Liberals getting their Mojo on


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
You know the ends days are near...the time to restore our Republic has come.

What's next, the Libtards are going to round up Pro-lifers and set lions on them, like the Romans did to the early Christians? It almost looks just like that.

Libtard: If the Lions don't eat you, we will respect your views, since your God will have protected you.

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Obama Genesis:
1: In the beginning there was Satan who created Obama.
2: Now Obama's future was formless and empty, darkness was over surface of this thoughts, and Fog of Satan enveloped him.
3: And Satan said, "Let there be Fire," and there was Fire.
4: Satan was pleased by the Fire, and separated the Fire from the Air by a Brazen Bull.
5: Satan called the Fire, Devourer and the Bull Moloch, and there was feasting and demonic dancing --- the first day.
6: And Satan said: "Obama, tell the serfs to pass their Fetuses through the Fire to Moloch."
7: And so the serfs aborted their children, and incinerated their remains, over 54,000,000 fetuses were burned that day.
8: Satan called the sacrifice "The beginning," and said there was more to come. And there was chanting and raping --- the second day.
9: And Satan said "Let the freemen be gathered into one place, and be disarmed --- and it was NOT SO.
10: All the free and sovereign men of the world united, and destroyed the armies of Satan, and hung every one of his creations from a tree.
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You know the ends days are near...the time to restore our Republic has come.

What's next, the Libtards are going to round up Pro-lifers and set lions on them, like the Romans did to the early Christians? It almost looks just like that.

Libtard: If the Lions don't eat you, we will respect your views, since your God will have protected you.



hail satan

hail satan

hail satan
That's exactly what liberal trash do. They are pure filth.

"We must stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican party that talks like adults. It’s time for us to articulate our plans and visions for America in real terms. We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. We’ve had enough of that.

We must stop insulting the intelligence of voters. We need to trust the smarts of the American people. We have to stop dumbing down our ideas and stop reducing everything to mindless slogans and tag lines for 30-second ads. "
- Governor Bobby Jindal
- stop being the stupid party

- a new Republican party that talks like adults

- damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments

- stop insulting the intelligence of voters

- stop dumbing down our ideas

- stop reducing everything to mindless slogans and tag lines

- We’ve had enough of that

Fortunately, conservatives like "The2ndAmendment" and "R.C. Christian" haven't had "enough of that" and continue to ignore Jindal's advice - paving the way for another Democrat in the White House in 2016!
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