Liberals Entire Lives Revolve Around Hatred for White People people really don't live in any kind of real world do you? Marketing to gays makes good business sense. I showed you the data. Gays are consumers with money to spend.

There are roughly 9 million to 13.5 million LGBT consumers in the U.S. (approximately 3.8 percent to 5.6 percent of the country self identifies as LGBT), with an LGBT purchase power today of $800 billion to $850 billion.

That may be, but how much do they lose with people who are disgusted by such ads?

They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.
Gays are just another group that can't stand by itself without the democrat party and liberals taking care of them. the democrat party and liberals treat blacks, gays, and others as if they were their illegitimate step children that they have to take care of. The liberal knows the gays and blacks can't take care of themselves, they are not capable.
I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.

Not really. It's one thing to not care about gays and another when they push their lifestyle on you.

Yes, I know there are gay people, yes, I've known gay people, yes, I have gay people in my family, but keep to yourself for crying out loud. We don't need to see it as well as know about it.

Yes, really. Those that are not turned off by marketing to gays outnumber those that are. The money is on the gay supporting side.

What, exactly, is it you don't want to "see" or "know" about? That we have lives advertisers want to sell products for?

No, I just don't need to see you kissing and holding hands in ads or in public. I don't need to see any form of affection. Keep that to yourselves. To be quite honest it's irritating and sickening to others.

This is why I say such ads will lose more customers than they gain. What's acceptable to you us annoying to others.
Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.

Not really. It's one thing to not care about gays and another when they push their lifestyle on you.

Yes, I know there are gay people, yes, I've known gay people, yes, I have gay people in my family, but keep to yourself for crying out loud. We don't need to see it as well as know about it.

Yes, really. Those that are not turned off by marketing to gays outnumber those that are. The money is on the gay supporting side.

What, exactly, is it you don't want to "see" or "know" about? That we have lives advertisers want to sell products for?

No, I just don't need to see you kissing and holding hands in ads or in public. I don't need to see any form of affection. Keep that to yourselves. To be quite honest it's irritating and sickening to others.

Sorry, Skippy, but you heterosexuals set the standard for that behavior. You can't all go around kissing and holding hands in public and not expect us to do the same with our loved ones. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one, snowflake.

This is why I say such ads will lose more customers than they gain. What's acceptable to you us annoying to others.

And yet market research tells a completely different story...which is why companies are marketing to gays. Do you really think they'd do it if they thought they'd lose money?

How Subaru saved itself by marketing to the gay community
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
Come on. You think because Fascist white people hate minorities, that minorities hate all white people. Remember, many of those "liberals" that Fascists such as yourself hate, are "white". Oops!
Sorry, Skippy, but you heterosexuals set the standard for that behavior. You can't all go around kissing and holding hands in public and not expect us to do the same with our loved ones. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one, snowflake.

No, it just creates more hatred of gays. Yes, we did create expressing love of our women, but that's normal behavior. Gay is not normal behavior. If it was, gay people would be able to procreate. Gay activity is abnormal behavior that strikes a nerve in normal people.

To put it a better way, think about something that totally disgusts you. A woman getting beat by her husband or boyfriend, an animal that was abused, a person that left their baby in hot car only to die from heat. These are the same feelings most normal people have when gays shove their relationships down our throats. We simply don't want to see it because it disgusts us.

And yet market research tells a completely different story...which is why companies are marketing to gays. Do you really think they'd do it if they thought they'd lose money?

Well your first link was about support of gay pride things that nobody really pays attention to. Your second link stated that gays were already a primary consumer of their product, so it only made sense to advertise to their likely customers.

People are less revolted about two women than they are two men. In fact, as a hetero, I enjoy watching two women make out. But with two guys, both normal men and women find it repulsive. Nobody wants to see it.
Sorry, Skippy, but you heterosexuals set the standard for that behavior. You can't all go around kissing and holding hands in public and not expect us to do the same with our loved ones. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one, snowflake.

