Liberals Entire Lives Revolve Around Hatred for White People people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

Why Feminists are The Stupidest, Most Manipulative Liars on the Planet


Why Democrats Love Socialism:

1: Everything upon the earth was built by men. There's not a single, substantial structure on the earth primarily built by women, yet women & the state demand women have equality with men. Women have built no substantial structures. Men built all of it.

2: It was men that were trafficked, exploited, used, manipulated, brainwashed and disposed of in all the wars for the advancement of women and the state. Women primarily take support roles in the military and when one is captured or killed, it makes national headlines, proving to men that they're worthless in societies eyes. Men fought and died for women's & the states rights, not women, but yet masculinity is demonized, not femininity.

3: Men have always been primarily responsible for working the most dirty, most dangerous, most life shortening, most back breaking jobs, for the advancement of women and the state - yet priority in employment, health and education is given to women by the state. Men do now and have always paid the vast majority of taxes yet women are the primary beneficiaries.

4: Women demand quotas only in the most prestigious, most powerful, most lucrative positions and didn't demand their place in employment until after men made work relatively safe, broken nail free and mussed hair proof - and the state encourages this behavior. When you look at old factory pictures, all the workers were men. When you look at old pictures of non-manual labor jobs like clerical work and switchboard operators, they're all women.

5: Men pay the majority of taxes, but the vast majority of spending on healthcare, welfare and education is spent at the state and federal level on women. Women get a small fraction of prosecutions for the same crimes and when convicted, serve far less time. Women have the right to chose to have a child or abort it, regardless of the fathers wishes - but if the woman decides to keep it, the man is forced via state power to hand his money over to the woman. The man has no say in the matter whatsoever.

6: The vast majority of alimony, asset division and child support flows from men to women. Women use the state to force wealth and power from men to women and the state through no-fault divorce - and it worked stunningly well to say the least.

7: Trillions in wealth and power have been forcefully transferred, via state power, from men to women and the state through Affirmative Action, Title IX, alimony, asset division and child support (alimony++). Women demanded such privilege over men - and the state acquiesced. There are hundreds of policies, laws and legal, anti-male, descriminatory codifications specifically written to advantage women over men in education, employment and entitlement to men's wealth in divorce.

8: Affirmative Consent seeks to remove men's rights to presumption of innocence and due process at the behest of a woman scorned, on her word alone - and the state agreed to this misandric policy and law. Men are getting tossed out of collage based on accusations by scorned women alone, even when they have evidence that clearly exonerates them - and the state pushed this policy on men for the benefit of women.

9: Feminists, while standing tall against the idea of men defining femininity, insist on defining and redefining masculinity - with the state playing right along. Mansplaining - a man daring to disagree with a woman. Manspreading - actually now a misdemeanor crime in some US places, forces men to sit with their knees together. Stare rape - rape conducted through merely looking at a woman.

10: Women claim sole ownership of victimhood and ignore the many benefits the so called patriarchy bestowed upon women whilst also ignoring the billions of male victims of gynocentrism. If men don't sign up with Selective Service when they are 18, they cannot vote, claim federal benefits, etc. Women are under no such obligation.

The ACA gives women free counseling for domestic violence, but does not give that to men. It actually gives women access to LOTS of freebies that it doesn't give to men such as free birth control, but DV is huge as women are as or more likely to initiate domestic violence as men (though men are less likely to be physically hurt). The only thing the ACA gives men for free is certain types of prostate screening.

There are literally hundreds of federal departments devoted to women and none devoted to men. Each of these departments was created by the legislature through law so their existence is basically an advantage enshrined by law. The most infamous, perhaps, is the Department of Women's Health (there is no department of Men's health), and of course there's the Presidents council on women and girls (with no corresponding council on men and boys) despite girls graduating 20% more often than boys, boys committing suicide 4 times more than girls, etc.

Women have the right to genital integrity. Women have the right to vote without agreeing to die. Women have the right to choose parenthood. Women have the right to be assumed caregivers for children. Women have the right to call regret sex rape.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

You're not even good at trolling.
They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
How did you know?! Using your damned witchcraft, you cracka ass ******?? :mad:
You validate my point. By using race over the decades...race is now a political issue. No such thing as "hate speech" now. It is legitimate political discourse.
You honkey ass ******* have been using race for centuries you dumb cuck

No they haven't. They didn't have to. They relied on hard work and personal responsibility.
Liberals spend their entire lives hating white people?

lol, most liberals in America ARE white. Their parents are white. If they are married most of them have a white spouse. They have white children.

