Liberals Entire Lives Revolve Around Hatred for White People

Why would a white person hate (in general) a white person? white men run most of the government, & most of the business, yet SOME are crying that poor Mexicans are taking there jobs. the rest of us white people are embarrassed that you would whine about your inability to get a job, and blame it on Mexicans.

Let me ask: are all Americans working today? Do we have zero unemployment?

Rate of pay is equal to supply and demand. The more demand of a worker, the more the worker is offered in pay. The less demand of workers, the less rate of pay.

Supply and demand works great for our US economy until somebody throws a monkey wrench into the system like social programs, unions or immigrants. When that happens, it Fs up the entire system.

When employers cannot find workers, they need to increase their pay or benefits offer or both. If they don't, they don't get enough workers. So instead of increasing pay, they bring in these immigrants who will not only work for lower wages, but work for lower wages than the employer was willing to pay in the first place. That's not good for American workers or our economy in general.

That's a really great point and why everyone's so confused as to why corporations, who thrive on capitalism, would be supporting globalism and socialism. Democrat elites have become the 1% and they want to either a) mass import cheap indentured servant labor or b) offshore manufacturing to the cheapest foreign labor pools available. Hillary & Obama told you, "The jobs ain't come'n back!". Trump told you, "I know how the system works because I use it too, because I can't compete without it, but we're going to change the ground rules so that companies will hire American and buy American." That really pissed off the corporate elites because Trump threatened their golden goose and Hillary told them, "I have your back corporate elites". It's amazing - Democrats are now anti-middle class and anti-worker.

But what's really stunning is the average every day Democrats, for the most part, can't see the ruse - because of the 'evil white people' and gender war distractions set in motion guessed it...liberal elites like Hillary & Obama.

See, this is why you never give morons the right to vote. They screw it up for everyone else.
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I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

Disagreeing with so-called "gay marriage" is not discriminating against gays. "Gay marriage" is an oxymoron.

Allowing business owners to follow their religious beliefs is also not discriminating against gays, any more than allowing a man to marry a woman is discriminating against gays.

You clearly have absolutely no understanding of what discrimination is.
Most people just don't care about gays or gay rights. Even those that say, and really mean, they support same sex marriage will not make decisions in their own lives on the basis of whether or not it benefits gays.
For some odd reason does not bother the left at all about the various native American tribes who owned slaves and fought with the confederacy.


For some odd reason we believe there was no such thing as black slave owners in this country.

For some reason I am a racist if I say all lives matter or poin out those facts.

The left are a sad bunch of hypocritical gasbags.

This will not be addressed at all.
Either that or they will call me a racist for pointing it out.

So slavery was OK because there were black slave owners?

What is wrong with you?
They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

That is a distinction that most lefties cannot grasp. :thup:
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

I've said many times now, the Progressive Agenda is all about being anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-capitalism. Being pro-Islam and Marxist is essential to destroying Western civilization.
Well make up you mind cause you are always throwing out pejoratives to see if they stick...
For some odd reason does not bother the left at all about the various native American tribes who owned slaves and fought with the confederacy.


For some odd reason we believe there was no such thing as black slave owners in this country.

For some reason I am a racist if I say all lives matter or poin out those facts.

The left are a sad bunch of hypocritical gasbags.

This will not be addressed at all.
Either that or they will call me a racist for pointing it out.

So slavery was OK because there were black slave owners?

What is wrong with you?
No, they were Jews according to penisbreathe Pete..
For some odd reason does not bother the left at all about the various native American tribes who owned slaves and fought with the confederacy.


For some odd reason we believe there was no such thing as black slave owners in this country.

For some reason I am a racist if I say all lives matter or poin out those facts.

The left are a sad bunch of hypocritical gasbags.

This will not be addressed at all.
Either that or they will call me a racist for pointing it out.

So slavery was OK because there were black slave owners?

What is wrong with you?
No, they were Jews according to penisbreathe Pete..
A Typical Liberal would be someone that goes into an expensive steak house, orders steak&shrimp, eats half of it, complains about it,,and demands a free meal/no charge
Why would a white person hate (in general) a white person? white men run most of the government, & most of the business, yet SOME are crying that poor Mexicans are taking there jobs. the rest of us white people are embarrassed that you would whine about your inability to get a job, and blame it on Mexicans.

Let me ask: are all Americans working today? Do we have zero unemployment?

Rate of pay is equal to supply and demand. The more demand of a worker, the more the worker is offered in pay. The less demand of workers, the less rate of pay.