No, it just creates more hatred of gays. Yes, we did create expressing love of our women, but that's normal behavior. Gay is not normal behavior. If it was, gay people would be able to procreate. Gay activity is abnormal behavior that strikes a nerve in normal people.

To put it a better way, think about something that totally disgusts you. A woman getting beat by her husband or boyfriend, an animal that was abused, a person that left their baby in hot car only to die from heat. These are the same feelings most normal people have when gays shove their relationships down our throats. We simply don't want to see it because it disgusts us.

And yet market research tells a completely different story...which is why companies are marketing to gays. Do you really think they'd do it if they thought they'd lose money?

Well your first link was about support of gay pride things that nobody really pays attention to. Your second link stated that gays were already a primary consumer of their product, so it only made sense to advertise to their likely customers.

People are less revolted about two women than they are two men. In fact, as a hetero, I enjoy watching two women make out. But with two guys, both normal men and women find it repulsive. Nobody wants to see it.

YOU may be disgusted, but you cannot speak for most people. The people who will buy these products are not turned off by seeing two men cuddling on a couch. Those that will be turned off are in the minority. I'm sorry that seems to suck so much for you.

We're not going to stop PDAs either. Keep yelling at clouds if you want though.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.

Not really. It's one thing to not care about gays and another when they push their lifestyle on you.

Yes, I know there are gay people, yes, I've known gay people, yes, I have gay people in my family, but keep to yourself for crying out loud. We don't need to see it as well as know about it.

Yes, really. Those that are not turned off by marketing to gays outnumber those that are. The money is on the gay supporting side.

What, exactly, is it you don't want to "see" or "know" about? That we have lives advertisers want to sell products for?

No, I just don't need to see you kissing and holding hands in ads or in public. I don't need to see any form of affection. Keep that to yourselves. To be quite honest it's irritating and sickening to others.

Sorry, Skippy, but you heterosexuals set the standard for that behavior. You can't all go around kissing and holding hands in public and not expect us to do the same with our loved ones. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one, snowflake.

This is why I say such ads will lose more customers than they gain. What's acceptable to you us annoying to others.

And yet market research tells a completely different story...which is why companies are marketing to gays. Do you really think they'd do it if they thought they'd lose money?

How Subaru saved itself by marketing to the gay community
Fine. Do that. But don't go whining when you see expressions of disgust.
Sorry, Skippy, but you heterosexuals set the standard for that behavior. You can't all go around kissing and holding hands in public and not expect us to do the same with our loved ones. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one, snowflake.

No, it just creates more hatred of gays. Yes, we did create expressing love of our women, but that's normal behavior. Gay is not normal behavior. If it was, gay people would be able to procreate. Gay activity is abnormal behavior that strikes a nerve in normal people.

To put it a better way, think about something that totally disgusts you. A woman getting beat by her husband or boyfriend, an animal that was abused, a person that left their baby in hot car only to die from heat. These are the same feelings most normal people have when gays shove their relationships down our throats. We simply don't want to see it because it disgusts us.

And yet market research tells a completely different story...which is why companies are marketing to gays. Do you really think they'd do it if they thought they'd lose money?

Well your first link was about support of gay pride things that nobody really pays attention to. Your second link stated that gays were already a primary consumer of their product, so it only made sense to advertise to their likely customers.

People are less revolted about two women than they are two men. In fact, as a hetero, I enjoy watching two women make out. But with two guys, both normal men and women find it repulsive. Nobody wants to see it.

YOU may be disgusted, but you cannot speak for most people. The people who will buy these products are not turned off by seeing two men cuddling on a couch. Those that will be turned off are in the minority. I'm sorry that seems to suck so much for you.

We're not going to stop PDAs either. Keep yelling at clouds if you want though.
You're fooling yourself. I don't know any males who wouldn't be disgusted by seeing such behavior.
Sorry, Skippy, but you heterosexuals set the standard for that behavior. You can't all go around kissing and holding hands in public and not expect us to do the same with our loved ones. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one, snowflake.

