Liberals, Do you Support Blacklisting Conservatives?

You found out that your manager is black listing conservative employees; what do you do?

  • Report the fascist to HR

  • Inquire as to why he would do such a thing and mind my own business

  • Trade names with him to rid the company of any conservatives

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Conservatives need to start building a parallel society where they only hire their own, colleges only accept their own, stores where only fellow conservatives shop.

BBBuut the left would scream discrimination.....get it?
The liberals are playing us for fools, demanding our tolerance while they engage in skullduggery and slime.

Fuck all of them; this is fucking war.
This is a simple question; Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

If you found out that a manager was deliberately black listing conservative employees, what would you do?
We don't discuss politics at work. We work.
Thanks to Google having gone Full NAZI I have discovered the most wonderful new browser.....and it guarantees not to track (read "stalk") me.

so far not a single liberal is against the black listing of conservative co-workers or employees.

People I must ask how long have these cretinous bastards been doing this shit?
Thanks to Google having gone Full NAZI I have discovered the most wonderful new browser.....and it guarantees not to track (read "stalk") me.

And yet it is not limited to Google.

Apparently this is the standard of liberal behavior across the spectrum of labor.

I guess it kind of explains why so many liberals I have known worked in HR.

so far not a single liberal is against the black listing of conservative co-workers or employees.

People I must ask how long have these cretinous bastards been doing this shit?
I'm against blacklisting conservatives. If that happened, who would I have to persecute?
Horseshit, Trump is none of those things and you know it.

Why do you shit4brains lie so much?
Are you now arguing with yourself? You listed the 4 things, then leap frogged over my post and rebutted your own. If that's what you're doing, you certainly don't need me.
We all know what The Leftist Fascists would do. Conservatives get black listed all the time. Especially in Hollywood and Academia.

The Left if they had the power they wanted would do things like use The IRS as a weapon against Conservatives.

They'd conduct iillegal surveillance on us and then leak the illegally obtained classified Intel to the press to smear us if we were a political rival.

They'd create false accusations and false narratives and they'd go on witch hunts to make their lies seem believable to a gullible public.

They'd own all the media outlets and opound the pulpit all night and all day with hateful rhetoric and false propaganda against us.

They'd lobby crooked judges to issue invalid warrants so they could stage Pre-Dawn raids to confiscate documents already promised to us.

They'd Mandate we by products from their lobbyist frimedsnin healthcare, they'd force Christian bakers to bake cakes for homosexuals and force Xatholic nuns to pay for abortions and birth control, and they'd brainwash out children in to s gender confused identity, and then they'd defraud us of our right to one man one vote!

They'd coddle our enemies and give safe harbor to criminals who hate us and force us to support people who refuse to support themselves.

They'd engage in massive Smear campaigns to gonafter everyone In out families, social circles, and political supporters and they'd send The FBI and ATF to raid people's homes or burn them or shoot them to death And blame the victims

They'd do the Same thing the Nazis did to their political enemies in what used to be The Weimar Democratic Republic.
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We all know what The Leftist Fascists would do. Conservatives get black listed all the time. Especially in Hollywood and Academia.

The Left if they had the power they wanted wouldnso things like use The IRS as a weapon against Conservatives.

They'd do the Same thing the Nazis did to their political enemies in wnatnused to be The Weimar Democratic Republic.
IT would seem that conservatives will have to do the same sort of thing into the future just to protect our own.

Of course dont say you are doing it for those reasons.

Fuck liberals. Fuck them all straight to hell and back.
This is a simple question; Do you support the blacklisting activities like those discovered going on at Google?

If you found out that a manager was deliberately black listing conservative employees, what would you do?
I was fired for being an outspoken liberal.

Most business owners are Republicans. It's us who have to stay quiet

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