Supply and demand works great for our US economy until somebody throws a monkey wrench into the system like social programs, unions or immigrants. When that happens, it Fs up the entire system.

When employers cannot find workers, they need to increase their pay or benefits offer or both. If they don't, they don't get enough workers. So instead of increasing pay, they bring in these immigrants who will not only work for lower wages, but work for lower wages than the employer was willing to pay in the first place. That's not good for American workers or our economy in general.

That's a really great point and why everyone's so confused as to why corporations, who thrive on capitalism, would be supporting globalism and socialism. Democrat elites have become the 1% and they want to either a) mass import cheap indentured servant labor or b) offshore manufacturing to the cheapest foreign labor pools available. Hillary & Obama told you, "The jobs ain't come'n back!". Trump told you, "I know how the system works because I use it too, because I can't compete without it, but we're going to change the ground rules so that companies will hire American and buy American." That really pissed off the corporate elites because Trump threatened their golden goose and Hillary told them, "I have your back corporate elites". It's amazing - Democrats are now anti-middle class and anti-worker.

But what's really stunning is the average every day Democrats, for the most part, can't see the ruse - because of the 'evil white people' and gender war distractions set in motion guessed it...liberal elites like Hillary & Obama.

See, this is why you never give morons the right to vote. They screw it up for everyone else.

If it were up to me, we would have to take a very short test before being allowed to vote. Nothing hard at all, just a basic understanding of our current government to answer the questions. Questions like who is the President today? What party does he represent? Who is the VP today? What party does he represent? What party has leadership of Congress, of the Senate? Things like that.

I'm sure the Republicans would have no problem with that, but the Dems would lose their minds. Like voter ID, they would inject race into it and say it disadvantaged our elderly as well.

Democrats depend on the uneducated to win elections. They depend on people who not only don't care about voting, but don't know WTF they are even voting on. That's why they go haywire when you talk about people putting in a little effort to vote like Voter-ID. If voting is convenient like busses to take you there, voting at home, having a week to vote instead of one day where you have to wait in line for an hour, they will vote. If there is the slightest inconvenience, many voters who would vote Democrat would just sooner stay home.

Welcome to US Message Boards BTW.
I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

Disagreeing with so-called "gay marriage" is not discriminating against gays. "Gay marriage" is an oxymoron.

Allowing business owners to follow their religious beliefs is also not discriminating against gays, any more than allowing a man to marry a woman is discriminating against gays.

You clearly have absolutely no understanding of what discrimination is.

I know what freedom is, and in a free country private citizens have a right to discriminate. If they don't have that right, then they live in a people's republic.
For some odd reason does not bother the left at all about the various native American tribes who owned slaves and fought with the confederacy.


For some odd reason we believe there was no such thing as black slave owners in this country.

For some reason I am a racist if I say all lives matter or poin out those facts.

The left are a sad bunch of hypocritical gasbags.

This will not be addressed at all.
Either that or they will call me a racist for pointing it out.

You are conservative, therefore you are racist.
Some one DONT care if your right left middle of the isle, please start talking about bills/ laws/ lack of laws/ to many laws, not just bashing people with talking points repeated over & over by your favorite media propaganda site till people start to in drone like manner repeat them.
Why would a white person hate (in general) a white person? white men run most of the government, & most of the business, yet SOME are crying that poor Mexicans are taking there jobs. the rest of us white people are embarrassed that you would whine about your inability to get a job, and blame it on Mexicans.

Let me ask: are all Americans working today? Do we have zero unemployment?

Rate of pay is equal to supply and demand. The more demand of a worker, the more the worker is offered in pay. The less demand of workers, the less rate of pay.

Supply and demand works great for our US economy until somebody throws a monkey wrench into the system like social programs, unions or immigrants. When that happens, it Fs up the entire system.

When employers cannot find workers, they need to increase their pay or benefits offer or both. If they don't, they don't get enough workers. So instead of increasing pay, they bring in these immigrants who will not only work for lower wages, but work for lower wages than the employer was willing to pay in the first place. That's not good for American workers or our economy in general.

That's a really great point and why everyone's so confused as to why corporations, who thrive on capitalism, would be supporting globalism and socialism. Democrat elites have become the 1% and they want to either a) mass import cheap indentured servant labor or b) offshore manufacturing to the cheapest foreign labor pools available. Hillary & Obama told you, "The jobs ain't come'n back!". Trump told you, "I know how the system works because I use it too, because I can't compete without it, but we're going to change the ground rules so that companies will hire American and buy American." That really pissed off the corporate elites because Trump threatened their golden goose and Hillary told them, "I have your back corporate elites". It's amazing - Democrats are now anti-middle class and anti-worker.