No, it just creates more hatred of gays. Yes, we did create expressing love of our women, but that's normal behavior. Gay is not normal behavior. If it was, gay people would be able to procreate. Gay activity is abnormal behavior that strikes a nerve in normal people.

To put it a better way, think about something that totally disgusts you. A woman getting beat by her husband or boyfriend, an animal that was abused, a person that left their baby in hot car only to die from heat. These are the same feelings most normal people have when gays shove their relationships down our throats. We simply don't want to see it because it disgusts us.

And yet market research tells a completely different story...which is why companies are marketing to gays. Do you really think they'd do it if they thought they'd lose money?

Well your first link was about support of gay pride things that nobody really pays attention to. Your second link stated that gays were already a primary consumer of their product, so it only made sense to advertise to their likely customers.

People are less revolted about two women than they are two men. In fact, as a hetero, I enjoy watching two women make out. But with two guys, both normal men and women find it repulsive. Nobody wants to see it.

YOU may be disgusted, but you cannot speak for most people. The people who will buy these products are not turned off by seeing two men cuddling on a couch. Those that will be turned off are in the minority. I'm sorry that seems to suck so much for you.

We're not going to stop PDAs either. Keep yelling at clouds if you want though.

Then apparently you don't know many normal people, and if you do, you don't discuss such things with them. Either that or if you do discuss such things with them, they lie to you.

Trust me, all of my friends are hetro, my coworkers, my neighbors, and they all share the same sentiments as I do. If I'm watching a show like Property Brothers that has two guys carrying on, I turn it off. If I see a commercial with the same, I don't buy the product.
Sorry, Skippy, but you heterosexuals set the standard for that behavior. You can't all go around kissing and holding hands in public and not expect us to do the same with our loved ones. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one, snowflake.

No, it just creates more hatred of gays. Yes, we did create expressing love of our women, but that's normal behavior. Gay is not normal behavior. If it was, gay people would be able to procreate. Gay activity is abnormal behavior that strikes a nerve in normal people.

To put it a better way, think about something that totally disgusts you. A woman getting beat by her husband or boyfriend, an animal that was abused, a person that left their baby in hot car only to die from heat. These are the same feelings most normal people have when gays shove their relationships down our throats. We simply don't want to see it because it disgusts us.

And yet market research tells a completely different story...which is why companies are marketing to gays. Do you really think they'd do it if they thought they'd lose money?

Well your first link was about support of gay pride things that nobody really pays attention to. Your second link stated that gays were already a primary consumer of their product, so it only made sense to advertise to their likely customers.

People are less revolted about two women than they are two men. In fact, as a hetero, I enjoy watching two women make out. But with two guys, both normal men and women find it repulsive. Nobody wants to see it.

YOU may be disgusted, but you cannot speak for most people. The people who will buy these products are not turned off by seeing two men cuddling on a couch. Those that will be turned off are in the minority. I'm sorry that seems to suck so much for you.

We're not going to stop PDAs either. Keep yelling at clouds if you want though.
You're fooling yourself. I don't know any males who wouldn't be disgusted by seeing such behavior.

That's what happens when you swim in a tiny pond.

If you're "disgusted" by seeing two men cuddling on the couch and that prevents you from buying a product, you are the minority.
Sorry, Skippy, but you heterosexuals set the standard for that behavior. You can't all go around kissing and holding hands in public and not expect us to do the same with our loved ones. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one, snowflake.

No, it just creates more hatred of gays. Yes, we did create expressing love of our women, but that's normal behavior. Gay is not normal behavior. If it was, gay people would be able to procreate. Gay activity is abnormal behavior that strikes a nerve in normal people.

To put it a better way, think about something that totally disgusts you. A woman getting beat by her husband or boyfriend, an animal that was abused, a person that left their baby in hot car only to die from heat. These are the same feelings most normal people have when gays shove their relationships down our throats. We simply don't want to see it because it disgusts us.

And yet market research tells a completely different story...which is why companies are marketing to gays. Do you really think they'd do it if they thought they'd lose money?

