Liberals Entire Lives Revolve Around Hatred for White People

Your entire post is a perfect description of Donald Trump, especially the part about trying to silence all voices which disagree with him.

Hmmm. I don't remember the Donald as part of a riot or trying to threaten violence against Democrats if they dare speak out.

Fake news, calling the MSM the "enemies of the people", attacking or firing people he deems "disloyal".

The attacks on the media are troubling in that all dictators try to muzzle the media. Only a despot calls the media "liars".

Well then ask yourself: are the media liars or not?

What upsets you on the left is that they are being challenged for a change. I say it's about time. You think the media should dictate how people think whether they are telling the truth or not. Trump defending himself form these liars is not silencing anybody. They are still attacking him right on schedule 24/7. Nobody is silenced by Trump.
We as humans, are conflicted and inherently neurotic. I have seen wealthy whites that live in secluded gated uber white communities link up with poor whites living in trailers because they all share this weird guilt complex to fight "racism". The N word has power, well so does the the word "racism". It's mere mention scares the pee out of whites. i have become so inured to the word anymore. I have had Mexican illegal "dreamers" angrily demand I leave "their neighborhood" ( I have been here for over 30 years). And See black kids running amok and terrorizing the neighborhood, and I hear them say how much they "hate" whites". Racism isn't just a way to bash whites, evey race is guilty of this.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
What did I have for dinner since you fellows know so much about me? Does this smell bad to you?
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
How did you know?! Using your damned witchcraft, you cracka ass ******?? :mad:
You validate my point. By using race over the decades...race is now a political issue. No such thing as "hate speech" now. It is legitimate political discourse.
Race has been a political issue since the 1840's..
One of the guys was white...


Unless they are selling ass-less leather chaps, make-up for men, or butt plugs.....why use fags?

Right, because that's the only market for gay men. They don't buy cars, furniture, food...just chaps and butt plugs.


You're not a very smart business person that ignores a demographic with the most disposable income.

Also there are scented candles and silk pajamas too....sorry I forgot those. :rofl:

I don't care about companies advertising to fags and other oddballs when trying to sell their butt plugs, assless chaps, scented candles and silk pajamas.

When they are using fags to market to heterosexuals, I believe it is a bad strategy.

PS- the size of the fag demographic is tiny. If you want to dine with the classes, sell to the masses.......:thup:

The "masses" support their gay family and friends. Gays spend money. Marketing to them makes sense.

Follow the Money: The growing impact of LGBT consumers | LGBT | Dallas News
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.
Regressive "philosophy" is based on hatred and envy.

Listen to the bullshit spewed by modern (anti) American bed wetters. Replace the term "%1" with the word jew and and you will see a resemblance to a whole flock of long dead parrots who promoted the same sort of bullshit. They even had had the same sort of cult of personality the bed wetters have for that meat puppet faggot bastard.

The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

I've said many times now, the Progressive Agenda is all about being anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-capitalism. Being pro-Islam and Marxist is essential to destroying Western civilization.
The nation was built 200 years ago, the free world is not what the USA is defending anymore thanks to republicans, success is what you make it. I can't say as I have ever seen a white boy work in a taco smell.
The nation wasn't built 200 years ago, moron. We didn't have a single railroad or highway then, so how the hell do you imagine it was built? The rest of your post is ignored for equal idiocy.
To at least some degree anti-white hatred is based on jealousy of success. Which Obama tapped into to the point it became a hate-geyser, since Obama was always filled with an insecure, chip-on-shoulder, jealous resentment of whites ("you didn't build that"). I've always believed that coveting is the darkest, most destructive of all human emotions.

Still slinging falsehoods and half truths I see. Just a reminder that "You didn't build that" referred to the infrastructure, education and regulatory supports paid for by American taxpayers, which helps American businesses be successful.

That's why businesses are supposed to pay taxes - to pay their fair share of those supports.

If conservatives didn't lie, deceive and twist the truth, they'd have nothing.
Obama was saying that a business owner didn't do anything to achieve success. It was just his white privilege.
I completely disagree with the OP. There is so much more to The Left:
-- Racism
-- Sexism
-- Homophobia
-- Anti-Semitism

- Militarized Enforcement of 'PC'

- Desire to SILENCE every voice / ideology / opinion other than their own
-- Need for violence / belief that violence they perpetrate in order to suppress opposition when they are unable to win intellextual / ideological discussions / debates is necessary / justified

- Belief that they are above the laws that are meant for and which they impose upon others
-- Belief that the means justifies the ends for them and only them

- Belief that they are vastly superior in every way, that they know how to run your life better than you do / spend your money better than you can and, therefore, should be self-appointed rulers / dictators

Then thete is the standard polician / political...

