Liberals have successfully dehumanized Donald Trump in their own minds.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Part of the military's training strategy during the Viet Nam war was to dehumanize the Vietnamese soldiers in the minds of our troops. The reason for that is simple. If you dehumanize your opponent it makes it far easier to kill them because they are no longer viewed as another human just like you. Liberals, whether intentionally or not, have done exactly the same thing with Donald Trump. He is no longer a man. In the minds of Liberals he is an orange Oompa Loompa, or a Hilteresque monster with clown hair. That is why for example Kathy Griffin thought she could get over with her disgusting picture of holding a blood soaked Donald Trump head. She wanted to capitalize on Trump's dehumanization to revive her pathetic career. Fortunately she failed spectacularly and is now an F lister relegated to playing Truck stops and Holiday Inns.

The danger is that now the Left feels anything goes in their relentless attacks on President Trump because he isn't REALLY the President, he is a caricature, a clown. We see it every day and it is a sad spectacle. A house divided cannot stand as Abraham Lincoln so clearly stated. And thanks to Donald Trump's dehumanization and the irrational hatred of the Left we are as divided as we have ever been.
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
By golly you're right! If only we Liberals were shown how to treat, respect and react to the President of the United States of America during the preceding eight years. If we only had an example to follow perhaps we too could view Trump as an ideal.
Part of the military's training strategy during the Viet Nam war was to dehumanize the Vietnamese soldiers in the minds of our troops. The reason for that is simple. If you dehumanize your opponent it makes it far easier to kill them because they are no longer viewed as another human just like you. Liberals, whether intentionally or not, have done exactly the same thing with Donald Trump. He is no longer a man. In the minds of Liberals he is an orange Oompa Loompa, or a Hilteresque monster with clown hair. That is why for example Kathy Griffin thought she could get over with her disgusting picture of holding a blood soaked Donald Trump head. She wanted to capitalize on Trump's dehumanization to revive her pathetic career. Fortunately she failed spectacularly and is now an F lister relegated to playing Truck stops and Holiday Inns.

The danger is that now the Left feels anything goes in their relentless attacks on President Trump because he isn't REALLY the President, he is a caricature, a clown. We see it every day and it is a sad spectacle. A house divided cannot stand as Abraham Lincoln so clearly stated. And thanks to Donald Trump's dehumanization and the irrational hatred of the Left we are as divided as we have ever been.
As opposed to Hiltlerite, Crooked Hillary or all the other nicknames Trump and his minions has endowed on everybody who opposes them? Those are just terms of endearment right? Not to be confused with what Democrats do?Trump's nicknames for rivals, from 'Rocket Man' to 'Pocahontas'.
They did the same to Bush, but he didn’t fight back.
Part of the military's training strategy during the Viet Nam war was to dehumanize the Vietnamese soldiers in the minds of our troops. The reason for that is simple. If you dehumanize your opponent it makes it far easier to kill them because they are no longer viewed as another human just like you. Liberals, whether intentionally or not, have done exactly the same thing with Donald Trump. He is no longer a man. In the minds of Liberals he is an orange Oompa Loompa, or a Hilteresque monster with clown hair. That is why for example Kathy Griffin thought she could get over with her disgusting picture of holding a blood soaked Donald Trump head. She wanted to capitalize on Trump's dehumanization to revive her pathetic career. Fortunately she failed spectacularly and is now an F lister relegated to playing Truck stops and Holiday Inns.

