Liberals Entire Lives Revolve Around Hatred for White People

Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

What motivates you to believe that telling someone no means discrimination?

Because if the reason for no is discriminatory, it's discrimination, duh.

You automatically consider someone from a group you support being told no as discrimination because they're told no.

And you're an imbecile for saying that.

What does that make you because it applies to you?
Democrats can't get elected without resorting to hate speech and incoherent anger directed at some political enemy. You almost have to scratch your head over the hatred that liberals are able to sustain for days, months and even years. They make a big show of protecting 1/10 of 1% of confused boys who want to use the girls shower at the expense of the mental health of innocent young girls. They protect illegal aliens while tearing down every aspect of Christianity and they promote the murder of the unborn at the expense of the mental and physical health of women who are bullied by liberal husbands and boyfriends into hiring someone to kill the unborn life inside them. Democrats used to get away with pinning hate filled labels on people and destroying the traditions of Christianity when the only information available to Americans was filtered through the liberal media. Democrats can't seem to promote the lies they used to depend on before the age of information and they don't seem to be able to figure out why they lost almost every important election in the last six years. It only makes them angrier but not smarter.

At the heart of the Democrat party is forced wealth and power transfer (socialism). It's why they all claim that white America is so racist, yet the entirety of the third world is dedicated to mass immigrating to white dominated nations. It's locust/parasite behavior in its finest form - followed by the demonization and shaming of those upon which they depend - and they ain't gonna stop until they've destroyed all upon which they alight.
Liberals spend their entire lives hating white people?

lol, most liberals in America ARE white. Their parents are white. If they are married most of them have a white spouse. They have white children.

So according to the OP, most liberals hate their parents, their spouses, and their children.

It's not hate so much but power. A Democrat would sell their own mother for power.

If Democrats are able to make whites a minority in this country for the first time since our founding, it would virtually guarantee this nation to be a single-party government. All other races except whites vote a majority Democrat: The blacks vote mostly Democrat, the Hispanics vote mostly Democrat, the Jews vote mostly Democrat, the Asians vote mostly Democrat.........

So white liberals would sell out their own race for power. They want America to be a single-party government forever. Their sheep are too blind to see the big picture, so they give those Democrats the support they need to wipe us out of the majority in this country. Little do they understand they are frogs in a pot of cold water on the stove.

You lie. Why lie?

Name one thing I lied about and we can discuss it.
Liberals spend their entire lives hating white people?

lol, most liberals in America ARE white. Their parents are white. If they are married most of them have a white spouse. They have white children.

So according to the OP, most liberals hate their parents, their spouses, and their children.

It's not hate so much but power. A Democrat would sell their own mother for power.

If Democrats are able to make whites a minority in this country for the first time since our founding, it would virtually guarantee this nation to be a single-party government. All other races except whites vote a majority Democrat: The blacks vote mostly Democrat, the Hispanics vote mostly Democrat, the Jews vote mostly Democrat, the Asians vote mostly Democrat.........

So white liberals would sell out their own race for power. They want America to be a single-party government forever. Their sheep are too blind to see the big picture, so they give those Democrats the support they need to wipe us out of the majority in this country. Little do they understand they are frogs in a pot of cold water on the stove.

You lie. Why lie?

You don't accept the truth. Why do you hate your own race?
Why would a white person hate (in general) a white person? white men run most of the government, & most of the business, yet SOME are crying that poor Mexicans are taking there jobs. the rest of us white people are embarrassed that you would whine about your inability to get a job, and blame it on Mexicans.
Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

So what is your motive for wanting to discriminate against gays?

Disagreeing with so-called "gay marriage" is not discriminating against gays. "Gay marriage" is an oxymoron.

Allowing business owners to follow their religious beliefs is also not discriminating against gays, any more than allowing a man to marry a woman is discriminating against gays.
Why would a white person hate (in general) a white person? white men run most of the government, & most of the business, yet SOME are crying that poor Mexicans are taking there jobs. the rest of us white people are embarrassed that you would whine about your inability to get a job, and blame it on Mexicans.
Every immigrant, whether legal or not, takes a job from an American. That fact is simply indisputable.
They are a MUCH smaller demographic than gays and gay supporters are. Toothless hillbillies don't spend as much either.

Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.
I will disagree somewhat in that liberals lives revolve around grievance. Whites success is one of the grievances but libs mostly look for someone being done wrong in any circumstance and go from there
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA
How did you know?! Using your damned witchcraft, you cracka ass ******?? :mad:
You validate my point. By using race over the decades...race is now a political issue. No such thing as "hate speech" now. It is legitimate political discourse.
You honkey ass ******* have been using race for centuries you dumb cuck
Nope. Too busy being concerned with success, building a nation, and defending the free world. What? What's that? Oh you did get fast enough service at Taco Bell from the white kid at the register. Racism huh? Such a serious issue.
Stop taking credit for things people did who died way before you were born. And no, I won't be going to vi it you at Taco Bell.