- Arrogance

- Corruption

- Greed
Your entire post is a perfect description of Donald Trump, especially the part about trying to silence all voices which disagree with him. Not to mention the racism, sexism and homophobia.

Arrogance, corruption and greed - yup, in spades.

ROFL! ANTIFA is putting people in the hospital who disagree with them. Trump merely points out an obvious problem.
Unless they are selling ass-less leather chaps, make-up for men, or butt plugs.....why use fags?

Right, because that's the only market for gay men. They don't buy cars, furniture, food...just chaps and butt plugs.


You're not a very smart business person that ignores a demographic with the most disposable income.

Also there are scented candles and silk pajamas too....sorry I forgot those. :rofl:

I don't care about companies advertising to fags and other oddballs when trying to sell their butt plugs, assless chaps, scented candles and silk pajamas.

When they are using fags to market to heterosexuals, I believe it is a bad strategy.

PS- the size of the fag demographic is tiny. If you want to dine with the classes, sell to the masses.......:thup:

The "masses" support their gay family and friends. Gays spend money. Marketing to them makes sense.

Follow the Money: The growing impact of LGBT consumers | LGBT | Dallas News
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?
Right, because that's the only market for gay men. They don't buy cars, furniture, food...just chaps and butt plugs.


You're not a very smart business person that ignores a demographic with the most disposable income.

Also there are scented candles and silk pajamas too....sorry I forgot those. :rofl:

I don't care about companies advertising to fags and other oddballs when trying to sell their butt plugs, assless chaps, scented candles and silk pajamas.

When they are using fags to market to heterosexuals, I believe it is a bad strategy.

PS- the size of the fag demographic is tiny. If you want to dine with the classes, sell to the masses.......:thup:

The "masses" support their gay family and friends. Gays spend money. Marketing to them makes sense.

Follow the Money: The growing impact of LGBT consumers | LGBT | Dallas News
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.
Also there are scented candles and silk pajamas too....sorry I forgot those. :rofl:

I don't care about companies advertising to fags and other oddballs when trying to sell their butt plugs, assless chaps, scented candles and silk pajamas.

When they are using fags to market to heterosexuals, I believe it is a bad strategy.

PS- the size of the fag demographic is tiny. If you want to dine with the classes, sell to the masses.......:thup:

The "masses" support their gay family and friends. Gays spend money. Marketing to them makes sense.

Follow the Money: The growing impact of LGBT consumers | LGBT | Dallas News
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
Actually I don't know if it is a "white" thing.

I am pretty sure if a white person says the right things, toes the right line and donates enough money then the liberals are pretty good with that.
The "masses" support their gay family and friends. Gays spend money. Marketing to them makes sense.

Follow the Money: The growing impact of LGBT consumers | LGBT | Dallas News
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.
The left has to invent people to be mad at.
Unless they are selling ass-less leather chaps, make-up for men, or butt plugs.....why use fags?

Right, because that's the only market for gay men. They don't buy cars, furniture, food...just chaps and butt plugs.


You're not a very smart business person that ignores a demographic with the most disposable income.

Also there are scented candles and silk pajamas too....sorry I forgot those. :rofl:

I don't care about companies advertising to fags and other oddballs when trying to sell their butt plugs, assless chaps, scented candles and silk pajamas.

When they are using fags to market to heterosexuals, I believe it is a bad strategy.

PS- the size of the fag demographic is tiny. If you want to dine with the classes, sell to the masses.......:thup:

The "masses" support their gay family and friends. Gays spend money. Marketing to them makes sense.

Follow the Money: The growing impact of LGBT consumers | LGBT | Dallas News
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

Bullshit. The percentage of gays in the population is much closer to 1% than to 5%.
Also there are scented candles and silk pajamas too....sorry I forgot those. :rofl:

I don't care about companies advertising to fags and other oddballs when trying to sell their butt plugs, assless chaps, scented candles and silk pajamas.

When they are using fags to market to heterosexuals, I believe it is a bad strategy.

PS- the size of the fag demographic is tiny. If you want to dine with the classes, sell to the masses.......:thup:

The "masses" support their gay family and friends. Gays spend money. Marketing to them makes sense.

Follow the Money: The growing impact of LGBT consumers | LGBT | Dallas News
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.
Thanks for showing us all what a bigot you are.
The "masses" support their gay family and friends. Gays spend money. Marketing to them makes sense.

Follow the Money: The growing impact of LGBT consumers | LGBT | Dallas News
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.
Yeah, like 80% of us must be lacking teeth and drinking mooneshine.
The "masses" support their gay family and friends. Gays spend money. Marketing to them makes sense.

Follow the Money: The growing impact of LGBT consumers | LGBT | Dallas News
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

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