The danger is that now the Left feels anything goes in their relentless attacks on President Trump because he isn't REALLY the President, he is a caricature, a clown. We see it every day and it is a sad spectacle. A house divided cannot stand as Abraham Lincoln so clearly stated. And thanks to Donald Trump's dehumanization and the irrational hatred of the Left we are as divided as we have ever been.
What some tend to forget, is the left attacked Bush relentlessly and he never fought back, thus they got away with their lies. That pissed me off. Today, sometimes it thrills me to see Trump take on the lying press. Other times, not quite so much. But he has opened a lot of peoples eyes to the media’s left wing agenda and biases that is so rampant.
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
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Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
I don't believe the anti-Obama sentiment ever reached this level of mania. Maybe the difference is the Liberal owned Media fueling the Trump hate on a daily basis. Anti Hillary sentiment on the Right is closer to the anti Trump sentiment on the Left but again I think it falls short of what we are seeing with President Trump.
Hillary created her bed. She was a conniving wanna be dictator.
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
I don't believe the anti-Obama sentiment ever reached this level of mania. Maybe the difference is the Liberal owned Media fueling the Trump hate on a daily basis. Anti Hillary sentiment on the Right is closer to the anti Trump sentiment on the Left but again I think it falls short of what we are seeing with President Trump.
G. W. Bush was everything he was accused of being! Same for the orange cheeto. Barack was not guilty of anything but being a black man in a white world of racists.
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
I don't believe the anti-Obama sentiment ever reached this level of mania. Maybe the difference is the Liberal owned Media fueling the Trump hate on a daily basis. Anti Hillary sentiment on the Right is closer to the anti Trump sentiment on the Left but again I think it falls short of what we are seeing with President Trump.
For me, once the partisan bullshit hits a certain level, it's pretty much the same. After that, it's subjective.

I do agree that the media has made zero (0) effort to hide its biases, that's pretty clear, and it makes things far worse overall.
Hillary created her bed. She was a conniving wanna be dictator.
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
I don't believe the anti-Obama sentiment ever reached this level of mania. Maybe the difference is the Liberal owned Media fueling the Trump hate on a daily basis. Anti Hillary sentiment on the Right is closer to the anti Trump sentiment on the Left but again I think it falls short of what we are seeing with President Trump.
I've seen no indication that Hillary wants to be Dictator of America.
She expected it. Didn’t think she’d have to work for it. Thought it would be handed to her. And didn’t, and lost.
Dictators care about enriching themselves, not others, which is exactly what she does.
Hillary created her bed. She was a conniving wanna be dictator.
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
I don't believe the anti-Obama sentiment ever reached this level of mania. Maybe the difference is the Liberal owned Media fueling the Trump hate on a daily basis. Anti Hillary sentiment on the Right is closer to the anti Trump sentiment on the Left but again I think it falls short of what we are seeing with President Trump.
I've seen no indication that Hillary wants to be Dictator of America.
Part of the military's training strategy during the Viet Nam war was to dehumanize the Vietnamese soldiers in the minds of our troops. The reason for that is simple. If you dehumanize your opponent it makes it far easier to kill them because they are no longer viewed as another human just like you. Liberals, whether intentionally or not, have done exactly the same thing with Donald Trump. He is no longer a man. In the minds of Liberals he is an orange Oompa Loompa, or a Hilteresque monster with clown hair. That is why for example Kathy Griffin thought she could get over with her disgusting picture of holding a blood soaked Donald Trump head. She wanted to capitalize on Trump's dehumanization to revive her pathetic career. Fortunately she failed spectacularly and is now an F lister relegated to playing Truck stops and Holiday Inns.

The danger is that now the Left feels anything goes in their relentless attacks on President Trump because he isn't REALLY the President, he is a caricature, a clown. We see it every day and it is a sad spectacle. A house divided cannot stand as Abraham Lincoln so clearly stated. And thanks to Donald Trump's dehumanization and the irrational hatred of the Left we are as divided as we have ever been.

I have to admit that I feel a little guilty about this. But the truth is that Trump has made it so EASY for us! Although I was opposed to pretty much everything that Baby Bush did, I never thought of him as a caricature, or a clown. Though he was sometimes transparently grandstanding, like landing on an aircraft carrier in a fighter plane, but he was still the guy who, barring politics, one would like to have a beer with. The pussy grabber, on the other hand, is the person most likely to get the job as Bozo the Clown at Ringling Brothers. He has managed to combine the worst possible political agenda with the most obnoxious persona that we have ever encountered. The only guy I have ever seen that he reminds me of is:

I feel sorry for President Trump, I know this all must be really hard on him....

because of his ''money'' he's gone thru his whole life without consequences for his perpetual lying, crookedness, and grandiose boastful opinion of himself....

but now, he can't get away with all of his lies and bizarre tweets and crazy conspiracy crap, by anyone but his forever loving Trumpettes...