Stop putting the blame for things people did who died way before I was born. You know, like blaming present day white people for slavery.

I might remind you of that when you serve me at Taco Bell.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

BLM: "We demand that white people give their wealth and power to black and brown people!"
Hitler: "We demand that Jews give their wealth and power to Nazis!"

Nazi = National Socialism = Democrat

Democrats just don't see it - because they're masters of projection and self-deception and are dedicated to using state power to force wealth and power from white, 'CisHet' males to themselves. It's simply what socialists do. It's in their genes.
Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.

Gays outnumber those who aren't gay? Can you name a single time that a ballot issue to outlaw gay marriage didn't pass?
Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.

Good for you, hope all those robo calls find your number.
Only toothless hillbillies are sickened when they see two guys hugging and kissing each other? That's quite a lot of toothless hillbillies we have in this country.

I might have been generalizing and employing hyperbole, but it doesn't change the fact that gays and the people who are supportive of gays, make and spend more money than those that do not support gays. Therefore, marketing to gays and their billions of dollars, makes good business sense.

I didn't realize that "not supporting gays" is some kind of crime against humanity. What does that even mean? If I don't march in a gay pride parade, or attend one, I'm not supporting gays. Does that make everyone who does likewise some kind of moral ogre?

You people just can't stand to be ignored. You have to be in everyone's face 24 hours a day. Normal people are sick of it.

Who said anything about it being a crime? Talk about employing hyperbole. Follow the thread for pity sake.

All I said was that it makes good business sense to market to gays and data supports that, period. Relax! Despite gay haters now being a minority, you can still hate on gays....It's just not economically smart to do it. Jeez.
Not supporting gays is not the same as hating them, dumbass. Most people just want to be left alone. They don't want gays and their shit constantly in their face.

My argument remains true either way you want to phrase it. Gays and those that support gays FAR outnumber those that do not...making marketing to gays GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.

Not really. It's one thing to not care about gays and another when they push their lifestyle on you.

Yes, I know there are gay people, yes, I've known gay people, yes, I have gay people in my family, but keep to yourself for crying out loud. We don't need to see it as well as know about it.
For some odd reason does not bother the left at all about the various native American tribes who owned slaves and fought with the confederacy.


For some odd reason we believe there was no such thing as black slave owners in this country.

For some reason I am a racist if I say all lives matter or poin out those facts.

The left are a sad bunch of hypocritical gasbags.
Why would a white person hate (in general) a white person? white men run most of the government, & most of the business, yet SOME are crying that poor Mexicans are taking there jobs. the rest of us white people are embarrassed that you would whine about your inability to get a job, and blame it on Mexicans.

Let me ask: are all Americans working today? Do we have zero unemployment?

Rate of pay is equal to supply and demand. The more demand of a worker, the more the worker is offered in pay. The less demand of workers, the less rate of pay.

Supply and demand works great for our US economy until somebody throws a monkey wrench into the system like social programs, unions or immigrants. When that happens, it Fs up the entire system.

When employers cannot find workers, they need to increase their pay or benefits offer or both. If they don't, they don't get enough workers. So instead of increasing pay, they bring in these immigrants who will not only work for lower wages, but work for lower wages than the employer was willing to pay in the first place. That's not good for American workers or our economy in general.
The political left has played the race card so much as a wedge issue so they can get votes, that now it is the core of their existence. The alt- left is Frankenstein's monster created by Democrats over several it will eat its creator. There is no Democrat Party anymore. It is a far left racist ant-White movement. As for all of you spoiled white kids from suburbia that are have no street cred with blacks. Black Lives Matter wants to kill everyone in your neighborhood.
Communist Party USA

Here we see the alt-rightie wallowing in her own self-pity.

Playing the victim, imagining themselves as the "outsider" or oppressed. Your failed life is your own fault.

The promotion you didn't get, the boy who didn't ask you out, the University you didn't get accepted to.... you are not capable of an honest self-examination of your own choices and consequences... and you see the same behavior in some minorities so you focus your self-hatred and shame on them...

What am I doing wrong? How specifically can I get Progs to like me?

I am Latvian. Nazis built a concentration camp on my great grandfather's farm.

Can I use that for victimization?
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For some odd reason does not bother the left at all about the various native American tribes who owned slaves and fought with the confederacy.


For some odd reason we believe there was no such thing as black slave owners in this country.

For some reason I am a racist if I say all lives matter or poin out those facts.

The left are a sad bunch of hypocritical gasbags.

This will not be addressed at all.
For some odd reason does not bother the left at all about the various native American tribes who owned slaves and fought with the confederacy.


For some odd reason we believe there was no such thing as black slave owners in this country.

For some reason I am a racist if I say all lives matter or poin out those facts.

The left are a sad bunch of hypocritical gasbags.

This will not be addressed at all.
Either that or they will call me a racist for pointing it out.

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