Well your first link was about support of gay pride things that nobody really pays attention to. Your second link stated that gays were already a primary consumer of their product, so it only made sense to advertise to their likely customers.

People are less revolted about two women than they are two men. In fact, as a hetero, I enjoy watching two women make out. But with two guys, both normal men and women find it repulsive. Nobody wants to see it.

YOU may be disgusted, but you cannot speak for most people. The people who will buy these products are not turned off by seeing two men cuddling on a couch. Those that will be turned off are in the minority. I'm sorry that seems to suck so much for you.

We're not going to stop PDAs either. Keep yelling at clouds if you want though.

Then apparently you don't know many normal people, and if you do, you don't discuss such things with them. Either that or if you do discuss such things with them, they lie to you.

Trust me, all of my friends are hetro, my coworkers, my neighbors, and they all share the same sentiments as I do. If I'm watching a show like Property Brothers that has two guys carrying on, I turn it off. If I see a commercial with the same, I don't buy the product.

The majority of people aren't like you. Most people will still buy the product that already do and marketing to gays will get them loyal consumers that actually have money to spend.
It's only a natural for a white person to have a sense preservation for oneself, their family and their people today. The left has forced us to unite along our national and ethnic status. While I'm at it, I'll return their racism tenfold.
It's White Communist/Progressive Democrats who are stirring up the civil unrest in this country. I've been saying that for years. Without their dividing the People, they have nothing. Their politicians don't have anything to run on. So they stick to what has worked for them over the many years. It's a 'Divide & Conquer' strategy.

It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals', if anyone's really interested in what's up with Democrats. Alinsky preached that where there is no bitter division, a 'Good Community Organizer' will create it. And that sums up what the Democratic Party is about. If there is no hate & bitterness, you can bet they'll be quick to incite it. They're very devious destructive folks.
Playing the race card is a LOSING strategy so the GOP keeps Congress & Trump wins re-election in 2020!!
Sorry, Skippy, but you heterosexuals set the standard for that behavior. You can't all go around kissing and holding hands in public and not expect us to do the same with our loved ones. You're just going to have to suck it up on that one, snowflake.

No, it just creates more hatred of gays. Yes, we did create expressing love of our women, but that's normal behavior. Gay is not normal behavior. If it was, gay people would be able to procreate. Gay activity is abnormal behavior that strikes a nerve in normal people.

To put it a better way, think about something that totally disgusts you. A woman getting beat by her husband or boyfriend, an animal that was abused, a person that left their baby in hot car only to die from heat. These are the same feelings most normal people have when gays shove their relationships down our throats. We simply don't want to see it because it disgusts us.

And yet market research tells a completely different story...which is why companies are marketing to gays. Do you really think they'd do it if they thought they'd lose money?

Well your first link was about support of gay pride things that nobody really pays attention to. Your second link stated that gays were already a primary consumer of their product, so it only made sense to advertise to their likely customers.

People are less revolted about two women than they are two men. In fact, as a hetero, I enjoy watching two women make out. But with two guys, both normal men and women find it repulsive. Nobody wants to see it.

YOU may be disgusted, but you cannot speak for most people. The people who will buy these products are not turned off by seeing two men cuddling on a couch. Those that will be turned off are in the minority. I'm sorry that seems to suck so much for you.

We're not going to stop PDAs either. Keep yelling at clouds if you want though.

Then apparently you don't know many normal people, and if you do, you don't discuss such things with them. Either that or if you do discuss such things with them, they lie to you.

Trust me, all of my friends are hetro, my coworkers, my neighbors, and they all share the same sentiments as I do. If I'm watching a show like Property Brothers that has two guys carrying on, I turn it off. If I see a commercial with the same, I don't buy the product.

The majority of people aren't like you. Most people will still buy the product that already do and marketing to gays will get them loyal consumers that actually have money to spend.

I don't know where you get this fallacy a majority of people are not like me. I am straight and everybody I associate with is straight. Would you rather believe them or the people that are afraid of hurting your feelings?

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