And on top of all of this, he seems to be mentally unfit, perhaps in stages of dementia....or simply just bat shit crazy....

he's not the same Trump of 25 years ago, who was boastful and a liar back then too, and quite an entertaining con man, but he was always soft spoken and sane.... not anymore....his old age and diet, are not serving him well in my book!
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
I don't believe the anti-Obama sentiment ever reached this level of mania. Maybe the difference is the Liberal owned Media fueling the Trump hate on a daily basis. Anti Hillary sentiment on the Right is closer to the anti Trump sentiment on the Left but again I think it falls short of what we are seeing with President Trump.
For me, once the partisan bullshit hits a certain level, it's pretty much the same. After that, it's subjective.

I do agree that the media has made zero (0) effort to hide its biases, that's pretty clear, and it makes things far worse overall.
Mac I had two USMB Liberals yesteray reply to me in a thread that if someone assassinated Donald Trump that would be a good thing. And I don't believe that sentiment on the Left is isolated to a few. That is not the same as it was with Obama or Hillary and I do not agree that is subjective. The Left needs to come back off the ledge and return to a more "normal" level of disgust.
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
I don't believe the anti-Obama sentiment ever reached this level of mania. Maybe the difference is the Liberal owned Media fueling the Trump hate on a daily basis. Anti Hillary sentiment on the Right is closer to the anti Trump sentiment on the Left but again I think it falls short of what we are seeing with President Trump.
For me, once the partisan bullshit hits a certain level, it's pretty much the same. After that, it's subjective.

I do agree that the media has made zero (0) effort to hide its biases, that's pretty clear, and it makes things far worse overall.
Mac I had two USMB Liberals yesteray reply to me in a thread that if someone assassinated Donald Trump that would be a good thing. And I don't believe that sentiment on the Left is isolated to a few. That is not the same as it was with Obama or Hillary and I do not agree that is subjective. The Left needs to come back off the ledge and return to a more "normal" level of disgust.
I think they did lose their shit in some ways. The way I look at it, they thought it was over, that demographics were in their favor permanently, and that was that. Obama's 2008 win was it. So between the shock of losing and the humiliation of losing to this guy, many of them went over the edge.
In their own minds?


False plural. There is only one liberal mind. Those other than George Soros have no minds. Only receptacles for his dictates.
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
I don't believe the anti-Obama sentiment ever reached this level of mania. Maybe the difference is the Liberal owned Media fueling the Trump hate on a daily basis. Anti Hillary sentiment on the Right is closer to the anti Trump sentiment on the Left but again I think it falls short of what we are seeing with President Trump.
For me, once the partisan bullshit hits a certain level, it's pretty much the same. After that, it's subjective.

I do agree that the media has made zero (0) effort to hide its biases, that's pretty clear, and it makes things far worse overall.
Mac I had two USMB Liberals yesteray reply to me in a thread that if someone assassinated Donald Trump that would be a good thing. And I don't believe that sentiment on the Left is isolated to a few. That is not the same as it was with Obama or Hillary and I do not agree that is subjective. The Left needs to come back off the ledge and return to a more "normal" level of disgust.
And I had someone on the right say that if Trump would have been PROVEN to have help from ISIS he still would have voted for him. Your point is what exactly? Crazies on both sides. On the other hand, this is the first time one of the crazies got elected. The exact type of discourse this OP is lamenting is a discourse started by people like Trump.
Trump would have to establish himself as human first
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
Its gone far beyond just that. While there is truth to what you are saying... I don't think you give credence to just how far one side of the divide is from the other.
Politics, and the ideologies that drive them are every bit as captivating, and influential as the most revered religions. And as such the belief and faith in ones ideology makes granting concessions a near impossibility.
We as a nation, are standing on a presipice. The nation our founders created, and envisioned is dead, and gone. And its never coming back.
So here we are... The most powerful nation on earth. But also a nation universally recognized as a nation in decline. The battle now is far greater than one of simplistic party favoritism. The battle now will determine the identity of this nation that is being hammered out between the anvil of ethnic nationalism, and the sledge of multiculturalistic socialism.
So... There is no going back... The only real question of value is, "what lies ahead"?

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