contrary to the un-stated, Romney-Ryan Mission(?)--most recently kept a secret on ABC Sunday Morning, "This Week:" The former California Governor was actually fairly glowing about another kind of Brown Family leap into the future! When it comes to which tax loopholes are to be closed, however: One called, "The General Framework" is the only one that either Romney or Ryan could name. Rep. Ryan said they would negotiate with Congress.

And so a Default on the Debt is just as likely, in the Romney-Ryan agenda, after all(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(In some new historical version, General Custer actually gets sent in to negotiate with the Sioux at Little Big Horn! For Their part, Romney-Ryan are actually running for DOD Head Procurement Officers In Charge, actually instead! The "framework" is what really matters. Everything else is about the money!(?)! "The money will take care of itself," is what is said(?)!)
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Anyone may or may not have seen the torchlight parades of the RNC Brand. At least anyone could hear Ann Romney: "Suuuuuk. . .(Ummph, Nein!). . .Cess! Suuuuk. . .Cess! Suuuuuk. . .Cess! The leader was being praised in the Zero-Moral-Compass manner as is usual. Even the older newsreels had shown it.

Within two weeks, the tepid Employment Situation report for August: Would show what happens under that "Reagan Trajectory," Stimulation-Money, Hoarding brand. A "Retread" of the soaring unemployment rates after Reagan-Bush, and then after Bush-Cheney: Was being complained about all over again. They were not underway, but the squealing of the slop-troughing types could be heard!

Anyone might ask: "What Do They Know, And When Did They Know It?!?"

So whereas everyone else is better off, California and Nevada have among the nation's highest unemployment rates. In the land of Govenor Jerry Brown, and Senate Leader Harry Reid--an actual Mormon, in fact: Then High-Speed rail, "shovel-ready-jobs" actually finally made it to the funding stage. With Eisenhower's Transportation Money, it had been the freeways spending that kept California Green and Golden!

Rep. Paul Ryan famously wants to take that all away! Eisenhower is easily said a hated name at GOP! There had been, after all, another victory: Over another leader!

Governor signs law to make California home to nation's first truly high-speed rail -

So, with an "Oink! Oink!" here, and an "Oink! Oink!" there: Soon enough the Governor of New Jersey will be embarassed for having actaully raised the subject of the "re-treads" in the first place. Even Senator Barry Goldwater had supported a Woman's Right To Choose!

The "Reagan Trajectory,' like the Bain Capital "Zero Moral Compass" Business Experience: Is and Was all about Hoarding all the Money among the already prosperous. Lesser Educated, lesser skilled, kinds of folks do not get included. The spending happens among the more likely high returns. In the Stimulus Spending, even state and local governments hoarded all the money.

Now in California there will actually be a tax base created from "Shovel Ready Jobs!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Reservations, on Lands of Many Nations, will send even many more to the Undisclosed Locations!:" Out where they put Secret Service types!)

what is it that you are trying to convey to us? I have no clue what you are saying in this stream of conciousness.
The high speed rail may just do California in completely. It's useless, doesn't go anywhere, and is only a money waster.
Dwight Eisenhower had actually opposed the Nazi war machine, first-hand. An outmoded transportation was not something that Eisenhower could support for the more modernizing United States.

Eisenhower did not hoard the money. The Freeway Money was actually not even sent to teachers and bureaucrats!

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The "Reagan-Bush" trajectory would only send money to a small niche of the marketplace. Bush-Cheney would only send money to a small niche of the marketplace. Central government had actually thrown too many people off the tax rolls, so Bush-Cheney discovered that Tax Cuts were not going to be helpful. No new money would be freed up.

Romney-Ryan are also myopic about a giant consumer market doing all spending at the same time, and all the time.

So creating a viable transport system may even have defense advantages, but also it has environmental and economic advantages.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes only want all mistakes of history, repeated just like in 2001-2009!--Holocaust For Homeowners!)
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The high speed rail may just do California in completely. It's useless, doesn't go anywhere, and is only a money waster.

Ah ok well then I agree with you.

If we are going to build a high speed train it should be done by the private, not public, sector. We can't build another money losing railroad, just look to amtrak for govt proving it can't run a rail system.
Reuters also knew about the Nazis, and about the Holocaust of peoples: Including Jews, Poles, Slavs, Dissidents, Homosexuals, Undesirables: Even getting rid of them before the lice, and the ticks, and the fleas!

Reuters now suggests that economists think that housing may actually add to the economy this year: First time since 2005.

U.S. housing market recovering but price rises seen modest: Reuters Poll | Reuters

What happened since 2005 was a consequence of the "Reagan Trajectory," of success amongst a small niche of the marketplace. The consequence was put into place under Bush-Cheney, instead of of Reagan-Bush. The turnaround comes about because of Obama-Biden, with over half the United States finally at unemployment rates less than 8% as of three months ago.

In the interim, anyone knows that the StrangeLove Approach had a consequence certain on financial houses--houses at least of possibly questionable orgins, in Reagan-Bush-Cheney-Romney-Ryan-Boehner-Cantor(?), kinds of fashionable circles. The consequence was from the Holocaust of the Homeowners.

Likely Josef Goebbels would have had a commentary, certain

"Suuuuuuk. . .Cess!" was able to happen in those times!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Wigwams on Lands of Many Nations may even find renters again seeking houses!)

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