But what's really stunning is the average every day Democrats, for the most part, can't see the ruse - because of the 'evil white people' and gender war distractions set in motion guessed it...liberal elites like Hillary & Obama.

See, this is why you never give morons the right to vote. They screw it up for everyone else.

If it were up to me, we would have to take a very short test before being allowed to vote. Nothing hard at all, just a basic understanding of our current government to answer the questions. Questions like who is the President today? What party does he represent? Who is the VP today? What party does he represent? What party has leadership of Congress, of the Senate? Things like that.

I'm sure the Republicans would have no problem with that, but the Dems would lose their minds. Like voter ID, they would inject race into it and say it disadvantaged our elderly as well.

Democrats depend on the uneducated to win elections. They depend on people who not only don't care about voting, but don't know WTF they are even voting on. That's why they go haywire when you talk about people putting in a little effort to vote like Voter-ID. If voting is convenient like busses to take you there, voting at home, having a week to vote instead of one day where you have to wait in line for an hour, they will vote. If there is the slightest inconvenience, many voters who would vote Democrat would just sooner stay home.

Welcome to US Message Boards BTW.

Privileged to be here. Thanks for the welcome. I mean that. Love your work.

We're all very fortunate, as Amerikans, to be able to be told what to say and think...cause speech & thought codes rule...and not just what to say or think, but how to say it and think it. Did you know there are dozens of genders? Holy crape! Dozens of genders! Who knew??? Did you know each has their own pronouns and that, God forbid, if you deny them their pronouns, they'll ruin you financially and legally? Even have you kicked out of school?!!! Who amongst us hasn't seen a man with three peckers and two ginas on his forehead? Certainly not I! Did you know that, stare raper? You had better not be manspreading! I forbade you from manspreading, which is now a misdemeanor criminal offense in Californication! Keep thine knees tightly shut, bro! Crush thine cajones to appease women's sense of entitlement, misogynist! Did you know that before you touch a woman in an intimate affair, you must ask permission just prior to touching each individual body part and/or removing each individual article of clothing, or you're in fact a rapist! Raaaapist!? That's what makes Amerika so great. The right to have controlled speech, freedom to be told what to believe, the right to have one's privacy defiled, the right to not be able to protect oneself from foreign invaders, the right to kiss the butts of ignorant people that hate you, the right to be told with whom to associate unwillingly, the right to denounce only those religions followed primarily by the evil white man, the right to work all your life only to give it all up to someone else (primarily black, brown and/or female persuasions), for free! God bless Amerika! The land of the feminist, black and brown elites and the evil, white, CisHet male surfs that must atone and serve women, blacks and browns - BECAUSE PATRIARCHY!

The future is female! Black powah! Brown powah! Down with the CisHet white males! Racism and sexism are A-OK, but only if emanating from women and minorities! Let the white man pay!
I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.

Gays outnumber those who aren't gay? Can you name a single time that a ballot issue to outlaw gay marriage didn't pass?

That's not what I said. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not and therefore marketing to gays makes good business sense.
I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.

Not really. It's one thing to not care about gays and another when they push their lifestyle on you.

Yes, I know there are gay people, yes, I've known gay people, yes, I have gay people in my family, but keep to yourself for crying out loud. We don't need to see it as well as know about it.

Yes, really. Those that are not turned off by marketing to gays outnumber those that are. The money is on the gay supporting side.

What, exactly, is it you don't want to "see" or "know" about? That we have lives advertisers want to sell products for?
I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.

Gays outnumber those who aren't gay? Can you name a single time that a ballot issue to outlaw gay marriage didn't pass?

That's not what I said. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not and therefore marketing to gays makes good business sense.

So why did ballot issues opposing gay marriage all pass by large margins?
I am not sure they are into self hate or not. But that isn't why they preach the sermon of racial disharmony. They think it will keep the black minority in line. If for some reason blacks lost the vote then the democrats wouldn't have much to do with them.
For some odd reason does not bother the left at all about the various native American tribes who owned slaves and fought with the confederacy.


For some odd reason we believe there was no such thing as black slave owners in this country.

For some reason I am a racist if I say all lives matter or poin out those facts.

The left are a sad bunch of hypocritical gasbags.

Where have Native Americans or blacks erected monuments glorifying them?

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