So according to the OP, most liberals hate their parents, their spouses, and their children.
No, they don't.

For the majority of people, the only fags they know or are friends with, are on TV. ...:lol: people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I haven't seen any such fact ever demonstrated.
Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

What motivates you to believe that telling someone no means discrimination?
Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

How can I discriminate against gays when I don't even know who they are?
I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

How can I discriminate against gays when I don't even know who they are?

You want to leave laws in place that allow discrimination against gays, that's how.
I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

What motivates you to believe that telling someone no means discrimination?

Because if the reason for no is discriminatory, it's discrimination, duh.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

Hillary: "The future is female!"
Hitler: "The future is white!"

And the man hater wonders why she lost so much male support. Stupid feminists - turning men against women in droves - just like how minorities are turning people who couldn't have formerly cared less against them en masse.
I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

How can I discriminate against gays when I don't even know who they are?

You want to leave laws in place that allow discrimination against gays, that's how.

That law is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. That's called freedom, moron. Yes, freedom does allow people to discriminate. That's the whole point of freedom, being allowed to make your own choices.

What you're saying is that if I think the government allows Mein Kampf to be published then it's antisemitic.

Yes, I do want the Constitution to stay in place.
Liberals spend their entire lives hating white people?

lol, most liberals in America ARE white. Their parents are white. If they are married most of them have a white spouse. They have white children.

So according to the OP, most liberals hate their parents, their spouses, and their children.

It's not hate so much but power. A Democrat would sell their own mother for power.

If Democrats are able to make whites a minority in this country for the first time since our founding, it would virtually guarantee this nation to be a single-party government. All other races except whites vote a majority Democrat: The blacks vote mostly Democrat, the Hispanics vote mostly Democrat, the Jews vote mostly Democrat, the Asians vote mostly Democrat.........

So white liberals would sell out their own race for power. They want America to be a single-party government forever. Their sheep are too blind to see the big picture, so they give those Democrats the support they need to wipe us out of the majority in this country. Little do they understand they are frogs in a pot of cold water on the stove.
I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

What motivates you to believe that telling someone no means discrimination?

Because if the reason for no is discriminatory, it's discrimination, duh.

You automatically consider someone from a group you support being told no as discrimination because they're told no.
Democrats can't get elected without resorting to hate speech and incoherent anger directed at some political enemy. You almost have to scratch your head over the hatred that liberals are able to sustain for days, months and even years. They make a big show of protecting 1/10 of 1% of confused boys who want to use the girls shower at the expense of the mental health of innocent young girls. They protect illegal aliens while tearing down every aspect of Christianity and they promote the murder of the unborn at the expense of the mental and physical health of women who are bullied by liberal husbands and boyfriends into hiring someone to kill the unborn life inside them. Democrats used to get away with pinning hate filled labels on people and destroying the traditions of Christianity when the only information available to Americans was filtered through the liberal media. Democrats can't seem to promote the lies they used to depend on before the age of information and they don't seem to be able to figure out why they lost almost every important election in the last six years. It only makes them angrier but not smarter.
Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

What motivates you to believe that telling someone no means discrimination?

Because if the reason for no is discriminatory, it's discrimination, duh.

You automatically consider someone from a group you support being told no as discrimination because they're told no.

And you're an imbecile for saying that.
Liberals spend their entire lives hating white people?

lol, most liberals in America ARE white. Their parents are white. If they are married most of them have a white spouse. They have white children.

So according to the OP, most liberals hate their parents, their spouses, and their children.

It's not hate so much but power. A Democrat would sell their own mother for power.

If Democrats are able to make whites a minority in this country for the first time since our founding, it would virtually guarantee this nation to be a single-party government. All other races except whites vote a majority Democrat: The blacks vote mostly Democrat, the Hispanics vote mostly Democrat, the Jews vote mostly Democrat, the Asians vote mostly Democrat.........

So white liberals would sell out their own race for power. They want America to be a single-party government forever. Their sheep are too blind to see the big picture, so they give those Democrats the support they need to wipe us out of the majority in this country. Little do they understand they are frogs in a pot of cold water on the stove.

You lie. Why lie?

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